
Tranquilizers: list

Tranquilizers, the list of which will be presented below, are medicines that help to reduce the excitability of the brain regions, including the hypothalamus and thalamus, as well as the lymphatic system. They are used mainly for violations of the functions of the central nervous system, during the preoperative period, and also for calming and transporting animals.

Tranquilizers have a sedative soothing effect. In this case, a rapid decrease in wakefulness occurs, apathy, lethargy and drowsiness occur. When taking a tranquilizer, the muscles relax, the concentration of attention decreases , the reactions to external stimuli slow down.

All psychotropic medications in one way or another contribute to a change in chemical reactions in the brain, and tranquilizers are not excluded. The classification of the latter includes:

- benzodiazepine preparations (nosepam, sibazone);

- propanediol (meprotan);

- diphenylmethane (amisyl) drugs.

Also distinguish between sedative and so-called daytime drugs.

Consider what are the tranquilizers. List in front of you.

Benzodiazepine tranquilizers (list)

1. The remedy "Sibazon" has a well-pronounced tranquilizing effect, reduces the feeling of fear, tension, anxiety, helps normalize sleep. It also has anticonvulsant and antiarrhythmic action. Use it for cramps and stomach ulcers. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy.

2. The drug "Chlozepid" soothingly affects the NA, it helps to relax the muscles, reduces seizures, causes sleep. This drug is used for excitation of the nervous system, arthritis, neuroses. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

3. Pharmaceutical preparation "Phenazepam" has a strong anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. It is used for neuroses, which are accompanied by a sense of fear and anxiety, and also as an anticonvulsant. It is not recommended to use this drug during pregnancy.

4. The drug "Nozepam" has a somewhat weak effect on the body (a mildly expressed anticonvulsant effect) and is non-toxic. The drug is used for neuroses.

Propandiol preparations

The most well-known medicine in this group "Meprothan" has a pronounced anticonvulsant and sedative effect, reduces body temperature, is not toxic. The drug is used with a high muscle tone, in the preoperative period, as well as with neuroses, which are accompanied by anxiety and fear. This drug causes drowsiness and muscle weakness.

Preparations of this group contribute to the inhibition of excitation in the spinal cord, thalamus and hypothalamus, developing a calming effect, but they do not affect the vegetative HC.

Diphenylmethane tranquilizers (list)

Among drugs of this group, the most popular drug is "Amizil", which has anticonvulsant, antihistamine, anesthetic and sedative effects. It also eliminates the cough reflex. The drug helps to reduce the influence of the vagus nerve, so people are seeing pupils dilating, muscle tone and gland secretion decrease. Used drugs for neuroses, spasms of muscles, in the postoperative period, as well as for the diagnosis of eye diseases.

Drugs in this group have a strong effect on the chemical reactions in the brain.

Thus, tranquilizers have a calming effect on the central nervous system, but do not have antipsychotic effects, but only reduce feelings of anxiety, fear and tension. That is why they are used for small changes in the functions of the NS. At the same time, some of the drugs help relax the muscles and stop cramping, while the other part has a sedative and activating effect. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will select the necessary medication.

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