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Imagination and creativity. What is it like it is

We all know what imagination is. Often, when we say something to each other, we say: "Do you represent?". For this, we need imagination and creativity to invent and represent.

Presenting something, in the human mind there are various mental images. And depending on the nature of their origin, the imagination can be reproductive and creative (reproductive). Images of the reproductive imagery arise on the basis of a graphic or verbal description. For example, when reading a novel, you can mentally draw a picture of the described plot in which the hero of the book turned out, and on the basis of a verbal description see his image, clothes, face, etc.

Images of productive (creative) imagination are distinguished by their originality. They are filtered by ourselves, without reference to a description of anything. Now it is difficult to come up with something new, not similar to the already known to us stories. And we understand what is at stake, since in the images that appear at this time there are elements of productive (creative) imagination.

Imagination is a kind of mental construction (representation) of a product of activity even before its emergence, as well as the creation of a program of behavior in the event that the disputed situation is characterized by uncertainty.

The advantage of imagination is that with its help one can find a way out of the problem situation and make a decision without having the necessary level of knowledge. Fantasizing (imagining), you can omit some stages of thinking and get the final result we need.

Imagination is of two kinds - active and passive.

Active imagination and creativity helps to solve certain problems and tasks, depending on the nature of which the imagination is divided into creative (productive) and reproductive (reproductive).

The peculiarity of the reproductive imagination is that it creates images corresponding to the descriptive ones. For example, reading literature, while studying a map of a locality, or historical events, imagination paints in your head what is described in books, stories, maps, etc. And when those objects are reproduced for which spatial characteristics have Great (important) significance, talk about the imagination of the spatial.

Unlike the reproducer, productive imagination and creativity creates new images independently, realized in cost and original products of activity. Also productive imagination is an integral part of creative activity.

Many people are wondering why the preschooler needs to develop imagination and creativity, if logically it should be brighter and more original than an adult. However, this theory is erroneous. According to psychologists, the child's imagination develops gradually, accumulating certain experience, therefore, we obtain all imagery from the experience of real life, however bizarre they may be, they are based on these ideas. In a word, only the diversity and volume of our experience depends on the potential of the imagination.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the imagination of the child is much poorer than that of an adult. Less life experience, therefore, less material for fantasy.

Children's creative imagination must be developed from infancy, so that in adolescence, an individual can already easily draw in his head certain images, not only fabulous, but real.

In the life of the child, the imagination plays a slightly different role than in the life of the adult. With the help of fantasy, the kid learns better the world around him and himself.

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