Health, Medicine
Treatment of transverse flatfoot
Treatment and prophylaxis of flatfoot in younger age allows to avoid adverse consequences. The most severe complications of neglected diseases are developing chronic pain in the back, disorders in the development of the skeleton. In addition, the spring functions of the feet are violated, almost complete disappearance of depreciation occurs. At the same time, all the load during walking is transferred to the hip joint and shin, which can subsequently provoke arthrosis. Therefore, at the first suspicions of the disease, the child must be shown to a doctor who knows how to treat flat feet in children. In addition, a competent specialist will select the optimal therapeutic course taking into account the symptoms and condition of the patient.
However, flat feet can develop not only in childhood. Against the background of untreated earlier or independently in persons after thirty-five years, often there is a transverse form of the disease. The ailment can arise as a result of the influence of various factors, including the excess weight of the patient.
Treatment of transverse flat feet, developing with a decrease in the corresponding arch of the foot, may be due to the limitation of labor activity. It should be noted that this form of ailment is often the result of overstrain of the lower leg during a long period when the patient performs the same movements or staying for a long time on his legs.
In another case, the treatment of transverse flatfoot may, on the contrary, be aimed at increasing the load on the foot. In this case, the cause of the development of ailment is the lack of mobility of a person and, as a consequence, a decrease in the elasticity and strength of the muscle.
Treatment of transverse flatfoot can also be directly related to compliance with the diet. This happens if its cause is overweight.
This ailment is also often noted during pregnancy.
As medical practice shows, the development of transverse flatfoot is mainly associated with plantar aponeurosis. This muscular tendon, represented by a wide shiny plate, passes to the anterior region of the foot from the heel of the calcaneus. Thus, the ailment can also develop as a result of the immobility of the plantar aponeurosis.
In a healthy state, the largest load is distributed to the first metatarsal bone. The transverse flatfoot is characterized by a deviation, in which the load is distributed to the heads in the middle metatarsal bones. Thus, the deviation takes place outside. The first metatarsal bone thus, rising upwards, turns. The thumbs are deflected to the outside, and the middle ones are hammered. This condition is accompanied by soreness. The head of the first metatarsal bone develops inflammation, cartilaginous growth, redness and swelling are noted. By overloading the front of the foot, the skin thickens. In this place develop corns and corns.
Treatment of transverse flatfoot can be operational or conservative.
In the second case, therapy is aimed at preventing further development of the disease, alleviating the existing symptoms, in particular, eliminating pain.
The early stage of the disease involves the use of orthopedic insoles. In addition, the use of special rollers, which are located below the corns, is effective.
In severe cases, the orthopedic specialist appoints, as a rule, wearing special shoes, which are made to order. In addition, conservative methods of influence are massage and physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic physical training.
In the absence of effect after these manipulations and with persistent or increasing pain in the foot, surgical intervention can be prescribed.
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