
"Immunokind": instructions for use, description of the drug, price. Reviews and analogues of "Immunokind"

To the preparation "Immunokind" instructions for use should be studied carefully, as for any other drug. Feedback about this tool is reported that it is absolutely safe. Despite this, the tablets can not be taken alone, without first consulting a doctor. Below you will be provided with information on the composition of Immunokind for children.

What is this preparation?

About the tool "Immunokind" instructions for use informs that it is a homeopathic drug. It consists of exclusively natural components, which can not cause a negative reaction from the human body. However, tablets contain a substance such as lactose. This fact should always be taken into account, as some people can not accept such remedies.

The drug "Immunokind" - tablets. They are designed to stimulate the immune system of the child. The peculiarity of the medicine is that it is not prescribed for children older than 6 years due to unproven efficacy at this age.

Cost and analogy

What is the price of the Immunokind staff? It all depends on the pharmacy network in which you buy the drug, and the region where you live. At the end of 2015, the price of the drug "Immunokind" was about 900 rubles. Over time, the cost may vary.

A complete analogue of the preparation having the same composition does not exist. This is the peculiarity of homeopathic remedies. Among the drugs, similar in effect, we can distinguish "Ocillococcinum". This remedy also applies to homeopathic. If we talk about medicinal compounds, then inductors of interferon will be close in action. These are such compounds as "Tsikloferon", "Amiksin", "Isoprinozin" and so on.

Indications for admission

What does the Instruction for use say about the Immunokind tool? Annotation reports that the drug is prescribed for frequent colds. Tablets increase the body's resistance to viruses and prevent bacterial complications.

The medication is recommended for use in long and protracted infectious diseases, when the body can not overcome the pathology on its own. Also the composition can be prescribed for preventive purposes for general strengthening of immunity.

Reaction to treatment and contraindications

On the tablets "Immunokind" instructions for use says the following. The composition should not be taken to people with lactose intolerance. Only in special situations such patients are assigned additional enzymes. Also, the annotation prohibits the use in cases of hypersensitivity to constituent components.

There were no unpleasant reactions to taking the drug. The instruction says this. However, in some cases there is a possibility of allergic reactions or digestive disorders.

How to take pills?

The drug "Immunokind", analogues of the homeopathic group are taken before or after food. The break should be 30-50 minutes. The tablets dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved. If the child is not yet able to take the composition in this way, it is possible to pre-grind it. For babies up to 12 months the tablet should be dissolved in 10 milliliters of water.

The drug is given by one pill in three divided doses. It is necessary to distribute the reception of the drug so that between the tablets was the same time interval. The duration of the course is determined individually and usually does not exceed two months. If long-term use is necessary, periodic interruptions should be made.

The drug "Immunokind": reviews about tablets

Tablets left a very pleasant impression of themselves in children. Kids report that this medicine is very tasty. Its nice to drink. Parents were pleased with the action of the drug. The effect of correction becomes noticeable almost immediately. Children just stop being sick.

Some consumers formed negative reviews about the Immunokind product. These people say that immediately after the start of therapy, the child's condition worsened. The manufacturer allows such an effect and promises that soon everything will be restored. However, doctors look at this problem differently. Doctors advise to abolish the full use of the drug in case of deterioration of the child's health.

Despite the negative opinions, the majority of consumers were satisfied with the described means. Approximately 9 patients out of 10 notice an improvement in their well-being. If earlier illnesses were frequent and had a protracted character, now everything has changed. Even with infection, recovery occurs within a few days without the need for serious medications. In children attending kindergartens, the diseases have decreased or completely disappeared. The drug contributes to the elimination of recurrent pathologies, in particular diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Short summary

The drug "Immunokind" won the trust of consumers and the recognition of physicians. However, not all doctors are advocates of homeopathy. Some experts speak about the unproven effectiveness of the described agent. They believe that the use of the drug "Immunokind" is a waste of money and time. It is much more effective to use medicinal compounds. Whom to believe is a personal matter for everyone. Be sure to talk with the doctor you trust and ask him about the possibility of using the described remedy. All the best!

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