Health, Preparations
How effective is the cheap Russian analogue of Detralex?
Varicose disease of the lower extremities is getting younger every year. Increasingly, with pathology, young girls and newly mummy have to face. After all, it is the representatives of the weaker sex that are particularly susceptible to the development of this disease. Varicosis can be treated in many ways. Especially widely in recent years, drug therapy, namely the Russian analogue of Detralex, has been used. This is exactly what will be discussed later. From the article you will learn about what is called the cheap analogue of Detralex, and what value it has. Also worth mentioning is how effective this medicine is in comparison with an expensive original.
Varicose disease and its treatment
Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is a very insidious disease. Some patients already do not feel any symptoms at a fairly neglected stage, while other people complain of the appearance of symptoms at the earliest stages of the onset of the disease.
Varicosis develops due to an incorrect lifestyle, excessive stress on the legs, in people with sedentary work and so on. The causes of the pathology can be many. Heredity also plays an important role in the acquisition of varicose insufficiency.
The sooner treatment of pathology begins, the more likely a positive outcome. In most cases, doctors prescribe only medications. However, in more severe situations, laser treatment and sclerotherapy can be used. If this correction is also impotent, then a surgical operation is prescribed .
The Russian analogue of Detralex
The only similar preparation is the tablet "Venarus". It is worth noting that the composition of these two products includes the same dosage of the same substances. That is why the analogue of Detralex "Venarus" can be considered a completely identical medicine. The difference is only in the manufacturer.
How effective is the analogue of Detralex?
This drug has a venotonic effect on the walls of the vessels of the whole organism. Tablets increase blood flow and make the vein walls more elastic and elastic. The permeability of capillaries also decreases.
In addition, the Russian analogue of Detralex perfectly fights the symptoms of venous insufficiency: it removes the edema, improves the circulation of lymph, relieves the vessels from stagnation and prevents thrombus formation. In addition, the drug successfully fights with the appearance of hemorrhoids in the anus. It is worth noting that some candles and ointments are not able to exert such an influence on the body, as the Russian analogue of Detralex.
How much is the medicine?
Now a few words about the cost of the analogue of Detralex, Venus. The price of the drug depends on the form of release. The product is available in packs of thirty and sixty tablets. It is worth noting that the French drug "Detralex" is packaged in a similar way.
Have you been assigned the analogue of Detralex, Venus? The price will be more profitable when purchasing a large package. So, a pack of pills in the amount of sixty pieces costs from 900 to 1300 rubles. If you decide to purchase a small package, it will cost you about 500-700 rubles.
What do patients say?
The opinions of people taking this remedy are very diverse. Some patients were satisfied with this drug and say that it is very effective. Other patients note that the medicine had no effect unlike the expensive French remedy.
Let's try to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug "Venarus".
Symptom withdrawal
Patients say that the analogue of "Detralex" with varicose begins to act immediately. Already on the first day of treatment, a positive effect is noted. So, most often the symptoms of venous insufficiency appear later in the evening, after a hard day. Usually, women feel pain and fatigue in their feet after wearing long high-heeled shoes. Patients may also notice swelling and convulsions.
When treating with the drug "Venarus" all these unpleasant symptoms disappear. The medicine is effective only a few hours after administration. It dilutes blood and facilitates the expulsion of fluid from the dilated veins. Due to this, patients feel lightness in their legs, note the absence of convulsions and heaviness. Also, women say that after taking this medication they can spend a long time on their heels and do not feel uncomfortable at the same time.
Effects on the veins
The analogue of Detralex in case of varicose has not only the effect of pain relief. The drug perfectly fights with the formation of thrombi and promotes the dissolution of existing nodes. Also, the drug acts on the capillaries, strengthening their elasticity. As a consequence, the violet mesh that has appeared so often on the legs of the fairer sex can disappear.
In addition, the medicine increases the tone of the veins. Vessels become more elastic and restore their normal functions. It is worth recalling that the drug acts on the entire body of the patient. That's why the tablets help to resolve small hematomas and bruises that are on the human body.
Application for hemorrhoids
The analogue of Detralex for hemorrhoids will be no less effective than the expensive original drug. Thus, patients note that after the first pill administration, they felt considerable relief and elimination of symptoms.
The drug is quickly absorbed into the blood and dilutes it. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the vessels is restored. At the initial stages of the disease, the preparation "Venarus" is very effective. Patients completely get rid of hemorrhoids, the disease does not return after discontinuation of treatment.
However, there are people who did not benefit from treatment with this drug. Such patients say that the analogue of the French medicine is completely ineffective. Physicians also argue that the lack of action is associated with the advanced stage of the disease. Such patients are no longer helped by medication, they need to resort to surgical or minimally invasive interventions.
Time of action of the medicine
The preparation "Venarus" has a rather long action. So, after taking the tablets before the half-life of the drug from the body should take about twelve hours. That's why the medicine is prescribed for use twice a day. The medicine is given mainly with feces and urine.
Compatibility of the drug with other drugs
The preparation "Venarus" is also good because it practically does not react with other medicines. Specialists allow the use of similar drugs in another form: gels, ointments, suppositories. However, you should carefully read the instructions and observe the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, some side effects may develop.
Why the Russian analogue may not work?
There is a group of patients who says that the "Venus" tablets are completely ineffective. Why is this happening?
If a person already has an advanced stage of varicose veins, the doctor must tell him about it without fail. In these cases, alternative methods of treatment are chosen. However, some patients, after reading positive reviews about the drug, start using this medicine on their own. At the same time, there is no favorable effect. People say that the analogue of the French medicine is completely useless.
Are there any other analogues of Detralex?
Analogues of Detralex in Russia are also represented by means of "Venozol", produced in the form of tablets, gel and ointments.
It should be noted that this medicine is not so common as the medicine "Venarus". At the same time, its price is much lower. The cost of one gel pack is in the range of one hundred to three hundred rubles. Tablets do not cost you more than five hundred rubles.
This product is made entirely of natural ingredients. It has the same effect as the Detralex tablets. However, it is very rarely prescribed. This is due to the lack of popularity of the drug.
It is worth noting that the remedy is very effective when the patient is unable to take the pills. This often occurs during pregnancy, when breastfeeding or when there is intolerance to certain components. After application to the affected areas, the medication is immediately absorbed and begins to act. In a few hours you will feel relief and reduce the symptoms of the disease.
Why choose analogues?
The French medicine "Detralex" has many side effects. So, patients complain that during treatment there is a pain in the stomach and digestion is disturbed. Also, tablets can cause nasal bleeding.
Analogues of this drug have an identical composition, but often do not cause negative phenomena. That is why they are chosen when the "Detralex" is not suitable.
So, now you know the main analogues of the drug Detralex. It is worth saying that the medicine can be replaced with some other medications that are similar in effect. These include "Antistaks", "Troxevasin", "Flebodia" and others. However, they can not be called full analogues of Detralex, since the composition there is completely different.
Choose substitutes for expensive medicines wisely. Before you start treatment with one or another remedy, it is worth consulting with a specialist. Be healthy and never get sick!
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