HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamins for muscles: which ones are better? Strengthening, strengthening and restoring muscles

A professional athlete needs not only to spend a lot of time in the gym to maintain an excellent shape. In addition, it is important to eat right. It is a full-fledged diet in conjunction with physical loads contributes to the establishment of many processes, including weight loss and weight gain.

Despite all the arguments of experts on healthy eating, with food a person does not receive the proper amount of trace elements and nutrients. Today we will talk about what vitamins for muscles are needed in the first place.

Special Diet

Due to what is the growth of muscle tissue? We are used to think that this is due solely to physical efforts. In fact, when the load increases, muscles experience stress, and the fibers tear. The resulting microtrauma is restored by the protein, which enters the body with food. And for proper protein absorption, vitamins for muscles are needed. Therefore, today we decided to talk in detail about which of them are most needed and important in order to receive relief musculature.

Leading fitness trainers fully agree that in order to meet the daily requirement under intensive loads, muscle vitamins need to be taken in the form of special balanced complexes. Otherwise, the effectiveness of training will decrease significantly as fatigue accumulates. Let's analyze the main groups and the features of their application.

Reception Features

Despite its apparent harmlessness, muscle vitamins can also harm the body, especially if consumed in too large quantities. Therefore, without individual use, it is not recommended to use them. And in order to get the maximum benefit from their admission, you need to have some knowledge. It is not superfluous to get acquainted with the following classification:

  • Water-soluble vitamins are B and C. Once ingested, they are instantly absorbed, and unclaimed remnants are removed. Therefore, even the synthetic substances of this group do not threaten an overdose. But the consumption of these elements is also great, so the sources of these vitamins in the diet should be abundant daily.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins. Their peculiarity is that they can accumulate. On the one hand - this is a big plus, because the created reserve can be spent quite a long time. On the other hand, there is a risk of overdose.

Let's now take a closer look at all the necessary vitamins for the muscles.

Vitamin A

As the alphabet begins with this letter, we also want to begin our list with retinol. And how else, because vitamins A and E are the most important substances for growth. And our muscle tissue obeys the same laws as the whole organism.

The main function of vitamin A is the synthesis of protein. But that is not all. If there is a sufficient amount of this element in the diet, the production of glycogen is accelerated. As you know, this is the source of energy that the body spends during the period of maximum physical exertion.

Athletes vitamins A and E must be consumed in fairly large quantities, as physical activity significantly worsens its assimilation. Especially it concerns retinol. Most of the vitamin A that enters the body is excreted unchanged. It is important to know that there are also natural sources, which are quite numerous. This milk and tomatoes, fish and melon, as well as all fresh herbs.

The source of youth and activity

Speaking about vitamins to build muscle, you can not forget about tocopherol. Vitamin E is the main element of beauty and activity. Without it you will not get the required amount of energy. If you decide to build muscle at an accelerated pace, then you can not do without it. It is the tocopherol that regulates muscle activity. Moreover, it is a source of strength and energy, so necessary for athletes. Another important function is the protection of cell membranes, which are also damaged during intensive training. It is from this will depend on the growth of muscles. However, to rely only on vitamins is not worth it, you will have a difficult and long work on each group of muscles.

The main sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils. It is necessary to eat only unrefined product made by means of cold pressing. In addition, you need to enrich your diet with peanuts and almonds, porridges and avocados, as well as leafy vegetables.

A gift from the sun

In summer, vitamin D is produced in our body by itself under the influence of ultraviolet. Its main function in the process of muscle growth is the normalization of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. It is through these elements that muscle contractions occur. Their intensity depends on the duration of strength training.

Without a sufficient amount of vitamin D, the growth of muscle mass is significantly slowed down. In addition, the serious strain that the body experiences in the gym significantly increases the risk of injury. Vitamins to strengthen muscles promote their growth and early recovery, and calcium strengthens the bone tissue that holds these muscles. In other words, in order to withstand increasing loads the body needs more calcium, the assimilation of which is much more effective in combination with vitamin D.

To fully obtain vitamin D, you need to eat fatty fish, liver, eggs and mushrooms. And on sunny days it is extremely important to be more outdoors.

Vitamins of group B

Considering vitamins for muscle recovery, you need to pay special attention to this water-soluble group. Vitamins B have an exceptionally positive effect on all metabolic processes, including muscle growth. This is a key element for the assimilation of protein and building muscle tissue. Fitness trainers are united in the opinion that these are the best vitamins for muscles. They are involved in the development of energy, increase muscle excitability, reproach the intensity of muscle contractions and help in building muscle mass.

Vitamin C

We finish listing the vitamins needed for the muscles. And the list of the most useful substances is usual ascorbic acid. It has a multifaceted impact on the body and takes a direct part in the process of muscle building. It is thanks to vitamin C that protein is absorbed into the body. But that is not all. Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of collagen, which strengthens connective tissue and restores joints that suffer from heavy loads. Contains vitamin C in almost all vegetables and fruits.

Choosing the right complex

Vitamins, necessary for muscles, must enter our body daily along with the main food. However, under extreme loads, normal nutrition is not enough. Therefore, you have to supplement your diet with special complexes. And the very first in this group are zinc preparations. In sports stores you can often find stimulators of testosterone production, or ZMA. They include zinc, magnesium and B vitamins. But their price is inadequately high.

Alternatively, you can select "Zinctal" (zinc sulfate). One tablet gives the body 45 mg of elemental zinc. And all the other components of ZMA can be obtained from conventional vitamin-mineral complexes.

Sport nutrition at an affordable price

In specialized stores, everything is really very expensive. So learn to choose vitamins for the muscles in the pharmacy. And the optimal of the modern complexes is "Elevit Pronatal". Yes, it is for pregnant women. That is why the composition of a lot of macro and microelements, so necessary for growth. "Elevit Pronatal" contains such important for the growth and development of muscle macro and microelements, such as pyridoxine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium, iron and zinc. Athletes with high physical exertion can take two tablets a day.

Universal preparation "Vitrum"

As a rule, popular pharmacy complexes are not very suitable for athletes, since they are intended for people with usual physical activity. A pleasant exception is the relatively inexpensive and balanced "Vitrum". It contains all the vitamins necessary for muscle growth, as well as an amazing set of minerals. The body with one tablet receives calcium and magnesium, potassium and iron, copper and zinc, chrome and manganese, tin and nickel, silicon and vanadium, phosphorus and molybdenum, selenium and iodine. The only drawback of this complex is the insufficient iron content. Athletes are advised to use immediately two tablets per day, at lunch and dinner.

Alternative in the current market

If the above complexes are not sold in neighboring pharmacies, or you do not have enough funds to constantly accept them, then you can choose more common and popular ones. This is the Russian "Complivit". Not a bad quality and the Czech drug Duovit. However, it was not widely popular among athletes because the tablets are very large, and they should be taken at once two.

Instead of concluding

If you choose the path of a professional athlete, then the question of nutrition will be very acute. Only with a balanced diet can you reach the planned heights. In this case, it is not necessary to buy expensive complexes in specialized departments. It is enough to maintain a varied menu, and also take good vitamin and mineral complexes. And in your spare time, sign up for the sports section and start working on your body. Very soon you will get the first results. They will be even higher if the program is developed by a professional trainer who will be able to adequately assess the capabilities of your body and help to increase the load gradually, without unnecessary stress.

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