HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pain in the throat when swallowing and the cause of its occurrence.

In the vast majority of cases, sore throat when swallowing occurs in a period when a person has a cold. Physicians are accustomed to calling this disease ARVI. Quickly, you can remove such pain by rinsing your throat and drinking milk with honey or tea with raspberries.

If the pain in the throat gradually increases, then it serves as a symptom of abscess, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, blood diseases or trauma to the larynx. It is almost impossible to provide assistance only with the usual folk remedies. Therefore, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist.

With a relatively low humidity, pain can occur when swallowing saliva. The most common cases are in the heating season. As a rule, during this period, air is dried in rooms, and because of this, dryness, swelling and unpleasant pain appear in the person's throat. Approximately the same consequences await a person who during his sleep breathes his mouth. In order to partially solve this problem, doctors recommend using humidifiers.

The causes of throat disease can be allergic reactions, the symptoms of which are swelling of the nasal mucosa and sore throat, worse when swallowed. Very often, the pain in the throat when swallowing occurs in people who for a long time strain the muscles of the throat, for example, in athletes and singers. With this kind of pain, smokers are very familiar, and even passive smokers who have been for a long time among the smoking company and inhale tobacco smoke. Here you can also include people working in rooms where the air is heavily polluted. In addition, soreness in the throat can be caused by excessively spicy food and alcohol.

Severe sore throat can result from a laryngeal tumor and tongue. In most cases, tumors develop unnoticed, and painful sensations indicate their profound development. In order to properly carry out treatment, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist.

Possible diseases with sore throat.

Despite the fact that pain in the throat can occur for a variety of reasons, most often they are associated with inflammation of the tonsils. Such a disease is called angina. Tonsils are inflamed because of bacteria called streptococci and staphylococci. With tonsillitis tonsillons increase in volume, they accumulate purulent plugs, there is a sharp pain in the throat when swallowing, cervical lymph nodes become inflamed, body temperature rises.

Chronic tonsillitis is a complicated tonsillitis, in which the tissues surrounding the amygdala are inflamed. This causes severe pain when swallowing in the esophagus, soreness when opening the mouth, the voice becomes nasal.

Another serious disease is laryngeal angina, the symptoms of which are the same as in chronic tonsillitis. If you do not start treatment in time, then these diseases pose a direct threat to life. Treatment of angina requires a responsible approach, since untimely medical measures can lead to inflammation of the kidneys, heart, joints.

What are the causes of sore throat when swallowing in children?

In a child under the age of five, the larynx has a special structure, under the vocal folds there is a loose submucosal layer. Therefore, they are more likely to experience laryngitis, which leads to difficulty breathing and swelling of the larynx. His symptoms are sore throat when swallowing, barking cough, hoarse voice. Very often these symptoms can be combined. If the child shows hoarseness, then it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist.

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