Food and drinkRecipes

Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples: a recipe with a photo

Curd desserts are always characterized by a delicate texture. They are not only delicious, but also useful. But to feed them small gourmets, sometimes it takes a lot of effort. Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples will certainly be popular. This simple and at the same time refined delicacy will not leave indifferent even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Gentle and fragrant

To cook this amazing dessert, you need to take three eggs, 250 grams of sugar, 750 grams of good cottage cheese, a bit of hydrated soda, vanilla and 4 glasses of flour. For the filling you need a kilogram of apples, sliced in small slices, a glass of raisins and a glass of peeled walnuts. Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples is very easy to prepare. Mix eggs with sugar, cottage cheese, vanilla and soda. We grind everything in a homogeneous mass and pour in the flour. We divide the dough into two halves and put it aside.

Apples cut into small slices and mix them with raisins and chopped nuts. Spread half the dough into the mold and level it. Then spread the filling and cover it with the second half of the dough. On top of the cake "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples grease a raw egg. Bake a treat at a temperature of 200 degrees. After 40-50 minutes it will be ready. If the upper part begins to burn, then you can cover the cake with cottage cheese and apples "Tenderness" with foil.

Simple and tasty

Simple, but very tasty pie. Cottage cheese in such baking is not felt, therefore it is eaten with pleasure even by those who do not like this product. The number of apples can be changed depending on your own preferences. For the test, you need 250 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of butter, one egg, 300 grams of flour (including padding), 4 large spoons of sugar, a small spoon of baking powder, half a teaspoon of baking soda, vanilla and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. For the filling, take 4 large apples, cinnamon and 5 large spoons of sugar.

Butter butter and we add to it vanilla, sugar and cottage cheese. Whole ingredients are beaten with a blender so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add the vegetable oil and egg. The dough turns out lush. After this, add soda, and then - sifted flour with baking powder. You should get a soft, elastic dough, which is wrapped in a film and left for 15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the filling. We remove the core from the apples and cut them into slices. To make them baked, make them thin. The dough is rolled out with a rectangular layer, and its sides are cut by oblique strips with a width of about 1.5 centimeters. In the middle of the dough, put the apples and sprinkle them with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Lateral strips cover the filling, laying them in the form of a braid. Warm up the oven to 200 degrees and bake the cake "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples until ready.

Very delicate filling

This recipe is distinguished by delicious and juicy filling. To prepare the dough, you need to take two glasses of flour, half a cup of sugar, a baking powder and 110 grams of margarine. For the filling you need 500 grams of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 200 grams of sugar, two large spoons of manga, 4 medium-sized apples and a bag of vanilla sugar. Prepare the dough for a cake with cottage cheese and apples "Tenderness" is very simple. Flour mixed with baking powder and sugar, grinded with margarine. It turns out small crumb, which will be a test. Now mix cottage cheese, mango, eggs, sugar, sour cream and vanilla.

We rub apples on a grater and add to this mass. The filling should be thoroughly mixed. The form is covered with parchment and we put half the dough into it. Then fill it with stuffing. All the layers are evenly distributed. From above we cover the cake "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples, the photo of which is worthy of the best culinary magazine, the remaining crumbs. Bake it in the oven for about 35-40 minutes. The temperature is set at 200 degrees.

The easiest recipe

If you need an easy recipe for dessert, then here's one of the options. Take 200 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of creamy butter, 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour, a small spoonful of soda (quench in vinegar) and 4 medium-sized apples. Mix the butter with cottage cheese until smooth. Then add the eggs, soda and sugar. Mix everything with a mixer. After that, pour in the flour, which is best sifted through a sieve.

Then mix the dough again with a mixer. Apples are peeled and cored and added to the dough. All is well mixed and poured into a prepared form, which is covered with parchment. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees to a beautiful crust. Before serving pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples, the recipe with a photo of which will become a hint for any mistress, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese in the filling

Cottage cheese can be added not only to the dough, but also into the filling. To prepare the dough for the following recipe, you will need a glass of flour, 80 grams of soft butter, one yolk, a half a large spoonful of milk and three quarters of a glass of sugar. For the filling we take three apples, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of sugar, three eggs, 40 grams of starch and 4 large spoons of lemon juice. We begin with the test. We beat the yolk with sugar and add butter, milk and flour. It should turn out an elastic dough, which is wrapped in a film and put into the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that we roll out the layer, spread it into a mold and bake it at a temperature of 200 degrees. After 10-15 minutes, the cake will be ready.

During this time, we peel apples from the peel and core and cut them into thin slices. Then mix them with lemon juice (2 tablespoons). We beat the yolks with sugar, cottage cheese, sour cream and starch. Add the remaining lemon juice to this mixture. Separately whisk the proteins to a lush foam. Then mix the protein mass with the yolk. We put two thirds of the apples on the finished cake and pour out the curd filling. Then we put the remaining apples. In the oven heated to 180 degrees, place the cake for 50 minutes. It turns out a delicate, tasty and unusual dessert.


Each of these dishes can become a decoration of the table. All recipes are good and easy to prepare. As on family dining, and on a celebratory table the worthy place the pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples will occupy. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help to prepare this dessert correctly. Rejoice your loved ones with delicious culinary masterpieces, turning an ordinary meal into a small feast.

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