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The problem of premature ejaculation: the help of traditional medicine and not only

The problem of early ejaculation (premature ejaculation) worries many men, and not in vain. Today, a short intercourse and unsatisfied partner, tomorrow reluctance to have sex because of fear of falling in the eyes of a lady, the day after tomorrow - an inferiority complex and depression. But do not despair, the entire process should not be run until the final stage, and already today to seek funds for the extension of sexual intercourse. Of course, the shelves in pharmacies are full of appropriate drugs, and men are ready to give any money for a full sex life. However, we can take advantage of the miracles that nature itself has given us.

First, take the rule of regularly drinking strong tea from the leaves of mint, and if possible do even infusion. The fact is that in mint juice there are such valuable substances as cineon, beta-pinene, menthol, which are natural anesthetics. They slowly accumulate in the body, and in our case are valuable in that they reduce the response of nerve cells. The only negative of such a tool is that the sensations will not be the same as before, but the duration of the sexual intercourse will increase significantly.

How else can you deal with the problem? Again, nature comes to the rescue, namely, currant leaves and raspberries. You can regularly drink tea with the addition of these ingredients, or you can even just use the leaves for food or as a seasoning for dishes. This folk remedy contains a femiamine, capable of slightly rearranging the activity of sensitive neurons. Excitation with the use of such a tool will be a bit late, which should not frighten you, but ejaculation will wait for its time.

If to talk about means-prolongators, there is a preparation dapoxetine to buy which means, to prolong the sexual certificate or act. And you can use a tincture of cornflowers. Thanks to the active substance - centaurin - the effect will be. In addition, this plant removes toxins from the body and rejuvenates it as a whole. However, do not take risks and do not brew cornflowers, collected independently. In large quantities, the plant is poisonous, because it is better to buy a ready-made collection in the pharmacy, so you just do not hurt yourself and with the problem of premature ejaculation cope.

Another tool that can slow down the excitement and raise the threshold of sensitivity is the oak bark. If you take the broth for a week, the body will increase the content of thiamine, which will cause such a long-awaited effect.

Excellent for this problem pumpkin seeds, infusions of lovage, yarrow, motherwort.

It is not out of place to reconsider your lifestyle, perhaps it's all about constant stress, fatigue, poor nutrition, constant stress. Do not forget that you need to sleep at least 8 hours, take time out every day for walks, exercise, perform breathing exercises. And as they say experienced men in this case, the more often you have sex, the longer will be each subsequent sexual intercourse. What means to use, decide for yourself.

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