HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamins Pentovit

Vitamins Pentovit - small tablets, consisting of:

-Vitamin B - 10 mg

-pyridoxine hydrochloride or vitamin B6 - at a dosage of 5 mg

-Nicotinamide - 20 mg

- folic acid - 0.4 mg

- vitamin B12 - 0.05 mg

- additional substances to create the form of the drug and its better solubility.

All the active substances - the vitamins that make up the drug - dissolve under the action of water, so their intake does not depend, on the large, on the intake of food. However, doctors advise taking any multivitamin with food and preferably in the morning, tk. This time is optimal for their absorption.

Vitamins Pentovit can be attributed to neurotropic vitamins, tk. Most of the basic substances have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Vitamins Pentovit: the benefits of each individual component

Vitamin B1

It has a positive effect on neuromuscular regulation, stimulates the processes of carrying out nerve impulses in synapses, and also participates in the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. All of the above properties contribute to the activation of memory and attention, increase the concentration of patients.

Vitamin B6

It is the main component in the synthesis of neurotransmitters involved in the formation and transmission of impulses from the cerebral cortex to the motor, tactile, olfactory and other centers of the central nervous system. Supplements and intensifies the action of vitamin B1.

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin

This biologically active substance actively participates in the synthesis of blood cells, and is also a component of the blood coagulation system. B12 stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and participates in the synthesis of amino acids. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and liver regeneration.

Folic acid is a substance without which normal synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids and red blood cells is impossible. We can say that folic acid is an indispensable building material.

Nicotinamide or vitamin PP

Vitamins Pentovit contain this component due to the fact that PP participates in the process of tissue nutrition, as well as in fat and lipid metabolism. Therefore, it contributes to a better absorption of the remaining components of the drug.

Vitamins Pentovit have a number of indications for use:

- Inadequate intake of vitamins of group B

- lack of body weight of any etiology

- nervous and excited states

- Prevention of hypovitaminosis of group B vitamins.

Modern dermatologists prefer to appoint Pentovit for hair, i.e. To stimulate their growth. After some time of regular admission, you can see significant improvements in the structure of the hair - they become shiny, less break and fall out.

These vitamins are very useful in winter and spring, when the body is weakened due to a lack of vitamins, coming with vegetables and fruits.

Women who want their hair and nails to always look well-groomed and beautiful should take Pentovit courses: several months of admission, and at least one month - a break.

Also positive qualities of Pentovit from acne, i.e., were noted. From acne. The fact that this vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes in the body, and therefore, helps to cleanse the intestines and normalize the lipid-fatty state of the skin. Accordingly, the skin is cleared, the inflammatory process is less pronounced, the acne recurrence happens less and less.

If the main therapy of acne as an additional drug add Pentovit, then the result can be seen much faster. Regular intake of the drug in the complex treatment of acne can lead to the elimination of the disease and improves the skin condition.

This drug is not recommended for pregnant women, lactation, children under three years old, as well as individuals with increased sensitivity to the components of a multivitamin drug.

If after you start taking vitamins you find any unusual reactions, itching, worsening of well-being, then stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

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