
Fighting mites in the suburban area

When the dacha season begins (early May), there is an increase in the activity of ticks-small insects that live in soil, foliage and burrows of various animals. For people, they are quite dangerous, because they endure deadly diseases. That is why the fight against ticks should be conducted in a timely manner. It should begin in the beginning of spring, when insects multiply, and end in the middle of summer, when mites actively search for food and can attack people.

Protection from certain types of these insects can be special clothing, as well as protective nets or repellents. However, in most cases, they can be protected from them using only complex methods.

To date, a large number of preparations from various parasites are on sale. The fight against mites should be carried out with a synthetic pyrethroid for clothing or with DETA, in order to apply to the skin. Pyrethrin is also found in chamomile, for example, in Caucasian or Dalmatian, so these plants can be planted on a site to repel insects.

To treat the suburban area it is recommended to use insectoacaricidal drugs, such as "Tsifoks", "Tsipermetrin", or checkers. They are sprayed with the help of cold fog generators. These means handle shrubs, grass, trees, as well as fences and other elements. The fight against mites is carried out in dry, warm weather, since in this case the preparations crystallize on the foliage and other surfaces properly. Insects are very sensitive to hexohloran smoke, so they almost completely disappear in a day. It is necessary to clean insects two or three times a season.

I must say that all drugs should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Also for the destruction of mites, dust, carbofox or hexachlorane emulsions are used. They are sprayed in the spring after the melting of snow, then fighting the mites on the site will be quite effective. In addition, the treatment is repeated after the appearance of vegetation.

It should be noted that while treating the path, the means against spider-like insects need to be applied not only to it, but also to the site. In addition, you need to regularly cut lawns, scoop up the fallen leaves, that is, do everything to ensure that there are no plant debris on the site. You can make a barrier around the territory, pouring a strip of gravel or sawdust a meter wide.

It must be said that fighting mites is somewhat difficult, because their habitats are never reliably known. That is why it is recommended to destroy them not only in places of repeated infection, but also where isolated cases were observed. In addition, many environmentalists claim that to date there are no such chemicals that are safe for human health. However, in our time without such drugs it is impossible to conduct a complete cleaning of the territory from arachnid insects and other pests, therefore it is recommended to use protective suits when spraying chemicals at your dacha.

Thus, the destruction of ticks in the site should be made somewhat earlier than the time when their active multiplication begins. After processing two, or better three times for the entire season, you can achieve good and lasting results. And do not forget that birds are good protectors from insects, so by making several feeders at the cottage, you can thereby provide additional protection against ticks. In any case, in combating pests and insects methods should be used in a complex, only then they will be effective.

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