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Cream from stretch marks during pregnancy: reviews. Rating of creams from stretch marks

Many future mothers are afraid of losing the figure after childbirth. And the most common problem among pregnant and lactating women is not the appearance of excess weight, but stretch marks on the body. They can occur on the chest, abdomen, legs and even on the hands. Doctors recommend future mothers do not wait until trouble comes, and use the cream from stretch marks during pregnancy. Feedback from experts on this issue is straightforward: striae are very difficult to remove, so it is better to take care of their prevention in advance.

What are stretch marks

If expressed in medical language, stretch marks are subcutaneous scars caused by microfractures of deep layers of the epidermis. The striae are white or distinctly red stripes in certain areas of the body. With a microfracture, the cavity is filled with connective tissue, resulting in a subcutaneous scar of light color. If the vessels are injured, the stretching can acquire a red tint.

Strias: why do they appear?

Contrary to popular belief, the reasons why subcutaneous scars appear in pregnant women do not focus only on increasing body volume. Therefore it is important to understand that even the most good cream from stretch marks can not completely insure against this problem. In general, stretch marks in pregnant women appear due to the following reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Hormonal fluctuations;
  • Strong weight gain;
  • Lack of vitamins.

Any of these factors can reduce the elasticity of the skin, making it difficult to adapt to changes in the body of a future mother. Most often, pregnant and giving birth to women suffer from stretch marks on the abdomen, as this zone is subject to the most severe deformities.

Complex prevention of stretch marks

It should be noted that preventive measures to prevent striae should be carried out strictly in an integrated manner. This will reduce the risk of stretch marks and help maintain the beauty of the skin throughout pregnancy.

It is very important for future mothers not to forget about weight control. In this they will be helped by proper nutrition and regular visits to the doctor. Ladies waiting for the baby, it is necessary to include in your diet as much fruit and vegetables as possible - this will insure against beriberi. Approximately from 4 months of pregnancy it is necessary to begin to wear a special bandage, which will help to maintain the abdominal muscles in tonus.

Of particular importance in the prevention of stretch marks are cosmetic procedures. Already on the 8th and 9th week of the baby's expectation, it is necessary to start taking care of the skin of the body using at least an ordinary children's cream. From stretch marks during pregnancy also help to insure natural cosmetic oils (olive, lavender, etc.). However, the greatest effect can be achieved with the help of special creams designed to prevent streas. The main thing is that the product you have chosen should nourish and soften the skin as much as possible.

How to apply the cream to expectant mothers

Regular use of your chosen means is the key to successful prevention of striae. Apply the cream to the areas of the body that are most at risk of subcutaneous scars. In expectant mothers, such are the abdomen, chest and thighs. During the procedure, it is recommended to perform light massage movements that help to distribute the product evenly over the surface of the body and allow it to absorb faster.

Specialists in the field of medicine recommend that all women without exception use a cream from stretch marks during pregnancy. The reviews of many expectant mothers prove that a qualitative and systematically applied product can eliminate even the already appeared stretch marks at the initial stage. The effectiveness of the tool can be really strengthened with the help of such additional measures as:

  • Daily massage of problem areas;
  • Peeling zones, subject to stretching.

Starting to use a cream against the striae is necessary from about 9 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, the shape of the body of the future mother is already changing, so it becomes necessary to introduce preventive measures in relation to the appearance of stretch marks. Girls who have a predisposition to striae can resort to the use of the cream even at the stage of the child's planning. This will help to prepare the skin in advance for the load and make it more pliable.

Selection of anti-stretch marks

Of course, when determining the cream for the prevention of striae, it is necessary to rely on the characteristics of your own organism. For example, they can be attributed to the tolerability of odors. It is very difficult for some women to tolerate harsh odors during pregnancy, so the product with a pronounced perfume composition will not work for them.

Choosing a good cream from stretch marks, you must also follow the general rules:

  • The product is best purchased only in a specialized store or pharmacy.
  • On the package with cosmetic means must be marked "For pregnant women."
  • It is recommended to stop your choice on hypoallergenic creams, because during the waiting period of the baby, the future mother may have a more sensitive skin.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the product. It should include natural emollients (avocado oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ, etc.), as well as vitamins, retinoids, elastin and collagen.

It is important to understand that an effective cream from stretch marks during pregnancy can not be cheap. To be guided by the financial possibilities at a choice of a product is normally. However, it is not necessary to resort to extremes and risk the health of the baby, choosing the cream of an unreliable producer.

In order to make it easier for you to determine the tool, here are some of the most popular products against striae below.

Cream from stretch marks during pregnancy Sanosan: composition, action

The product is manufactured by a German manufacturer. The cream is universal: it is suitable for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. In addition, the product helps not only to prevent streas, but also to actively combat them. Ingredients in the cream components help to strengthen the regenerative function of the skin, soften and smooth the surface of the epidermis.

The main active substances of the agent are jojoba oil and wheat proteins. They saturate the skin with vitamins, help keep moisture in it and stimulate the process of cell renewal. Additional sources of nutrients are milk proteins, olive oil, as well as hibiscus extract. The last component of its action is simply priceless: it replenishes the skin with an arsenal of vitamins and minerals, and also significantly increases its tone.

The cream of Sanosan ("Sanosan") from stretch marks is recommended for use from the first days of pregnancy. The product is absolutely hypoallergenic, which only adds points in its favor. The average cost of the facility is approximately 200 rubles. In this case, the volume of the tube with cream is 100 ml. According to the reviews of women using Sanosan, the remedy is spent very sparingly. This nuance allows you to refer this product to the budget section. With proper use of the tool is enough for a long time.

Cream for pregnant and lactating women Avent

The English product, designed for expectant mothers, helps not only to get rid of the striae, but also provides relaxation to the body, and also leads the muscles into tonus. Avent, as well as the previous remedy, deservedly tops the rating of creams from stretch marks during pregnancy.

This cosmetic product contains in its composition an extract of algae, which perfectly moistens all layers of the epidermis, giving them elasticity and softness. Thanks to the oil of papaya, located in the cream, there is a local antihistamine effect on the skin. In addition, the water balance in the cells of the epidermis is restored, as a result of which an excess liquid is discharged from them. Soothing effect on the body has essential oils of orange and almonds, also contained in the cream. They give the product a gentle delicate aroma that allows the expectant mother to get the maximum pleasure from the procedure.

Women who used this cream from stretch marks during pregnancy, the reviews leave positive. The product is excellent for skin prone to allergies. In addition, it does not irritate the sensitive sense of smell of the future mother, but, on the contrary, helps to eliminate discomfort. The manufacturer clarifies that the cream is suitable for use during lactation. The only remark about this: when applying funds to the breast should be avoided the area of the nipples.

Mama Comfort for sensitive skin

The peculiarity of the cream is that it is designed to care for sensitive skin, which often causes irritation. The remedy is produced by the domestic trademark "Our Mother". The product is aimed at eliminating the dryness of the skin, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of striae.

Cream Mama Comfort ("Mom Comfort") from stretch marks is produced in the form of an emulsion, which is very quickly absorbed and penetrates even the deepest layers of the dermis. Getting into the body, it stimulates metabolic processes, thereby contributing to the saturation of the skin with beneficial substances. Olive oil, as an active component of the cream, moistens the body parts subject to stretching, making them softer and more elastic. Extracts of chamomile and tea tree relieve inflammation and irritation, and also enter the process of regeneration of epidermal cells. Extract from horse chestnut enhances the production of collagen and elastin in skin cells. The most important component of the Mama Comfort emulsion is hyaluronic acid. This substance is the secret of the beauty and youth of the skin. It promotes the process of renewing the cells of the epidermis and helps to retain moisture in them.

A noticeable effect can be achieved in a few months, if you regularly use this cream from stretch marks during pregnancy. The reviews of many expectant mothers inspire the acquisition of a remedy: it really prevents the appearance of striae. It is recommended to use the emulsion during the entire period of the baby's wearing, as well as after the birth, before the final restoration of the body.

Mustela: for the prevention and treatment of striae in pregnant women

This drug is an order of magnitude higher than the described creams. However, this does not reduce its popularity among expectant mothers. Judging by the reviews of customers, the French cosmetic product does its job well: it successfully fights with the appearance of stretch marks. A tool called "9 months" is enriched with Japanese Sophora extract, as well as shea butter and silicon. These components have a pronounced stimulating effect on skin cells. In addition, the ego composition includes a whole complex of useful minerals and trace elements, providing nutrition and moisturizing the dermis. The main feature of Mustela is the presence of peptides and elastoregulators in it, which contribute to the restoration of the skin and the formation of collagen fibers in them.

It is proved that the best creams from stretch marks during pregnancy are completely hypoallergenic. With this requirement, the Mustela developers have handled perfectly - the tool can be used by women even with very sensitive skin integuments. The active therapeutic effect is not only for expectant mothers, but also for lactating women.

Oily and fairly dense consistency of the cream makes it possible to use it as a basis for massage. This same feature many pregnant and lactating women note as a negative property. According to some reviews, the remedy is hardly distributed on the surface of the body and is slowly absorbed.

Cream Vichy: future mothers to help

Another product against stretch marks, which got to the domestic market from France, was released by Vichy. The product is made on the basis of thermal water. Despite the high cost, the cream "Vichy" does not cease to be popular among young mothers and pregnant women. The reason for this is the fast product efficiency, proved by a lot of consumers.

It was confirmed not only by specialists, but also by pregnant women, that the cream literally corrects the emerging striae in just a few months, significantly reducing them in size. The color of the red stretch marks becomes more muted and in due course acquires a barely noticeable light tint. With regular application, the cream provides adequate nutrition and moisturizing to the skin. The agent stimulates the growth of collagen fibers responsible for the elasticity of the dermis and its resistance to deformations. Due to the rich composition, the cream "Vichy" (Vichy) has a very dense and greasy consistency. However, this does not worsen its properties: the product is remarkably absorbed by the skin, leaving no traces on clothing and underwear.

The drug is hypoallergenic, so experts recommend it for use at any time of bearing the baby. In addition, the cream is effective for eliminating postpartum stretch marks.

Ointment "Bepanten": use in pregnancy

It should be noted right away that the remedy in question refers, rather, to medicinal products than to cosmetic products. For this reason, not all women decide to use Bepanten to prevent stretch marks. The price of a cream of the Swiss manufacture is rather high, but the future mothers who nevertheless gave it preference, say that it's worth it.

The initial purpose of the drug is to heal various lesions of the skin. The innovative composition of the cream has absolutely no contraindications for use during pregnancy and during the period of feeding. In addition, "Bepanten" is well tolerated even by babies, which makes it simply an indispensable tool in the first-aid kit of a young mother.

The main active substance of the ointment is dexapanthenol. This component is very quickly absorbed by the skin cells. Over time, it is converted into panthenolic acid, which, in turn, takes an active part in the regenerative function of the dermis. This feature allows future mothers to successfully apply not only standard cosmetic products, but also "Bepanten", to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The price of the drug, of course, bites, but it justifies the result. The cost of a tube, depending on the dosage, is from 350 to 600 rubles. In addition to dexapanthenol, the active action on the skin is caused by almond oil and lanolin. Components intensively moisturize the treated areas of the body and give them firmness.

Regardless of the brand of cream you choose, skin care during pregnancy should be daily. The use of special cosmetics will reduce the risk of stretch marks to a minimum.

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