
Lineks reviews say this is a good drug

Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation and flatulence indicate a disruption in the digestive system. Most often this is due to the appearance of dysbiosis, which is characterized by a violation of the intestinal microflora. As is known, in the norm in the intestine there must be a certain amount of useful and harmful microorganisms. When this balance is disturbed, in other words, harmful microorganisms become larger, unpleasant sensations appear. Normalize the microflora is possible only with the help of special medications that "deliver" the necessary amount of useful microorganisms in the intestine.

In this article, we will talk about Linex, a drug that has proved itself well in the fight against dysbiosis and other disorders of the digestive system. Several important studies have confirmed the fact that this drug is characterized by high efficiency and rapid action. Linex reviews about which in the majority only positive, delivers in a gut a necessary quantity of microorganisms due to what the microflora normalization occurs. To be more precise, Linex contains biodobacteria, enterococci and lactobacilli, which must prevail in the intestine. Disrupted their composition can be replenished with this medication.

Linex bio is a completely natural product, therefore it can be prescribed to people of any age. The plus of this drug is that it can be used to treat dysbiosis in newborns. However strange it may sound, almost all the newborns experience unpleasant sensations in the intestines in the first days of their lives. The fact that the child has dysbiosis, can be understood by green feces , colic and flatulence. At the present time, many doctors recommend that newborns drink to children for several days. Linex feedback from parents who passed through this, confirm the importance of taking the drug in the fight against dysbiosis. Some problems may occur with taking the medicine. Since the baby is too small and can not swallow the capsule, it is necessary to mix the powder with a small amount of milk and give the baby. It is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to give Linex a newborn after eating.

The scheme of admission of the drug in adults differs only in dosages. Children under 14 years should take 1 capsule 1-2 times a day, children older and adults - 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. This scheme is approximate, the exact dose can be set only by the doctor depending on the specific situation. That's why you should not prescribe and take the drug yourself, even Linex reviews can not be the basis for using this drug for treatment if the doctor does not appoint it.

It should be noted that the drug has no serious side effects. Basically they appear in allergic reactions, but there are few such cases. In the first days of treatment, nausea and diarrhea may appear, but these symptoms are rare. I will draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to take the drug in those cases, if there is an individual lactose intolerance, it is undesirable to take during pregnancy and lactation.

Lineks analogues of which can not be compared with its effectiveness, can not be taken simultaneously with the intake of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances. At the same time, the drug is allowed to use during the intake of antibiotics, which are one of the reasons for the violation of the intestinal microflora.

Already in the first days of treatment there is an improvement, such disorders as vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea and constipation go away. But this does not mean that you can stop treatment. The course must be completed, only in this case the amount of useful and harmful microorganisms will come to equilibrium. Linex reviews about which you can always find on the Internet - this is a real home assistant of the whole family, however, he can only become of them with the permission of the attending physician.

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