
How to grow asters? Simply and easily!

In the late summer and autumn until the frosts appear on the flower beds and in the gardens blossom aster. These are beautiful, simple flowers, beloved by the growers for their huge variety and unpretentiousness. Currently, there are several tens of thousands of varieties of these plants. The asters differ in the shape of petals and inflorescences. The simplest ones have a daisy-shaped basket with a yellow center and one row of long lingual flowers. In the varieties obtained as a result of selection, inflorescences have a more complex structure. There are about forty groups of varieties of asters, the most popular of which are needle, half-double and double in the form of balls, such as the ostrich feather, the unique and the princess.

Many beginning flower growers do not know how to grow asters. It is not difficult at all, and everyone can easily cope with the cultivation of these wonderful flowers. We will tell you how to grow asters from seeds.

Before growing asters, it is advisable to select a site from autumn. Soil should be well digged, remove all weeds and plant residues, make fertilizer. In order for the bed to warm up well in the spring, it is necessary to make it 10-15 cm high.

Seeds of asters can be purchased in flower shops, it is important only that they do not lose their germination, which can be verified by looking at the date of suitability on a package with seeds. Sowing asters is possible from the middle of April and almost until the end of May. The ground in the garden before planting should be well loosened and leveled, you can sprinkle with wood ash.

To increase germination, the seeds should be placed in the refrigerator for one to two weeks before sowing, but not in the freezer compartment. After this hardening of the seeds, it is recommended to pickle in a sufficiently strong solution of potassium permanganate, more commonly known as manganese, and then in a growth promoter solution. After this treatment, the seeds need to be damped on a napkin and the next day can be sown in the ground. It is impossible to store etched seeds for a long time.

Before sowing the beds you need to water well. The seeds of the asters are sown rather densely in grooves with a depth of one centimeter, located at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. After sowing the grooves, you should cover the ground and top with a plastic wrap. Before emergence of the film, the film should be periodically lifted for ventilation. Friendly shoots of asters appear usually one to one and a half weeks after sowing. Shoots tolerate short-term frosts, if it is possible to reduce the temperature below -3C, shoots must again be covered with a film with some thin insulation.

Shoots asters need to be well thinned, removing all the weak and superfluous plants. When a second pair of real leaves appears on the sprouts, it is recommended to fertilize the asters with a solution of humate. Weeding, loosening and watering of plants should be carried out regularly. When young plants grow and become stronger, they are planted in permanent places.

Transplanting asters to permanent places is better done in the evening or in cloudy weather. Plant asters in small holes, located at a distance of 10-15 cm manure when planting is not necessary to use, it is better to fertilize a few days with mineral fertilizers.

The first buds appear in mid-August. At this time you need to fertilize potatoes with fertilizers. To obtain a more lush flowering plants once plucked.

In literature, there are many tips on how to grow asters from seedlings. But this method has its drawbacks, since before growing asters, it is necessary to grow seedlings at home and only then plant it in the ground.

Now, knowing how to grow asters properly, you can always grow these beautiful flowers that will please you with their flowering.

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