Food and drinkRecipes

Pie is delicious. The recipe for a tasty and simple pie. Delicious pie on kefir

The recipe for a tasty and simple pie can include completely different ingredients. After all, this homemade product is baked with both sweet and savory stuffing. Today we present to your attention several ways of making different pies. It is also worth noting that they will differ from each other not only fillings, but also a test.

Delicious sweet pie with fresh cherries

This dessert is ideal for family tea drinking. It can be done at least every day, because the basis of this pie includes only affordable and simple components, namely:

  • Sand fine sugar - 1.2 cups;
  • Eggs large - 3 or 4 pieces;
  • Cherries frozen or fresh - 1.2 cups;
  • Apple vinegar 6% - a few incomplete spoons (to quench soda);
  • Soda canteen - incomplete dessert spoon;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • Sour cream 30% thick - 190 g;
  • Powdered sugar - to cover the finished dessert.

Kneading the biscuit base

Before you prepare a delicious pie for tea, you should mix a lush and airy base. To do this, it is required to divide the yolks and proteins into different dishes, and then immediately remove the last component into the refrigerator chamber. As for the yolks, then they need to pour in the sugar, put a thick sour cream and mix thoroughly with a mixer. Next, beat the egg whites into a strong and standing foam, and then combine the two parts of the dough, turn off the table baking soda and pour in the sifted flour. As a result of such actions, you should form a semi-liquid foundation (almost like a charlotte).

Preparation of cherry filling

A simple and delicious biscuit dough cake must necessarily contain a sweet filling. To do this, we decided to use a besostochkovuyu cherry. It is required to completely thaw (but only if it was frozen), and then to maximally deprive the syrup.

Forming and baking dessert in the oven

To properly form a sweet cake, you should take the dishwasher, lubricate it with oil (vegetable), and then pour in the entire mixed base. Further over the top of the dough, you need to lay a fresh layer of fresh berries. If they "drown", then it's okay, because the dessert will be even more original and tasty.

In conclusion, the biscuit cake formed is required to be placed in the oven and held there for about 65 minutes. After the product is browned and completely baked, it must be removed, cooled, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar.

We cook delicious Ossetian pies with meat

Ossetian pies are small items, similar to flat cakes, but with stuffing inside. Bake them in an oven, and then in a hot form immediately grease with melted butter. Today we will tell you how to make such pies with meat at home.

So, for the test we need:

  • Yeast dry granulated - incomplete dessert spoon;
  • Kefir liquid - 250 ml;
  • Fine sand sugar - a small spoon;
  • Salt cooked - add to taste;
  • Light wheat flour - about 500 g (to pour until the thickening of the dough);
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 large spoons;
  • Egg large - 1 piece;
  • Water filtered or milk whey - about 100 ml;
  • Melted butter - for lubricating products.

Preparation of a baking test

Ossetian delicious pie on kefir is baked in the oven very quickly. But before you put it there, you should make a lot of effort. First you need to knead a thick yeast dough. To do this, it is required to slightly warm the liquid kefir, pour the milk whey to it , and then add fine granulated sugar and granulated yeast. After these ingredients dissolve, they need to put a whipped egg, salt, vegetable refined oil and sifted light flour to them. As a result of mixing all the components, you should get a thick dough, which must be left for two hours in the heat, slightly covered with a rag or lid.

Required components for meat filling

Tasty Ossetian pies can be cooked with potatoes, cheese, cottage cheese and other ingredients. However, we decided to bake such a product with minced meat. For this we need:

  • Sweet onion - 3 heads;
  • Pepper fragrant ground, small table salt and other spices - add to taste;
  • Forcemeat mixed (lamb + beef) - 600 g;
  • Vegetable oil without a smell - for frying meat products.

We make stuffing

The delicious Ossetic pie turns out to be special only from mixed stuffing, which includes lean beef and fragrant mutton. This chopped meat product should be put in a saucepan, and then add to it vegetable oil, chopped onion, salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly. Fry these ingredients preferably until the broth is completely evaporated and the semi-softness of the stuffing.

Process of formation and heat treatment

Once the baseplate is suitable, it should be divided into three parts, and then rolled them into round sheets with a slight thickening in the middle part. Next, in the center of each layer, put a few large spoons of roasted minced meat and collect the dough into a kind of bowl with a filling inside. To do this, you need to pinch the edges of the base with each other, and then lightly crush your hand so that you end up with a flat cake. It should be laid out on a small frying pan, sprinkled with flour, and kneaded with wet palms until a flat product is obtained. After that, in the middle of the semi-finished product, make a small hole, place it in the oven, where it is desirable to bake a pie for at least half an hour. When the meat cake is browned, it should be removed immediately and greased with a melted butter. By analogy, you need to bake all the remaining meat products.

How to make a hearty cookie to the dinner table?

This delicious yeast pie will not leave indifferent any of your family members. It should be noted that it can be served not only for lunch, but also for a festive table. After all, it turns out very satisfying and fragrant. By the way, these properties are attached to the following ingredients:

  • Margarine creamy - 110 g;
  • Eggs large - 2 pcs;
  • Fresh milk - 500 ml;
  • Yeast granulated dry - incomplete dessert spoon;
  • Common salt - ½ teaspoonful;
  • Sugar is small - 2/3 of a large spoon;
  • Wheat flour - from 700 g;
  • Potato tubers - 7 medium pcs;
  • Chicken drumsticks - 6 pcs;
  • Bulbs sweet - 3 heads;
  • Aromatic spices, including sweet pepper and fine salt - add to the filling to taste.

Substrate mixing

Kornik is a delicious pie that does not require the use of expensive and outlandish ingredients. Before you can bake such a product in the oven, you must prepare all the components necessary for it. First you need to mix the foundation. To do this, you should warm the fresh milk to a paired state, and then lay out the sugar and dry yeast. After these products dissolve, in the same bowl you need to add melted margarine, beaten eggs, table salt and sifted flour. After mixing all the components, they must be covered with a clean cloth and left in a warm place for an hour and a half.

Preparing the filling

The presented recipe for a tasty and simple pie recommends using for the filling not only vegetables, but also chicken drumsticks (other parts of the bird can be used). They should be washed well and, without cutting, put in a large bowl. Next, you need to peel potatoes and onions, and then chop them into small cubes. In conclusion, the chopped vegetables should be laid out to the meat, sprinkled with salt, pepper, flavored seasonings and mixed thoroughly.

How to properly form and bake in the oven?

Simple and tasty cake "Kurnik" is formed quite easily. For this, it is necessary to divide the approached base into two unequal parts, and then a large one of them should be rolled into a bed the size of a pan. Next, the dough needs to be placed on the oiled brass plate and place on it all the previously prepared stuffing. In this case, the legs are recommended to spread along the form, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to cut the cake into portions. After that, vegetables with meat should be covered with the second part of the dough, and the edges of the braid into a "pigtail". In the center of the resulting pie, a small hole should be made. Through it into the product, it is desirable to carefully pour half a glass of plain water or meat broth. Such a procedure will contribute to the preparation of a juicy and satisfying curry.

Thus, the formed cake is required to be put in the oven, where it is desirable to bake about 65-80 minutes.

We make sweet homemade cakes together

A delicious cake with jam has many cooking recipes. Today we will consider the most simple and not demanding expensive ingredients, which is especially popular among modern housewives.

So, we need:

  • Light flour sifted - about 700 g (add until thick);
  • Eggs large - 4 pcs;
  • Margarine for baking - 250 g;
  • Sand fine sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • Salt is small - a pinch;
  • Soda dinette, slaked with 6% vinegar - a small spoon without a slide;
  • Jam thick plum - 500 ml.

Preparation of sand base

A delicious sand cake can be cooked with any favorite jam (apple, berry, pear, cherry, etc.). But the main thing is that there is not too much syrup in such a filling, otherwise the dough will not be baked properly and will remain damp. Although some sweet tooths, this consistency of dessert is very much like it.

Thus, for the preparation of the base, it is necessary to separate the egg whites and yolks, laying them on different dishes. To the yolks, you need to add sugar and grind them white. After that, in the same bowl you need to pour the melted and slightly cooled margarine, and then extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour the sifted flour. As a result, you should get a smooth, homogeneous and elastic dough. Then it should be divided into three equal parts, two of which are desirable to be placed in the refrigerator, and one - in the freezer.

Filling process

A tasty pie with plum jam is ideal for gathering with friends. But for such a dessert to turn out also beautiful, it is recommended to prepare a special fill for it. It is made from the remaining egg whites, which need to be beaten into a strong foam with a small amount of powdered sugar. As for the jam itself, it is desirable to divide it into two equal parts, since the pie will be puffed.

Correct formation of a sandy product and its baking

If you strictly follow all the requirements for the formation of such a dessert, then you will get a delicious pie. To do this, take a detachable circular shape, cover it with baking paper (you can simply grease it with margarine or butter), and then take the short dough out of the refrigerator and roll it into two layers. The first base sheet is required to be put into the dishes and, raising the edges, make the high sides (about 7-8 centimeters). After this, spread the plum jam on the dough, cover it with the second part of the layer and again put the sweet product. Thus, you should get a two-layer semi-finished product. But on this, its formation is not complete, because we have not yet used whipped protein. Strong foam needs to be gently spread over the surface of the product, which should then be completely sprinkled with chips from the base (grate on a large grater), which was previously placed in the freezer.

After the described actions, the pie must be put in the oven, preheating it to a temperature of 205 degrees. In such a state it is desirable to bake the dessert on medium heat for at least 40-44 minutes.

Puff pastry with fruit

Delicious pies, recipes with photos of which are presented in this article, are not prepared as quickly as one would like. After all, to make them, you need to mix the foundation, prepare the filling, and only then form and bake. That is why in this section we decided to talk about how to quickly create a delicious and unusual dessert, which will not refuse any guest guest. For this we need:

  • Purchased puff pastry without yeast - 600 g;
  • Bananas ripe - 4 pieces;
  • Pears soft sweet - 2 pcs;
  • Raisins black pitted - ½ cup.

The process of preparing dessert

Such a sweet product really cooks very quickly and easily. After all, there is no need for him to knead the dough for a long time, since it is purchased in the store. Thus, the layered substrate should be completely thawed, and then roll out ½ part and put it in a greased form. After that, the following ingredients must be alternately placed on the dough:

  • Ripe bananas - clean and cut into not very thick circles;
  • Soft and sweet pears - wash, clean and chop into thin slices;
  • Black raisins black - to sort, scald with boiling water and wash well in cool water.

When the fresh fruit filling is laid out on the puff pastry, it needs to be covered with a second part of the rolled up base, and the edges are nicely pinched or braided into a "pigtail". Next, the dessert is to be placed in the oven, where it is recommended to bake for about half an hour.

Correct feed of home pies to the table

As you can see, the most delicious pies, the recipes of which we reviewed above, are prepared very easily and simply. Serve desserts with a strong tea or coffee immediately after they cool down. After all, in a hot form, the sweet filling can flow out of the dough and burn you or your guest badly. Moreover, only in a cooled form such pies can be cut into beautiful and even pieces. As for unsweetened products, on the contrary, it is desirable to present them to family members immediately after baking. In addition to this lunch, you can serve tomato or some other sauce, fresh greens, spicy ketchup, adzhika, home marinades, salad from raw vegetables and other ingredients. Enjoy your meal!

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