Health, Medicine
Useful and simple stretching exercises
Exercise for stretching is very important for both a sportsman and an ordinary amateur. First, stretched muscles give an extraordinary freedom of movement and well-being. Secondly, stretching is simply necessary, both before and after the main workout.
After stretching with the muscles it's easier and more pleasant to work. When lifting weights or any other physical exercises, the muscles contract, and the process of relaxing them lasts for several hours after the completion of the workout - this is where the stretching comes in handy.
Such a complex of exercises should include exercises for stretching the spine, arms, groin, thighs and legs. For beginners, the slowest, static stretching will be most suitable - here the risk of injury is much lower. But before you start stretching, you have to warm up your muscles. You can perform several standard exercises, or just dance.
Exercises for stretching the arms
- Become straight, raise the right hand to the level of the neck. With your left hand, grasp the right elbow and press down slowly - you should feel the stretching of the shoulder muscles. Hold for a few seconds in the most strenuous position. Repeat for the left hand.
- Now lift your right hand up and bend at the elbow - your palm should touch the neck. With your left hand, grasp the right elbow and stretch it to the left. Repeat with the left hand.
Exercises for stretching the spine
- Lay down on the floor, place your arms even above your head, level your feet. Now slowly pull out the body behind your hands while pulling your toes on your legs. Quit in such a tense situation.
- Get on your knees, raise your hands above your head. Slowly bend over backwards, bending your back.
- Lie down on the floor and make a "birch". Tilt your legs back, trying to lower your toes to the floor. The legs should stay flat.
- Lie on your stomach, put your hands on the floor and lift the body. At the same time, bend your legs and try to reach the top of your toes with your toes. Remember that the hips should not come off the floor.
- Another effective exercise for the spine is the "bridge". It is better to start from a prone position. Bend your knees, and put your hands on the floor. Now lift the hull and thighs above the surface, bending the back with an arch.
Exercises for stretching the legs
- Be steady. Tilt the body downward, aiming to completely place the palms on the floor and hold for 15 seconds. The legs in the knees should remain even. Now relax your neck and shoulders - you just have to hang in the air and feel how your leg muscles stretch under your own weight.
- Sit down, bending your knees, and your hands will be pushed to the floor. Now leave your right leg bent forward, and straighten your left leg and take it back. Slowly swing up and down, feeling the muscles of the groin and thighs stretch. Change your legs.
- Now you need to sit comfortably on the floor, and the straight in your knees legs to stretch out in front of you. Hands grasp your feet, and slowly pull the body down, trying to touch the knees with your nose. Repeat the stretching several times.
- Sit down the floor, spread your legs to the sides so that already sitting you feel how to stretch the muscles of the groin. Slowly tilt the body forward, trying to lean against the floor with elbows (if you can do it easily, then try to touch the floor with your nose). Hold this for a few seconds. Now put the body first on the left foot, and then on the right one. Remember that the knee joints should not bend at the same time - it is better to lean less, but keep your legs straight.
If before that time you have never done anything like that, then you should start very carefully. Exercising stretching will first cause discomfort, and sometimes even pain. It is best to spend the first few trainings under the supervision of a coach - he will give you the necessary instructions. Remember that during exercises it is necessary to adhere to the "golden mean" - do not be too zealous, but do not feel sorry for yourself.
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