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Water on an empty stomach with lemon and honey: benefit and harm

If there is a remedy for all diseases in the world, then it's probably honey with a lemon. It's not for nothing that people say that those who have lived in the apiary since childhood and have always eaten a fragrant product of beekeeping do not have any chronic illnesses to old age. One honey, of course, can not cure a serious ailment. But to protect yourself from the common cold, as well as to prevent the development of most known diseases is possible. This has been proved by many studies. In this article we will talk about the usefulness of water with lemon and honey if you drink it on an empty stomach. Also, we will tell you about the unique properties of this drug, depending on the types of honey.

General information

Warm water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach acts as a broad-spectrum medicine. The high concentration of vitamins, acids and biomaterials, which are rich in natural honey, is most fully absorbed if ascorbic acid is involved in metabolism, that is vitamin C. Lemon is the record holder for the content of this microelement. Contra-indications lemon juice with honey and water practically has no. It can not afford only people suffering from allergies to citrus fruits. It has been scientifically established that high-quality natural honey taken in small quantities can not cause rejection. Allergy occurs when foreign inclusions are present in the product, for example, chitin fragments and tick metabolism products that can settle in hives, etc.

Preparation of a drink

How is water prepared and taken with honey and lemon on an empty stomach? The recipe is not very complicated. The most important thing is to have fresh strong lemons, high-quality honey and good water. Since water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach (the reviews confirm this) helps with a lot of problems, we recommend finding a good supplier of honey. And also buy an expensive filter for water or buy a healing and soft spring, and for cutting lemon use a porcelain knife. The fact is that ascorbic acid, which is so important in our drug, is destroyed by interaction with the metal. Porcelain knife is not so easy to find, and it is expensive. However, knowledgeable people argue that simplifying the recipe in any part of it can completely nullify the expected result.

Option one

1 kilogram of lemons scalded with boiling water and cut into small slices, 8-10 gram each, folded into a glass jar, add honey, about half a kilogram, and put in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. A day later, a liquid lemon-honey syrup is formed in the jar. It's something that should be used as the basis of the morning drink. On a glass of water - 80-90 grams of syrup. Drink immediately after waking up, 20-30 minutes before eating.

Option Two

Lemon scalded with boiling water, cut off a few slices - about 80-90 grams, put in a large cup, add 60 grams of honey and pour a quarter of a liter of warm water. Stir and slowly drink.

Another way is to scald the lemon and cut into two halves. Squeeze out the juice from them, add honey (35-40 g), 180 ml of water, stir and drink on an empty stomach.

Therapeutic properties of the drink

If on an empty stomach to drink water with lemon and honey, it will strengthen the blood vessels, make them more elastic and permeable. Potassium and magnesium will strengthen the myocardium, restore the heart rhythm, calm the nervous system. Accepted on an empty stomach water with a lemon and honey (the review of those who has passed or has taken place monthly course, approve or confirm, that it really so) promotes weight reduction. This is not surprising, because the acid-alkaline balance of the body is normalized, the intestinal microflora is improving. As a result, metabolism is accelerated.

Well blood thinning water with lemon and honey (reviews of phlebologists on this issue converge) will protect against the development of varicose veins.

With regard to seasonal outbreaks of respiratory-viral infections, in this case our drink may well act as a panacea. One has only to make the whole family's habit every morning to drink a glass of water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach, like colds ruthlessly attacking everyone around, will bypass you and your household members. Young people, constantly concerned about the appearance: the condition of the skin, hair and excess weight - should stop looking for pharmacies miraculous beauty pills. They do not exist. Almost all the best pharmacological preparations are vitamins and microelements, which contain water with lemon and honey. For weight loss, beautiful appearance and good tone, nothing better to think of. If there is a desire to delve into the question, is it not better to stock up with different varieties of honey and drink them alternately? Honey, honey is different. Depending on the time of collection, the type of plants and places of growth, its properties are seriously different.

Treatment of alcoholism

It is known that water with lemon and honey can save a person from such a serious illness as an addiction to alcohol. With a detailed study of the composition and functional impact of the drink on the body, it becomes clear why this is happening.

In general, the mechanism of cure proceeds as follows. Water with lemon and honey removes hangover syndrome. A large number of complex acids stimulates the production of hormones responsible for good health and the disposition of the spirit. The state of the nervous system improves. The feeling of anxiety, despondency, hopelessness and fear is neutralized.

A good tone, an even positive mood, a healthy state of health, which become a constant sensation, is exactly what makes you find pleasure and distraction, not in alcohol, but in a completely different, healthy and prosperous sphere.

Under the influence of honey and lemon, metabolism is accelerated, metabolic products are quickly removed. In this way, intoxication is removed. The diuretic action of the drink accelerates the withdrawal of toxic agents. However, one glass in this case is indispensable. Drink a drink every day, preferably several times a day.

Buckwheat - a universal plant

Our country is famous for its excellent honey, nectar for which bees are harvested from buckwheat. This variety is red-brown from light to dark, it smells very nice. Light bitterness is a distinctive property of real buckwheat honey. According to its taste and medicinal qualities, it is classified as the best. Water on an empty stomach with lemon and honey from this plant heals many diseases. Especially it is necessary to say about its usefulness for hematopoiesis. Buckwheat honey - the record holder for the content of a wide variety of vitamins and trace elements. With anemia, a lemon with honey and water in the morning will help raise the level of hemoglobin and improve blood composition.

Drink with the scent of linden

Many know the divine taste and aroma of lime honey. Light, almost white, with a light cream tint, it can be a little greenish in color. It crystallizes rather quickly. Useful properties of honey when combined with lemon are only intensified. Water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach (reviews of regular drink consumers in this converge) can improve the tone and prevent depression from developing. This is due to the fact that acids, vitamins and biometals contained in lime honey normalize the hormonal balance of the body. The general condition improves, the nervous system comes into harmony. It is noticed that drinking in the morning on an empty stomach water with lemon and honey, relieves of sleeplessness in the evening. With regular use, morning rises cease to be a problem in autumn and winter, when the light day is short and the surrounding people even drowsily bite their noses and yawn even during the day.

Phacelia for the digestive system

Phacelia is a melliferous plant that is grown specifically for obtaining a product very useful for the digestive system. In addition, the phacelia is siderat, which improves the quality of the soil. It is for this purpose that it is sown several times a year. Fazelium honey is not sugared for a long time, remaining transparent and liquid. Absorbing water on an empty stomach with lemon and honey from fatseliya activates the work of the liver, relieve heartburn, heal ulcers of the stomach and intestines. With urolithiasis and gallbladder inflammation, this drink will be especially useful. A pronounced immunomodulatory action contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

Drink with apple-tree honey

Apple honey is considered rare and delicate. This is due to the fact that other apple-blossom plants, more attractive for bees, bloom simultaneously with apple trees. If the year turned out to be fruitful for apples and poor for other plants located near the apiary, the beekeeper will put up for sale this fragrant product, which has the best properties of fresh apples. Prepared from apple-tree honey and lemon water on an empty stomach for weight loss is most suitable. It acts as a widely known drink from apple cider vinegar with honey. Only honey water has no contraindications for exacerbation of stomach diseases.

Mustard - one of the favorite bee plants

Mustard is a wonderful honey plant. I must say that bees to get nectar, which they will feed their offspring, choose the best. Plants, called meados, are among the richest in content of useful substances. If the apiary is located near the mustard field, then until the mustard has faded, the small toilers will not touch other plants. Mustard, as well as some others, given in our article of honey, is one of the most stable in composition. For this quality, it is similar to buckwheat, lime, sainfoin, fazel, and a few other types of honey.

What is useful water with lemon and honey mustard, can say a doctor specializing in urological diseases. This drink has a positive effect on the genitourinary system of the male body.

An adverse effect on the lungs and bronchi of nicotine can be mitigated if daily on an empty stomach drink a lemon drink with honey from mustard flowers.

The sweet, soft and tender taste of mustard honey perfectly combines with the sharpness of the lemon. By taste, this drink is considered one of the best.

Manuka is a unique plant

If you managed to buy honey from Manuka, you are lucky. Uniqueness of Manukovy honey - in a powerful antifungal and antibacterial action. In other words, water on an empty stomach with a lemon and honey from manuka is a medicine against staphylococcal infections, before which antibiotics are powerless. Honey from Manuka heals cancer. The combination of honey with lemon enhances the effect, we get a medicine that is a powerful antioxidant. The above-mentioned shrubbery grows in New Zealand, and it's not so easy for Russian citizens to find this product.

Sage honey-lemon drink

Sage honey is a rare delicacy that has a slightly bitter taste. If you are lucky and you became the owner of this product, you know, your useful sweet and sour water is more suitable for a woman. Water on an empty stomach with lemon and honey from sage flowers normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves muscle pain and improves blood clotting.

Lightweight laxative effect of the drink will improve the digestive system. As a result, the complexion and the condition of the hair and nails will improve.

Expressed diuretic action of this drink will relieve swelling and return to slenderness and tightness to the figure.

Lemon-honey drink has bactericidal properties and is a good antiseptic, therefore it helps to kill putrid bacteria that settle in the oral cavity. Accordingly, it serves as a means for the prevention and treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis.

Acacia honey - very soft

Acacia honey is distinguished by a very pure white color and a tender sweet taste. It is loved by children. It promotes rapid growth and renewal of tissue cells of various organs, especially bone.

In addition, a drink with acacia honey is recommended for adults with problems in the genitourinary sphere. It is suitable for both men and women. By including in your diet acacia honey, you will create a natural barrier to cancer diseases of reproductive organs.

Drink of alfalfa honey

Lucerne honey sweet, sweet and delicate taste. Its distinctive feature is rapid crystallization from a thick resinous substance of golden color into a white creamy mass.

Therapeutic properties of the lemon drink with lucerne honey are most likely to be used to strengthen the myocardium. It also gently reduces and stabilizes blood pressure. Being choleretic, the drink has a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder.

Lemon-alfalfa drink is irreplaceable for colds, as it facilitates the general condition and speeds up recovery. With constant use during illness, he protects from complications, and inflammation of the nasopharynx and cough pass for a few days.

Lavender honey drink

Lavender honey is delivered to us from mountainous regions. The smell of a flowering plant attracts bees, but repels ticks and other parasites. For this reason, there are no decay products of insects in the hives, whose remains can get into honey and provoke an allergic reaction. Lavender-medicated lemon water helps with nervous disorders, with blood pressure jumps and a decrease in immunity. It is useful to drink on an empty stomach to people engaged in mental work, students, schoolchildren and the elderly. Glucose and fructose contained in it, enhance brain activity.

Lemon drink with milk thistle

Milk thistle is valued for its ability to improve the blood composition, increasing the number of platelets. A drink made of lemon and milk thistle is especially useful for the liver. Due to the unique composition of microelements, it has a beneficial effect on liver cells. The bactericidal properties of this wonderful elixir purify the tissues of this organ from toxins and microscopic parasites.

In addition to the liver, the therapeutic effect of milk thistle with lemon extends to the joints and interarticulate fluid. Drink is very useful to drink with joint pain and rheumatism.

Elixir of lemon and honey from silvery loam

Honey from silvery loch has an extremely delicate taste and delicious aroma. Nectar for it, bees are harvested at the end of spring, before the flowering of the main honey-plants. Such honey is considered rare and extremely useful. It retains a very long liquid consistency and crystallizes very slowly. Due to the large content of fructose, in contrast to glucose, it can be consumed even by diabetics. It perfectly stimulates brain activity, treats severe depression, restores the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Female drink with honey

Another rare type of honey, neat, is considered most useful for women's health. Plant akkray, or perennial kroika, grows on the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is a wonderful honey plant. Honey is very delicious, but does not have any smell. It rapidly crystallizes. A drink of lemon and this kind of honey with warm water on an empty stomach works well on the nervous system, healing nervous disorders and giving a healthy sleep. He is drunk with cancer, he is also a preventive tool for the ailments of female genital organs. It is considered an excellent power engineer. Thanks to a balanced complex of essential acids and trace elements, removes excess salts from the body and dissolves the cholesterol plaques that form in the blood vessels.

Drink with honey

Despite the fact that the sow is a herb growing everywhere, honey from it is a rare product. The matter is that the sow is considered a weed, and the farmers try to eradicate it by all possible means. Honey from this plant has excellent taste and aroma. It is not sugary, it is pleasant to children, it well helps at illnesses of a liver and a cholic bubble. It is recommended to drink a drink of sour honey and lemon to lactating mothers for strengthening lactation. It strengthens the walls of the vessels, relieves spasms and is recommended for people suffering from frequent headaches.

Selection of honey

It is best to buy honey in specialized shops or from well-known beekeepers. Determine the quality of honey without special knowledge and equipment is extremely difficult, by and large, impossible. There are several recommendations:

- A chemical pencil allows you to determine the impurity of water, if there is a bluish when it comes into contact with honey, it means that the product is unusable;

- a drop of iodine will make honey blue if it is mixed with starch;

- pour a little honey on the paper: if there is mixed water or sugar syrup on the sheet around the product, there will be a corresponding halo;

- Natural honey dissolves in alcohol without sediment, in the presence of molasses or other impurities, an insoluble precipitate forms.

Possible harm

It is important to understand that the unique use of the drug described in this article is directly related to the quality of the ingredients. To damage to health warm water with a lemon and honey, on an empty stomach выпитыя, basically, can not. But if you get low-quality honey, you use bad water, saturated with chlorine and heavy metal salts, or bought spoiled lemons, then the expected improvement in health is unlikely to come.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling once again that honey is what bees feed their cubs. They collect nectar only from those plants that will not harm the larvae. Stories about poisoning with wild honey are just legends and fairy tales. Fresh, not older than a year, in moderate amounts, honey is absolutely harmless and is allowed to be eaten by healthy people of any age.

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