Homeliness, Gardening
Orchid: how to make this plant bloom in the home?
Orchids rightfully belong to the most exotic of indoor plants. Not only their natural beauty attracts flower growers, but also some special properties. It is believed that an orchid can fill a room with positive energy and bring creative inspiration. Until recently, it was believed that it was almost impossible to grow an orchid at home. However, we managed to cope with this task: an exotic flower is a wonderful present today and for a long time makes happy with its flowering of the one to whom it was presented. But another question posed to the lovers of indoor plants orchid: how to make this wonderful miracle blossom?
Before talking about the conditions that need to create an orchid for flowering, recall that this flower begins to blossom, only reaching the age of one and a half to two years. The age of the plant can be determined by the leaves. Flowers will appear for the first time, when on the orchid there will be five or six adult leaves. But this will happen only when she is provided with proper care.
Orchid: how to make this plant bloom
A pot for an orchid should be chosen plastic, besides low and wide, and still transparent. First of all, this is due to the fact that the process of photosynthesis in an orchid is performed by the roots. Secondly, this capacity provides the plant with the best drainage. Soil for planting is desirable to buy in the store, a specialized substrate.
Although the plant is hygrophilous, watering it too often is not worth it. It is necessary to watch when the soil dries up, and then water the orchid with water, the temperature of which should be at least 18 degrees, and best of all - 30-35 ° C. Next to the flower, it is desirable to place a container with water for evaporation, or periodically spray near the orchid water from the spray gun.
The plant feels comfortable at daytime temperatures of 20-24 ° C, but at night it should be 4-5 degrees colder.
So, it seems the conditions are created, but the desired effect is not there. This orchid, how to make it bloom ?
Orchids are photophilous, but for different types of them the need for light intensity can be different. Therefore, if there are problems with flowering, it is necessary to study varieties of orchids to clarify what intensity of light is needed for a particular species. Perhaps you just need to rearrange the flower to another window sill, or maybe you should buy a special fluorescent lamp, and then the orchid will bloom.
Do not forget about fertilizers for orchids. They are able both to slow the period of vegetation, and to accelerate it. The development of flowers inhibits a large amount of nitrogen, but fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium, on the contrary, stimulate the placement of stems and the formation of flowers.
"Shock therapy" for orchids
It would seem that all the means have been tried, but she still does not want to flower. What to do with an orchid? Apply "shock therapy". This means that she needs to create drastic changes in the conditions of care. A jump in air temperature, for example, can help. At night, the plant is taken to a room with a temperature of no higher than 19 degrees, and in the afternoon it is placed in a warm room. Or it is necessary to stop sharply to water it, after all habitual habitat of an orchid - tropics, and there as unexpectedly there can be a lot of precipitation so the drought can be established also.
If you follow all of the above tips, you will probably wake up your orchid. How to make this plant bloom will not be a problem anymore.
True, some beginners of florists may have another question. When the flowering is over, is it necessary to trim the flower stem in an orchid? Advise not to rush with pruning, as the flower can still develop further and release new inflorescences. The flower stem can be cut off when it completely withers.
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