Beauty, Skin care
Bruises under the eyes how to remove them: useful tips
The skin around the eyes is more tender and prone to various defects. Such are the bruises under the eyes. Agree, it is not very pleasant to look at a woman who has dark circles under her eyes. Immediately begin to think that this woman is sick, because she has such an unhealthy appearance. Now you understand what bruises under the eyes are like to remove them you should know every woman, because such a problem can overtake any of us, regardless of age and health level.
So, you have bruises under the eyes, and now you do not know what to do. Let's first understand the reasons for their appearance, and only then will we proceed to radical measures. In fact, it is not always possible to establish the cause of the appearance of bruises under the eyes . Best of all, of course, if the doctor did this: a dermatologist, a cosmetologist. The fact is that the reasons are very different, and not always pleasant. For example, swelling of bruises under the eyes may indicate the presence of any disease. Most often this applies to the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, but sometimes the cause may be many other diseases. It is clear that only a doctor can determine the presence of a disease, and only after the necessary tests have been assigned. If with the work of the organs you have everything in order, and bags under your eyes every day make themselves felt, then, most likely, you have the wrong regime of the day. A bad or short-term dream is a real friend of bruises and swelling under the eyes. You did not get enough sleep tonight, but in the morning blue is already blossoming under your eyes. The cause may be poor nutrition, lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body, as well as abuse of harmful habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. All this adversely affects the skin condition of the entire face, but under the eyes and even more so. Oh, those insidious bruises under the eyes how to clean them and not prevent a new appearance?
If the cause lies in the illness, then you should definitely begin to treat it. Of course, all this must first be agreed with the attending physician and do not prescribe treatment yourself.
In any case, you should reconsider your daily routine: an adult's sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, nutrition is a whole balanced complex that will give your body the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Drop all your bad habits, probably, about their harm is not worth talking about, every person already knows. After you change your lifestyle, you will immediately notice how your complexion has changed, and the bruises under your eyes have disappeared somewhere.
Note that even because of heredity, bruises under the eyes may appear to remove them. Everything is much more complicated here. Special cosmetics and folk recipes will not be able to cope with them, so you can remove such a defect only surgically. In other cases, you can try to get rid of bruises under the eyes with special creams, just make sure they are fat enough. Do not forget that you can apply them only for 3-4 hours. If the cream is left overnight, it will clog the pores and the skin will not be able to breathe.
Bruises under the eyes as to remove them with the help of folk recipes. For example, you can wipe the problem areas with ice cubes made from pre-frozen herbal decoction (eg chamomile). Effective fights with edema and bruises under the eyes of potatoes, while it can be both raw and boiled. You need to cut it with not very thick lobules and apply for 7-10 minutes. You can also try this mask: take 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley and 2 teaspoons of sour cream. All mix well and dabble for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and then rinse with cold water.
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