HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamin complex for active people: the drug "Gerimax Energy" - recall, price, instructions, indications and contraindications for use

Every day we spend a lot of energy, and those people whose professional activities are connected with mental stress or research work, spend twice as much energy. To help the weakened organism can take vitamins or biological supplements, such, for example, as the drug "Gerimax Energy". Instruction, price, indications and contra-indications for use, as well as other information about it will be considered in our article.

In short, the drug "Gerimax Energy" is a complex of vitamins and minerals, which include natural natural ingredients, including ginseng extract (helps to cope with mental and physical stress) and green tea (detoxifies and reduces the risk of oncological diseases ). They produce vitamins in Denmark, and they are sold by the largest pharmaceutical company, LLC Berlin Chemie, Germany.

Preparation "Gerimax Energy": review, form of release and indications for use

The drug is made in the form of tablets, in a package of 10, 30 and 60 pieces. Take them one at a time (per day) in the morning. The price of the medicine varies from 300 to 500 rubles. These vitamins are recommended for use as a restorative, tonic and an additional source of energy. Before you buy the complex, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with additional information about the drug "Gerimax Energy", a review of which can be divided into several components:

  • The agent normalizes sleep, improves memory, helps maintain weight at the desired level;
  • The drug helps to get rid of chronic fatigue and gives strength;
  • Improves efficiency and concentration of attention.

Vitamin complex: composition and contraindications for use

So, the recommendations for taking vitamins "Gerimax Energy" are the transferred stresses, fatigue and excessive loads on the body - physical and mental. However, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor about taking Gerimax Energy. The response and their characteristics are very positive. So, the extracts of ginseng and green tea that enter into their composition improve sleep and memory, they charge with energy. Vitamins of group A and group B have a general strengthening effect, calcium, magnesium and zinc improve the work of the nervous system, increase the mood and resistance to physical exertion.

This drug has already helped many to strengthen immunity and deserved the special sympathy of women, because the complex "Gerimax Energy", a review of which from buyers and doctors we reviewed above, makes up for the lack of nutrients during diets, slows down the aging process and gives the hair strength and skin elasticity . But also keep in mind that children under 15 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers use this drug is contraindicated.

Vitamins "Gerimax Energy" - negative reviews

But there are people who did not fit the drug, because the final effect of it depends on the person's personal tolerance of the components that make up the composition. With chronic low blood pressure, "Gerimax Energy" should not be used - dizziness may appear. Some note that after taking these vitamins it is very difficult to fall asleep, and some develop a real insomnia. If you experience such a side effect, you should take a vitamin pill either early in the morning, or, after consulting a doctor, pick up another restorative complex.

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