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"Without philosophizing slyly" - phraseology, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone

In Russian speech, a lot of words, phrases, idioms, which came from the past, came into the modern language. But many people do not use them in ignorance at all in the wrong sense. For example, the expression "without philosophizing slyly" is a phraseology, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. To a greater extent this statement applies to the younger generation.

From the children's utterances

One day a little girl said to her mother in such a funny way: "Mummy, please do not salad philosophically!" The phraseology, the value of which the little girl did not understand, sounded so absurd and out of place that her mother could hardly stop laughing and asked : "And this is how?" Asked by her daughter more specifically: "Just do not put a bow in it!"

Mom, of course, knew what it means "without philosophizing slyly." But the girl thought that the word "sly" is akin to the word "bow", which means a garden plant. And because of this, the situation turned out to be anecdotal.

What does it mean to "philosophize"?

To find out the general meaning of an expression, one must understand the meanings of each lexical unit individually. Perhaps, then the phrase "without philosophizing slyly" - phraseology, the meaning of which must be defined - will become more understandable.

Linguists believe that the root of this word is "wise" goes back to the ancient Indian medha, where it means understanding, reason, thought. Hence, to philosophize means to think, understand, reason.

In the modern sense, this verb has received an additional color. This action began to be perceived not as ordinary, but as more profound. The word "philosophize" by many is understood thus: to go deep into abstract judgments, philosophize.

By the way, many linguists believe that "without philosophizing slyly" - phraseology, the meaning of which is revealed by the phrase "abstractly reasoning." It is inappropriate to use it in relation to a person who expresses himself sufficiently concretely, says little and in essence.

The meaning of the word "sly"

To understand the meaning of this adverb, you need to look into the etymological dictionary. The history of the origin of the word goes back to the root of the "bow". And it means bending. It can be used to describe the river bed.

The Volga folded at this point, forming a bow.

This is the name of the curved part of a certain type of weapon.

He set the arrow on the bow of the crossbow and took aim.

The word and the definition of the saddle details are used.

And although my mother was standing next to me, the boy grabbed the saddle's bow - just in case.

Then another one was formed from this root. It was already an adjective with a portable meaning. The word "deceitful" had a similar meaning, meant a sign "tortuous", but could be used in relation not only to objects, but also to the nature of people. It was about the one who possessed the resourcefulness, cunning, perfidy, knew how to start a conversation with his interlocutor to a dead end and to deceive, that's what they said.

Vasily was sly: he could easily abandon his words, blame the neighbor.

With the help of this word, God-fearing Christians found a way out not to utter the name of the devil. In a famous prayer, there is even such a phrase: "and deliver me from the evil one." It is clear who is talking about here.

Today the word "crafty" has received an additional positive coloration. For example, it is used when touched by the cunning of a toddler or pet pet.

"And you just pour the juice into the glass, and go to the room yourself!" The daughter says, staring at me slyly.

Use in speech of a winged expression

This new modern shade of the word also confuses many. Since its negative meaning is lost, the original meaning, which indicates tortuosity and resourcefulness, is also forgotten. Consequently, some are incomprehensible and the phraseology itself.

On the one hand, the situation can be solved this way: once it's unclear, there's nothing to talk about about it. But then we must forget about the tragedy "Boris Godunov"! Pushkin in his immortal work used this phraseology, not suspecting that the descendants would not be able to understand its meaning.

Yes, the expression is not clear to everyone today. But nevertheless, it still lives in Russian. The sentence with the phraseology "without philosophizing slyly" can be expressed by our contemporaries, though in a rather ironic context. This is understandable: archaisms are used today to strengthen sarcasm.

The physics teacher, with a grin, added: "And you, Michael, write about the origin of sound waves specifically, and not philosophizing craftily. I do not need an ornate reasoning about how the current youth fell into heavy rock, as they used to do in the bazaars, and so on. Only clear language! "

The meaning of expression

And what did the chronicler Pimen mean when he said this phrase in the tragedy "Boris Godunov"? Pushkin introduced the phraseology in the text precisely because he was in those years on the lips of educated, cultured people. And if we brush it off today, do not look into the history of its origin, then, therefore, we'll sign in our culture.

The dictionaries state that the phrase is easily replaced by the words "uninhibited", "unpretentious", "simple", "simple", "artless". Therefore, in modern writing, this phraseology should not be separated by commas, like Pushkin. In his time, this phrase was perceived as a verbal participle. And today we define it with an idiomatic dialect.

Although there is a second meaning of this phraseology. Sometimes it means the speed of decision making. After all, in order to philosophize, it takes time.

So stop to think, decide soon! There is nothing to philosophize craftily! Open the dictionary of phraseology and just start reading - it will come off, believe it, it's impossible!

Well, somehow it turned out to be an expression. And someone there argued that it was obsolete, that it must be forgotten and not picked in all the old scriptures. So, it's not that old!

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