HealthDiseases and Conditions

Vomiting in children: treatment at home or in the hospital?

Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body and a symptom of the disease. Its appearance in humans is a compelling reason to call a doctor, especially if vomiting in children has begun . Treatment at home is possible if the diagnosis is determined, and there is no danger of finding a child outside the hospital. The causes of vomiting are many, but attentive parents can assume the nature of its origin on their own.

First, you need to assess the overall condition of the child. If it is active and, in addition to a single emetic reflex, nothing disturbs it, then in this case, perhaps, there was a slight food poisoning. It is directly related to the use of stale foods or food that has undergone insufficient heat treatment. Little or not accustomed to hygiene, children and strive to taste not only dirty hands, but everything that attracts attention. Therefore, along with various bacteria in the body of the baby can be not hidden in an inaccessible place tablets. The latter case is extremely dangerous for life, which means that a favorable symptom in this situation is vomiting in children. Treatment, or rather first aid, is based on the release of the food tract from harmful substances and the prevention of intoxication of the body. Before the arrival of an ambulance, you can try to intentionally cause the child to vomit by pressing your fingers on the root zone of the tongue.

It happens that with enterovirus infection, vomiting is indomitable and accompanied by diarrhea in parallel. Every parent should remember that such a situation is fraught with rapid dehydration of the body. Vomiting in a child 2 years for 6 hours is critical, and the loss of water in the body increases in geometric progression. And if you took responsibility and decided to wait for a doctor at home, then it is necessary to give the child "Regidron" or its analogs to maintain the water-salt balance of the body. And yet, do not take risks, because sometimes a doctor can be called at 8 in the morning, and the district police officer will reach you only at 17 o'clock. The lost time increases the risk of a worsening of the situation.

A clear sign of concussion can be headaches and vomiting in children. Treatment, or rather the correct behavior of adults, in this case is to put the child on a horizontal surface and wait for the doctor. Or independently deliver it to hospitalization. High fever, for example, with bronchitis or laryngitis, may well provoke a symptom such as vomiting in children. Treatment, prescribed earlier, should not be canceled, but it is necessary to voice this fact to the treating pediatrician. After all, such a reaction of the organism can manifest itself and on medicines, the decision to replace which is taken by the doctor. It has long been noted that with catarrhal diseases often there is coughing up to vomiting. A child under 6 years of age, this situation occurs very often, especially in the case of hard-to-recover sputum. Special preparations for liquefaction of sputum masses and mandatory abundant warm drink are used here.

Anxious symptom is causeless, recurring vomiting. In children, the treatment of any disease, aggravated by this fact, should be performed by qualified specialists. And a timely diagnosed disease will help to avoid unwanted complications and preserve the health of the child.

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