
How to clean bruises under the eyes? We study effective methods

Bruises under the eyes can occur for three reasons. First, it is a hereditary predisposition. Such people have thin skin, so all the vessels shine through it. Secondly, bruises on the face can arise as a result of physical overwork and fatigue. This is one of the symptoms that signal that the body needs rest. The third cause of bruising is a trauma of the soft tissues of the face, as a result of which cells and blood vessels are damaged. In any case, bruises are not a pleasant phenomenon in the aesthetic sense. And anyone who has on his face for one reason or another present such manifestations, try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. How to clean bruises under the eyes - this is the theme of our today's article. From the material presented, you can find out how to solve this problem.

Hematoma on the face. How to get rid of it quickly?

As a result of a fall or impact on a solid object, almost immediately bruises occur. In themselves, they take place within a few days, or even weeks. Is it possible to accelerate this process? How to remove the bruise under the eye quickly? It is important to begin treatment procedures immediately after getting the injury. The first thing to do is to apply cold to the hematoma. It can be snow, ice, metal object, wet towel. Keep such a compress should be at least half an hour. Further, the site of the injury should be treated with means that prevent the blood from clotting and thus prevent the formation of bruises (this is the "Heparin Ointment", "Troxevasin", "Rescuer"). From the bruises under the eyes helps the chemist's body. It is applied in the form of compresses. At home, grated raw potatoes, a chilled cabbage leaf, a slurry made from aloe, can be used to treat the hematoma . The main condition in the treatment of bruises is a timely beginning. If time is lost, then no means will save you.

How to clean the bruises under the eyes, resulting from overwork and exhaustion of the body?

The most effective means in solving this problem is proper rest and sleep. But not always we can afford these pleasures when we want and as long as we want. But we always want to look fresh and beautiful. How to be in this situation? How to clean bruises under the eyes? Let's consider several methods for solving this problem.

  • Cosmetic products, which include collagen (tightens the skin), caffeine (removes excess fluid), manganese (stimulates blood circulation), extract of green tea (relieves swelling).
  • Lotion from decoctions of medicinal herbs, which help to eliminate cyanosis of the skin (chamomile, sage).
  • Face massage. This procedure is performed after washing and consists of stroking the skin around the eyes, light tapping with the pads of the fingers, and exercises for squeezing.
  • Hardware massage. This procedure is performed in the conditions of beauty salons. It promotes the outflow of fluid from the eye area.

With nature you can not argue?

How to be those who have thin skin, and dark circles under their eyes are always pronounced? It turns out, and in this case you can get rid of them. How? You can remove bruises under the eyes with the help of all the recipes given in the article above. In addition, people with thin skin and blood vessels can take from time to time drugs that promote the strengthening of blood vessels: "Ascorutinum", "Escuzan".

We hope that these tips will help you to solve such a problem as bruises under the eyes. But remember, before using any method, consult a medical specialist.

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