Homeliness, Gardening
The most beautiful plants in the world: description and photo
To discuss the most beautiful plants in the world is an ungrateful occupation, because the concept of beauty is subjective. For someone it is a rose of unusual coloring, to someone there is nothing nicer than a modest chamomile or bell. Someone is delighted with the bright exotic African plants, while someone is touched by tender field tulips.
And nevertheless, we will try to present to you in this article very original and spectacular plants, and you yourself can decide whether they are the most beautiful in the world.
The most beautiful plants of the world are not always flowers or shrubs, pleasing with their unusual flowering and pleasant aroma. On Earth, grow very original trees that attract the interest of lovers of natural beauty.
California sequoia
This is a monotypic genus of wood from the cypress family. The plant is distributed in North America, on the Pacific coast. Some copies of the sequoia grow to gigantic proportions. They are considered the tallest trees on our planet, since they reach a height of one hundred and ten meters. The maximum recorded age of such a giant is more than three and a half thousand years. The diameter of the trunk is about ten meters.
The largest current sequoia is General Sherman (USA). Its height is - 83.8 meters. In 2012, the volume of the tree was 1487 square meters. Scientists believe that his age is from 2300 to 2700 years. The highest specimen in the world is Hyperion, one hundred and fifteen meters high, growing in the Redwood National Park, located in the United States.
Dragon Tree
The plant belongs to the genus Dracaena. It grows on the islands of Southeast Asia, as well as in the subtropics and tropics of Africa. The locals grow it as an ornamental plant. An ancient Indian legend says that in ancient times a terrible and bloodthirsty dragon lived on the island of Socotra , who attacked elephants, and then drank the blood of his unfortunate victims. But one day the old and very large elephant fell on the dragon, crushing it. Their blood mixed and sprinkled the earth around.
This soon grew trees, which were called dracenas, which translates as "female dragon." The inhabitants of the Canary Islands considered it sacred and used its resin for medicinal purposes. Such a resin is found in ancient funerary caves. It was also used for embalming. A branchy thick barrel up to twenty meters in height has a diameter of up to four meters in the basement. Each branch with branches and ends with a dense bundle of leathery greyish-green leaves, from forty-five to sixty centimeters long. Some specimens of these trees live up to seven thousand years.
When we begin to talk about natural beauty, we remember different beautiful plants. But first of all we are talking about colors. This is not surprising. With their help, we tend to express our feelings. After all, it's no secret that to receive a bouquet of tulips, roses or orchids as a gift is pleasant to any person. Photos of beautiful plants are printed on greeting cards, as they are able to cheer up one kind.
In nature, a flower is found in the southeast of Asia and in the Mediterranean. They are loved by many and very beautiful plants. Modern varieties of hyacinths amaze with a variety of colors - this is the result of the work of Dutch breeders.
Today these beautiful flowering plants have become the pride of many florists in our country. There are more than two thousand varieties and varieties of hyacinth that delight simple or terry bunches of various shades: violet and lilac, red and pink, and even blue. Especially elegant and refined are hyacinths with cream, yellow, snow-white flowers or light orange.
The symbol of purity is lotus
Lotus - the sacred flower of Buddhism, it surprises scientists around the world by the fact that its leaves and petals always remain clean. Its flowers are amazingly beautiful and always facing the sun. The nut-oil lotus is also called "Indian", it is common in India, China. Its fragrant flowers have a pink color. They bloom in the sunlight, and at night they close. The diameter of one flower reaches 70 cm.
Lotus yellow is found in the Americas. Because of its spread, this kind of lotus is also called American.
And in ancient India, the lotus was inextricably linked with the emergence of creative forces. The development of the universe and the creation of the world are the basic concepts that were laid down in the meaning of the flower.
Lily of the valley
You can argue as much as you like, choosing beautiful flowers. The plants are tender, with a delicate aroma, which is a symbol of spring and the awakening of nature - these are, of course, lilies of the valley. Flower, which, in our opinion, takes a worthy place in the list of the most beautiful plants of the planet.
This flower is covered with numerous legends. One of them says that the tears of the Virgin Mary turned into lilies of the valley at a time when she was weeping over the body of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Another legend tells that the lily of the valley grew on the spot where the blood of St. Leonardo, wounded in the fight with the dragon, dripped.
Beautiful climbing plants
These flowers perfectly fit into any interior of an apartment or house, and also are the original option for creating a landscape design. They add height to the room, can be used as a green hedge, beautifully and reliably close the existing shortcomings.
Strongylodonum coarse
Many of the most beautiful plants have come to us from afar, as, for example, this tropical ornamental vine, belonging to the family of legumes. It is a native of the tropical forests of the Philippines. The flowers are painted in a rich turquoise color and collected in spectacular racemose inflorescences, almost a meter and a half long.
The flowers are very large, their diameter reaches twelve centimeters. In Europe, a flower is often called a jade liana. During flowering, it is perhaps the most important sight of many botanical gardens in the world.
Passionflower meat-red
Herbaceous exotic liana has a stalking stalk. Its homeland is Bermuda, Brazil, North America. Flowers large, located on long peduncles. Under the flowers are leathery sepals lanceolate. The base of the corolla is five petals, as well as a fringe filamentary corona of deep purple color.
The decorative plant is known for its medicinal properties. The fruit of the plant is used for making jelly and jams.
Ipomea kvmoklit
Photo of beautiful plants can often be seen in publications on gardening, landscape design, and for sure every amateur-florist wants to grow such beauty on his plot (or windowsill).
Cardinal climate is the second name of the morning glory. The plant has scarlet nectar-filled flowers that attract insects. Its leaves are feather-shaped, they are not very densely planted, so there are small gaps on the stems. The plant is very active and blooms and is capable of self-seeding.
The most beautiful plants for the garden
Oh, someone, and gardeners today certainly do not lack a beautiful plant to decorate their plots. Breeders around the world create amazing plants with the most incredible colors and intricate shapes of flowers. Each florist can choose in the store seeds of old, well-known plants and novelties of breeding that can dramatically change the appearance of the site.
Almost all the florists love these beautiful plants. The decorative garden shrub is distinguished by its unusual shape of the crown and bright and lush bloom. Magnificent large inflorescences are bunches. They are formed from flowers of very different colors - white and dark blue, pink and violet, light purple and burgundy. In specimens of wild plants, the diameter of the inflorescences can be up to fifteen centimeters, and in garden plants it reaches twenty-five.
The hydrangea blooms continuously from mid-summer to early autumn. With the onset of the first autumn days the leaves of hydrangea acquire a reddish-bronze hue.
These are very beautiful ornamental plants from the family of Dimian. They are very popular with gardeners due to the magnificent colors, which have the form of hearts and a fairly simple care of the plant. In natural conditions, it occurs in the southeast of Asia, in North America, in China. Flowers in shape resemble a chopped heart.
They are located on a curved shoot single, forming a racemose unilateral inflorescence. The color of flowers varies (depending on the variety): white and pink, yellow or bright red. Flowers are small, not more than three centimeters in diameter.
Yuki Cherry Blossom
These very beautiful plants breeders call a real "flower breakthrough". Surprisingly, they are winter hardy, unpretentious and at the same time amazingly beautiful. Small shrubs, no more than sixty centimeters high, are suitable for low curbs and for growing on latios in containers. This plant was developed by the Netherlands company Valkplant BV.
Geranium ashy Jolly Jewel
And this is a whole series of varieties from the Dutch company Compass Plants BV Flowers are winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests, is very fast growing and lush flowering from April to September. The height of the bushes does not exceed twelve centimeters.
This plant in India is called the "curse of planters." This is due to his rapid growth. Despite this, lantana is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world and, in our opinion, quite deservedly. Evergreen shrubs, growing in natural conditions in the tropics of Colombia, Africa, Venezuela, are really unusually beautiful. In nature, there are over one hundred and fifty species of flowers, but lantana vault is considered the most popular and cultivated variety. The bush grows huge, more than one and a half meters in height.
Numerous branches are covered with a huge number of flowers collected in the inflorescence. They can have a variety of colors: white and red, yellow and orange, purple and pink.
Decorative plants
Every year in the Netherlands, in the city of Boscopes, there is an international exhibition of ornamental plants, a plantarium, on which are presented hundreds of novelties of selection. It causes great interest of professionals and amateurs-flower growers. Of the huge variety of samples this year, experts selected the thirty-eight best plants that literally conquered their hearts. We will acquaint you with some of the winners.
Blue Marvel
The oak sage of this variety won the judging panel with a record size for its kind of inflorescence of rich purple. The bush is quite compact - about twenty-five centimeters high. It can be landed in a container, but with an amazing winter hardiness (up to -34 degrees). Blue Marvel can not be afraid of the result, planted in curbs, mixborders, flower beds.
A luxurious, rather expensive and rare flower comes from Asia and South Africa. It has the second name "flower of glory". Gloriosa has enough thin stems, elongated leaves, which can reach a length of three meters. These flowers are always brightly colored: red-yellow and yellow-green combinations always look exquisite.
Echimene Everlook
And this copy will be of interest to everyone who loves beautiful green plants. In fact, this is a new sort of sedge, the most compact in the popular Evercolor series. This very effective plant, ideally suitable for growing in containers and pots, can also be grown outdoors. The sedge is frost-hardy, easily tolerates low temperatures to -25 ° C.
Strelitzia (a flower of paradise)
This representative of the Strelitzia family is one of the most beautiful plants on our planet. A few loose buds of flowers outwardly resemble hovering birds. In nature, a flower occurs in the tropics of South Africa. The high decorative qualities of the flower of paradise allowed to grow it not only to decorate the interiors, but also to create original landscapes.
Decorative plant of incredible beauty from the family of Orchids. This flower grows in the subtropics of East and South Asia, Australia, New Zealand. The stem plant has apical leaves, which are located throughout the stem.
Depending on the variety, the flowers can be of different shapes, sizes and colors. All varieties of this exotic plant are grown in the indoor environment, and in greenhouses and ornamental gardens. These flowers are protected by an international convention.
We presented to you the most beautiful plant species, in our opinion, of course. Perhaps someone will disagree with our choice, but nevertheless no one will deny that all the presented samples are surprisingly good.
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