
Violet room: care and reproduction. Houseplants

Domestic violet is the most common houseplant. Its popularity among florists is explained by many reasons. This beautiful plant pleases with a variety of colors and shapes. In addition, the violet is unpretentious and, with proper care, grows well and multiplies. But, still, you need to know some subtleties, thanks to which you can grow this gorgeous flower like a violet room. Care and reproduction, the subtleties of growing - to understand these issues will be able to even a budding florist, and the violet will please him with its flowers almost all year round.

A bit of history

The homeland of violets is Africa. But its name was given in honor of its discoverer Baron St. Paul. He brought this wonderful flower to Europe and contributed to its spread. Initially, the violet was considered a very capricious plant. But when it was studied and understood the rules of nursing and breeding, the popularity of the flower increased significantly. Today, the violet home is found in many parts of the world. There are a lot of varieties of this plant, there are simply no possibilities to list them.

Types of violets

There are several species of this plant. Ordinary violet is the most common variety. This violet room (care and reproduction will be described further) has ordinary petals, located in one row. Coloring of this species is very much. Many varieties were hatched by the florists and are not registered, although they are very popular.

Terry violet has petals, located in several rows. Inflorescences of this flower are large enough and very beautiful. Semi-double representatives of this family are distinguished by the presence in the middle of the flower of several underdeveloped petals. They add volume and make the plant even more charming.

Categories of violets

Depending on the color, several categories of this flower are distinguished. Violet, the description of which always does with an emphasis on color, can be monophonic. In this case, its petals have a uniform, identical color. The next category is dominated by fantasy coloring. On the entire surface of the petals, spots or dots of a different color are observed. If the violet has a bright border on the edge of the inflorescence, it is called bordered. And, finally, chimeras. A distinctive feature of the violet is the bright line, which runs strictly in the middle of the petal. All these categories have become widespread among florists, many of whom are engaged in breeding and collecting violets.

Popular varieties of violets

The violet of the room (care and reproduction are the same for any variety) differs not only in the coloring of flowers, but in size. Mini-senpolia are very small plants. Their rosette can be no more than 6 centimeters in diameter. These are microminiature varieties. If the size of the violet reaches 15 centimeters in diameter, then it can be attributed to miniature. These varieties bloom very abundantly and beautifully. Senpolia "duchess" was bred by a domestic floriculturist. The development of violets of these varieties is always very abundant. They have large terry, white inflorescences. On the surface of the petals there are purple or black spots. The color of the leaves is light green and not homogeneous. Senpolia "carnival" - differs lavender inflorescences, which are very numerous. Each petal has a white edging and a pattern in the form of a light mesh. These varieties have dark green leaves with wavy edges. Ampelnye violets have very long shoots. They are better to grow in suspended flowerpots, which will be some distance from the surface.

Buy senpolia

How to choose a good flower in the store? Violet, the description of which should be provided by sellers, should have a healthy appearance. First of all, pay attention to the leaves of the plant. They have a light or dark green color, depending on the variety. They should not be yellow. If there are spots or other signs of disease on the leaves, it is better to abandon the purchase. The socket should not show signs of rotting. A purchased violet should be carefully examined and removed all flowers and leaves that have signs of wilting or deterioration. The leaves of the plant can be washed with running water. Do this carefully so that moisture does not get inside the outlet. Then it is necessary to dry the soil and transplant the plant into a more nutritious substrate. A pot of Violet is placed in a plastic bag, pre-sprinkled with warm water. In two days it is necessary to conduct a moderate watering. On the fifth day, you can remove the package, making sure that the violet successfully passed the adaptation period.

Soil for violets

Violet is very demanding on the composition of the soil. She loves sour soils. Therefore, the basis of the substrate must necessarily be peat. Heavy, clay soil can cause the death of the plant. Soil for planting should be light, airy, with good drainage qualities. This is important for such a flower as a violet room. Care and reproduction will be more effective if you follow all the subtleties. The plant does not like waterlogged soils. But peat itself has the feature of quickly drying up and souring.

Therefore, to it add baking powder, for example vermiculite or perlite. Their properties absorb, retain and give moisture, saturating the root of the violet with oxygen, are very important. Moss-sphagnum is also an excellent component for the soil. It has bactericidal properties, and absorbs water well. Additives should not be more than 50 percent of the total mass. The substrate must not be very saturated. This will lead to rapid development of the leaves and meager flowering. It is better to purchase ready-made soil, which will be optimal for planting violets. For self-preparation of soil, it is necessary to take three pieces of leaf, two parts of turf and one part of coniferous and peat soil. Also add baking powder.

Pots for violets

How to grow a violet to make it look very aesthetically? Everything is important here: proper care, lighting, watering and, of course, the right choice of pot. Its diameter should be three times smaller than the outlet itself. You can use pots with a stand that will make the plant more stable. Due to the small size and light soil, flower pots are easily turned over. Too much pot can kill the plant. The root system can not fill the entire space and will begin to rot. The leaves of the violet will turn yellow, there will be no flowering and the plant will die.

A large adult plant is easily placed in a pot, the volume of which is 200 g glass. Also it is necessary to take into account that a quarter of the entire space must be given drainage. If the variety is large, then you can take a more voluminous pot. In the pot, there must be a sufficient number of holes at the bottom to allow moisture to escape. Therefore planting violets is usually carried out in plastic pots. Containers of clay hold water, and there is a risk of mold. For drainage, you need to choose a highly porous material that will provide sufficient air.

The roots of violets

The root system is very important for any plant. Healthy roots are the key to good growth and development. Since the violet is very demanding to the ground and watering, the problems with this flower begin in this area. Planting of violets should be carried out with a mandatory examination of the roots. They should be white in color, without any signs of damage or decay. In an adult plant, they completely fill the space of the pot, if it is selected correctly. Before you grow a violet, you must necessarily inspect the plant, eliminating the signs of disease and pests. If the roots are unhealthy, then a number of measures should be taken to restore them. The plant is pulled out of the pot and the soil is removed from them. The roots are then washed with running water. Now we need to do preventive pruning. All black, rotten and old shoots are removed using sharp scissors or a scalpel. The root of the roots must be cleaned before the appearance of healthy tissues. All the infected areas are cut out. We leave the violet outdoors for 40 minutes to dry. Clean the dishes well, pour water into it and place a flower there. We put it on a light window, not allowing direct rays of the sun, and we are waiting for the formation of new root shoots. Water should be periodically changed and it should cover all the roots. After 2-4 weeks, the violet will be ready for a new planting.

Proper watering

Flowering violets is always a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight. But sometimes incorrect watering leads to the death of the plant. If there is a lot of moisture, the roots of the flower begin to rot. There are spots on the violets, the leaves turn yellow, the inflorescences wither and the plant dies. That's why right and uniform watering is important. Its volumes do not depend on the time of year. The water must be at room temperature and always stand-by. This requirement is applicable to many indoor plants. There are three ways to water the violets, which are considered optimal for this flower. Very often, water is poured directly into the pot tray.

When after a while the violet gets drunk, you need to pour out excess liquid to prevent waterlogging. In the second method, pots of flowers are placed in a container of water for a certain time, sufficient for the plant to be saturated with moisture. The third way is the traditional watering of the soil in the pot. At the same time, we must ensure that water does not fall on the leaves, flowers and especially in the violet. They are very sensitive to excess moisture and can die from this.


The violet plant is very photophilous. This determines the color of flowers and their development. However, it should be remembered that direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. Literally in a matter of hours, the leaves of the violet may burn in the sun. Optimal for breeding are the windows from the north, north-west and north-east sides. There, violets receive enough light without compromising appearance. You can use artificial lighting. It is used to properly form an outlet. Ideally, it should be flat on each side. Violets begin to develop rapidly in March. If the light comes unevenly, then the leaves will begin to rise and turn to the light source. For proper development, an artificial light lamp is installed from above. So do all collectors, preparing violets for exhibitions. But for home breeding is quite enough and a simple window. It is only necessary to periodically turn the pot to the light source by each side.

Temperature and humidity

Proper care is necessary for violets throughout the year. Requirements are imposed on both the temperature regime and the humidity level. Violets begin to develop particularly rapidly in March. The result will be a long flowering, which lasts almost all year round. The air temperature should be at least 16 degrees. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve abundant flowering and good plant growth even if all other requirements are met. Do not allow sudden temperature changes, plants do not like it. Under natural conditions, violets grow near waterfalls and other water bodies. In such places, the humidity is quite high. There are several ways to provide such a climate at home. The simplest is to place a container with water next to the flower. You can also install pots with plants on a pallet filled with moist sand, pebbles or expanded clay. Regular spraying is also used. This method is effective at high room temperature, above 24 degrees.

Otherwise, white stains may appear on the leaves of the plant, which will spoil its appearance. If the plant is slightly wilted, its leaves are lowered, then it is necessary to carry out resuscitation. To do this, place the pot half in a container of warm water. At the top, the plant is covered with polyethylene and mixed into a shaded area. In a day, the state of the violet will improve and it can be returned to normal conditions. When placing, remember that Saint Petersburg does not like drafts. Therefore, choose a warm, cozy place with enough light, not allowing direct sunlight.

Reproduction of violets by leaf

Violet is pink, white, blue, terry or simple, any kind of this plant, multiplies by leaf, cuttings, seeds or by dividing the bush. The first method has two options. In the first case, the cut sheet is placed neatly into a container (small pot) with nutrient substrate. The pot is put in a bag of cellophane and tightly closed. Inside, there must be enough air for the development of the leaflet. Thanks to the greenhouse effect , the cuttings will have enough moisture, and the temperature regime will remain unchanged. Periodically it is necessary to water the leaf, not allowing a strong overmoistening of the earth. When the first, new leaves appear, it is necessary to remove the package so that the plant can develop independently and adapt to new conditions. Instead of a package, you can use a glass jar. The second variant of leaf propagation is simpler. The cut sheet is placed in a glass with water until the roots appear. When they reach one centimeter, you can plant the plant in a pot. From one sheet receive from one to several young outlets. It is worth noting that for reproduction it is better to take large, healthy leaves of the middle row.

Conversion of outlets

Separate the sockets from each other must be very carefully, so as not to damage the root system. Each specimen should have good roots and a few pairs of leaves. The upper part of the plant should correspond to the lower one. These proportions must be observed. If the leaves are too many, then they need to be removed. This will help the plant to better adapt to new conditions and quickly adapt. Transplant young rosettes better in small pots. They should not be too deep or high. Good drainage is very important. In the early days you can make a small greenhouse from a package or a glass jar. Young violets should be regularly ventilated and watered. Other methods of breeding, more complex, are available only to experienced growers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose multiplication by leaf or by dividing the bush. This is the best option that many growers use.

Diseases and pests

Like all plants, the violet pink or other flowers has pests and is exposed to various diseases. The main thing is to identify the problem in time and eliminate it. A root-knot nematode is a disease that promotes the rapid development of root processes in which worms appear. There is no method of fighting this disease. It is necessary to destroy the plant, discard the contaminated soil and thoroughly wash the pots. When a spider mites appear, the plant must be treated with any insecticide intended for indoor plants. Trips, insects with wings that hit home flowers, are destroyed by timely treatment with Inta-vir or phytophythm. This will prevent the spread of insects and protect neighboring plants. Earth tick leads to a change in the appearance of the leaves and the deformation of the rosettes. Violet does not open buds and ceases to bloom. In this case, it is necessary to treat the plant with an insecticide. Leaves affected by gray rot should be removed immediately so that the disease does not spread. Observing all the rules of care, you can grow beautiful, blooming violets of different varieties that will please you all year round.

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