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Types of cereals. Kashi: recipes with photos

Kashi can be different. Buckwheat and rice, on water and on milk, lean and with meat. Sometimes porridge tasty and undercooked, "empty" and nourishing. One word - different dishes.

What are the porridge

The composition is viscous, liquid and friable. Friable are obtained from rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley and some other cereals. Liquid porridge - from mango, rice, millet, oat flakes. Viscous can be obtained from rice, pearl barley and barley, manga. In a properly cooked dish, the groats are well cooked, but on the plate it does not spread and keeps the shape.

Porridge is cooked on water or on milk, on broth (vegetable or meat). Served with butter or vegetable oil, onions, lard, fruits and vegetables.

Types of cereals are more diverse: buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, semolina, pea, corn, bearberry, lentil, "Dubinushka", Guryev, Suvorov, monastic. How many cereals, so many dishes. And not only of them you can cook porridge. Often used for cooking vegetables. For example, the pumpkin porridge is very tasty. And besides that, there are lesser known sorghum, rye, kino, teff, amaranth and polba. In the course and mixed versions - Suvorov, Guryev, "Dubinushka", monastic.

And if kinoa, amaranth and African thee - happy exotic strangers, then out of pug and mug, our ancestors actively and much prepared.

Types of porridge in Ukraine

In Ukraine this dish was prepared regularly and with skill. It is enough to read a dozen Ukrainian folk tales - and in half of them, the characters are preparing the porridge. Already 5 thousand years ago during Trypillian culture people in this area knew millet, barley and wheat. The use of porridge among the Slavs was successfully supplemented by traditions.

The most famous Ukrainian porridge - kutya - was prepared for Christmas.

Some researchers have been leading the age of this ritual dish since the Neolithic times. Earlier, kuti used wheat and barley, now more often - rice. According to tradition, this dish is prepared three times: on the Holy evening, before the Old New Year and on the day before Vodokreshchenie.

Kutya was not only among the Ukrainians: this dish and similar ceremonies associated with it are with other peoples, including Belarusians, Russians, Poles, etc.

Porridge from Russians and Belarusians

It is difficult to clearly separate some Slavs from others, when it comes to the 12-13 century. Olga Fomina in her book "Traditions of the Russian Meal" writes that porridge was one of the most famous national dishes, in second place after the cabbage soup. They used this dish not only as a nutritious and affordable food, but also for ritual purposes.

We prepared various types of cereals. The porridge was eaten during the wedding, at the wake, at the christening, before and after the battles. For each case, the recipe was its own - for Christmas alone, for the day Agrafena Bathers - another.

The custom of cooking for christenings "a bucket of porridge" is present among modern Belarusians. After all, this dish is delicious and, perhaps, therefore preserved until our days.

How to cook porridge

There are several basic ways to prepare a dish and a lot of variations "on a theme". The main methods: porridge on water, on milk, a combination of the first and second. Garnish from croup and components for salad are often prepared on water, and independent dishes, especially for children, are on milk.

One of the variations of cooking is to cook porridge on vegetable broth. As additives to it you can use vegetables, fruits, salt, sugar, greens, various oils and spices, nuts and dried fruits.

Lenten dish on the water

To get a tasty dish, you need to pay attention to the quality of cereals, and on water, and on the dishes, and on the stove. There are no trifles in this matter, every moment of cooking changes the taste in one direction or another.

Groats for cereals should be free of debris and husks. Very useful whole-grain cereals, for example, unpolished rice, barley, pearl barley. Everything, except for "Hercules" and manki, before cooking should be washed.

Porridge on water turns out more delicious, if it is cooked on "soft" or boiled liquid. Salt, sugar, spices and other ingredients improve and change the taste of the dish for the better. The main thing is to add them on time and in the right amount.

The cooking algorithm is common for most cereals:

  • If necessary, spill, rinse with warm or hot water (do not wash the mango and oat flakes). Drain the water.
  • Put the water on the fire in a saucepan.
  • When water boils, add croup to it. The ratio of cereals and water is different for each type of cereal - all depending on whether the viscous, liquid or friable porridge we want to get.
  • Rice and buckwheat are prepared in a different way - first they fill in the croup, then pour cold water and put on the fire.
  • When the croup absorbs water, the fire is turned off. But the porridge is left to "ripen".
  • When she stood, you can add nuts, fruits, dried fruits, etc.

Milk porridge

This dish is great for breakfast, dinner and for baby food. Porridge on milk is cooked almost the same way as on water, but instead of water in the pan, a dairy product is poured. Rice, buckwheat, millet in milk can be boiled poorly, so first it is necessary to boil them to half-cooked in water, and then bring to "condition" with milk.

General rules of cooking on milk:

  • The groats are poured into boiling liquid;
  • First we salt milk, then we fall asleep in it grits;
  • Salt needs a little more than for dishes on the water;
  • After boiling the porridge on the milk should "go", evaporate (in the classical version - as much as it stood on the fire);
  • There are cereals that you first need to cook on water, and only then - on milk, for example, rice, buckwheat, millet.

Porridge "Suvorovskaya"

Very tasty dishes are obtained on vegetable and meat broth. The principle here is the same as with porridge on plain water. But the most nutritious, rich in proteins, vitamins and micro- and macro elements are types of cereals from several cereals. For example, porridge "Suvorovskaya".

As the legend says, this story happened in the 90s of the XVIII century. During the military campaign the famous commander was informed that there were very few products left in stock - little by little barley, millet and peas.

To weld soldiers to food was impossible - neither one, nor another, nor the third was in sufficient quantity. Suvorov did not lose his head-he ordered all three products to be mixed and boiled from a mixture of cereals. The use of porridge for the health of the soldiers was unquestionable, so this dish was prepared in the army often. In addition, the price of cereals is low, which also contributes to the successful inclusion of food in the ration of servicemen.

They know about Suvorov porridge today. Housewives often pamper her own household. The recipe for Suvorov porridge exists in several variants. The list of ingredients is similar. Almost all recipes have carrots, onions, and, of course, cereals. Use any - ranging from barley, millet and peas, to pearl barley, rice and buckwheat or peas and millet.

How to cook porridge in Suvorov? It necessarily includes onions, carrots and a few cereals equally. Vegetables are stewed in a separate skillet, porridge is cooked separately. In the end, all the ingredients are mixed and served on a table.

Guryev's porridge

This is a very interesting dish. It is made from semolina, creamy foam, nuts, dried fruits. It is believed that it was invented by the cook Georgy Jurisovsky, a major in the Orenburg dragoon regiment, retired. Her name was given by the name of Count Dmitry Guriev, who for a time stayed with the major. Another version claims that the porridge was invented by Count Guryev himself.

Guryevskaya is considered a traditional dish in Russian cuisine, although it appeared only at the beginning of the XIX century, while other types of porridges are known for several centuries. In the recipe of the dish, a kaimak is used - it is laid in layers in a wide saucepan, alternating with a mango, cooked and pitted with nuts. After the dish "comes" in the oven and ends with jam or fruit.

This porridge has its secrets and nuances of preparation. It is believed that she was Alexander III's favorite food. And the legend says that it was he who ate before the train crash in 1888.

How to cook Guryevskaya porridge? One of the recipes advises to do this: weld a good viscous mango. Cool, beat whites, grind yolks with sugar, fry walnuts in butter and mix it all with a manga. Take a frying pan with thick walls, pour the cream and put on fire. Remove the foams put in a saucepan or a suitable frying pan - a layer of foam, a layer of mango, a layer of foam. The top should be a layer of porridge.

The layered porridge-dessert should be baked in the oven at 180 ° C until a golden crust appears. You can serve both hot and chilled.

For decoration, jam, shredded nuts, fruits or dried fruits, and as a drink - milk and coffee cocktails, sweet liqueurs.

Kasha "Dubinushka"

Another very tasty and interesting type of porridge - "Dubinushka." It, like Guryev, consists of layers, only there are much more.

In different recipes of porridge recipes with photos offer a different set of products. However, in general, the dish is prepared as follows: the bottom of thick dishes with high walls (such that it can be put into the oven) is smeared with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, a beet is rubbed on a grater.

The second layer is washed millet, then - grated carrots, then - rice. Over rice - fresh Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes are put on it.

After that go cucumber (fresh) and fresh finely chopped greens. The sixth layer is buckwheat. Onions put onions, onions - barley. Above the ninth layer is a grated pumpkin.

The layered blank is poured hot water and cooked on the fire for about 20 minutes, after which it is put in a heated oven at a low temperature.

When the liquid evaporates, the pan can be turned over onto a dish and get a nice multi-layered "pie". Instead of cucumbers and peppers, you can take meat. Then it turns out not lean, but very satisfying and tasty porridge with meat, which is not embarrassing to include in the restaurant menu.

Monastic porridge

This is another remarkable dish, come, if you believe the name, from the monks. Russian Orthodox monasteries were with different statutes and attitudes toward permitted and forbidden food. But there were no bad cooks in them. There are different kinds of this porridge. Recipes with photos convince us that it is prepared with cereals, and with vegetables. Cooked properly and with skill, this porridge is a tasty, satisfying and inexpensive dish.

Prepare it usually from four types of cereals, for example, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and millet. Often vegetables and spices are added - onions, carrots, black and red peppers, mushrooms. Porridge is perfect for fasting and diet, and if you add mushrooms, it will become a full-fledged source of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin - not at all croup, but the porridge from it turns out noble, fragrant and useful. In this vegetable there is vitamin T (B11, carnitine, L-carnitine), which affects the physiological processes in the body. Pumpkin is cooked in different ways. It is baked, boiled, mixed with cereals. One of the options for cooking - pumpkin porridge in milk with the addition of cinnamon, salt and sugar.

For this, the vegetable needs to be cut into pieces. Milk warm. When it boils, add pumpkin slices, salt and sugar to taste and a little, at the tip of a spoon, a powder of cinnamon. Cook the porridge on a small fire, stirring until the pumpkin dissolves. As a result, a rather liquid but very tasty and healthy dish turns out.

Each kind of porridge is useful and necessary for health. Fiber, proteins, slow carbohydrates (as opposed to the fastest in cakes and sugar), macro- and microelements - and all this is affordable. It remains only to learn how to cook delicious gruel.

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