HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamins for women "Mama" ("Compliciency"): reviews, instruction

Millions of women take care of themselves and their unborn child with vitamins "Mama" ("Complicant"). The testimonies of those who have experienced their action on their own testify that their application can be safely advised to every pregnant woman. A carefully selected composition made them one of the most popular vitamins for this category of women.

Why are pregnant vitamins?

The development of a child, his health after birth and even the duration of his life largely depend on the behavior of the mother during pregnancy. Joy and sorrow, the excess and the lack of any substances, she now always shares with the developing organism in her abdomen. Often a pregnant woman faces a shortage of vitamins and minerals necessary for building the fetal organs.

This is especially true today, when available food products have a very low content of nutrients. For example, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman in high doses requires folic acid (B 9 ), which although it is in many foods, but easily disintegrates with their long storage and heat treatment. On later terms, the correct development of a small man is especially required for vitamins of group B, vitamins C, E, P, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium.

Why these vitamins?

The first advantage of the complex "Complivit" ("Mom") for pregnant women is that they created vitamins specifically for this category of women, taking into account the needs of the developing baby in their womb. 11 vitamins and 7 minerals in their composition were not accidental at all: what the pregnant woman needs is established through serious research.

It is no accident that in this vitamin complex, the dosages of all components are also selected. The amount of each vitamin and mineral is 75% of the daily allowance. This implies that the remaining 25% of the woman should get out of the food. This approach virtually eliminates the excessive accumulation of these substances in the body.

Reviews about the vitamin preparation

The bulk of women who have drunk one course or more vitamins, say that after that they have improved their complexion, nails and hair have become stronger, the general condition has improved. It can be confidently asserted that the health of the embryo is affected by the intake of vitamins no less positively.

However, some reviews contain information that "Complymit" ("Mama"), whose price is much lower than existing analogues, caused a negative reaction in the body. Symptoms include nausea and dry skin. It happened just after receiving the "Mama" ("Complivit"). Reviews, however, this is not all that should be guided.

It is worth considering that negative feelings can be a manifestation of allergies to one of the components of the composition. In some cases, if the daily diet of a woman is saturated with vitamins, excessive accumulation in the body can occur. An individual approach is important here, and perhaps a whole tablet a day for such a woman is not required.

Comparison with "Elevit Pronatal"

Many gynecologists prescribe to pregnant women a vitamin preparation "Elevit Pronatal". Therefore, women are interested in what is better: "Elevit" or "Complicant" ("Mom"). To understand this, we need to compare the two complexes.

The composition of "Elevit" is very similar to "Complivit" ("Mom"), the price for which is much lower: for 30 tablets in Russia you need to give no more than 200 rubles, while "Elevit" requires at least 700 rubles. A big role in the difference in prices for these two drugs was played by the producing country. For "Elevit" - this is Germany, and for "Complivit" - Russia.

There is also some difference in the composition. For example, "Elevit" contains vitamin D and biotin, as well as twice as much vitamin C. A "Complivit" contains more vitamin PP, rutin, thioctic acid and cobalt. Without special tests it is impossible to determine which vitamins and minerals the most specific pregnant woman needs most.

Fat-soluble vitamins in the composition

The composition of the drug includes two fat-soluble vitamins, which the body tends to accumulate. Vitamin A contains 1650 IU, and vitamin E - 20 mg in each pill "Mama" ("Complicant"). Reviews of some women say that it was these vitamins in their body that happened when there was an excess after taking this medication. Before his admission to a woman it is very important to carefully analyze your diet so that it does not appear that she receives more than 25% of each of these vitamins daily.

Vitamin A is extremely important for the normal formation of the skin and mucous membranes, especially the eye. Vitamin E is necessary for the mother's body to form the circulatory system, muscles and gonads of her child. With his deficiency, miscarriage can occur.

Water-soluble vitamins in the composition

To those that are water soluble are those vitamins that are excreted from the human body with urine, which means that they do not have the ability to accumulate. An excess of vitamins of this group can not be, but often there is a defect, especially in pregnant women. Therefore, it is especially important for them to take the "Complivit" ("Mama"), which is most necessary for them. The instruction says that the preparation contains such water-soluble vitamins as B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, PP, calcium pantothenate, thioctic acid.

B vitamins affect mainly the development of the skin and nervous system of the child. Folic acid, or vitamin B 9 , is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Women suffering from toxicosis, special attention should be paid to "Complivit" ("Mama"), the use of which significantly facilitates bouts of nausea and vomiting.

The ability of vitamin C to help the body in the fight against microbes and inflammatory processes is widely known. In addition, he actively participates in the formation and operation of the entire circulatory system, metabolic processes and the production of cells of tissues and hormones. Nicotinamide, or vitamin B 3 , which participates in the metabolic processes of the body, is especially needed for pregnant women.

Routine, or vitamin P, strengthens the capillaries of the future mummy and prevents the appearance of edema. Calcium pantothenate is involved in metabolic processes, and thioctic acid is an antioxidant.

Minerals in the complex

As already noted, not only vitamins are part of the drug "Complivit" ("Mom"). The instruction indicates that the preparation also includes minerals: phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, calcium, cobalt. All of them are necessary for a developing organism.

Calcium, as is known, participates in the formation of the skeleton. Phosphorus is also involved in the functioning of the circulatory system. Manganese strengthens bones, but also struggles with inflammatory processes. Copper is involved in hematopoiesis, iron - in the transportation of oxygen and the work of immunity. The growth and development of the embryo largely depends on zinc. Magnesium is involved in the formation of the bone, nervous and muscular system.

Application of the drug

Usually in a plastic jar they release Complitit ("Mama") for sale. Tablets are packaged in 30 or 60 pieces. Take them should be 1 per day. The best time for this is breakfast. The necessary duration of reception is determined by the doctor or the woman herself, taking into account her own feelings. It is advisable to take small breaks in the reception.

Indication for the use of the drug - beriberi during pregnancy or preparation for it. As the facts show, even without planning a child, you can take "Mom" ("Compliciency"). Reviews say that these truly female vitamins improve the skin, strengthen hair and nails, in a word, make a woman more beautiful.

"Mom" ("Complicant") is a complex of vitamins and minerals, which every woman should know about, who wants to give birth to a healthy child in every way. After all, pregnancy - this is the time when the former amount of nutrients coming into the body of the future mommy is categorically not enough. And in our time there is no other effective way to increase their dose, except how to take their synthetic analogs, unfortunately, does not exist.

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