Self improvementPsychology

Psychologist Marina Komissarova: biography and photos

Psychologist Marina Komissarova is known for her informative articles in the blogs of the "Live Journal" and is very popular on the expanses of the Russian segment of the Internet. Her articles are devoted to the relationship between a man and a woman, self-esteem, psychological complexes and simply problems of human communication. Also, the main theme of her blog is women's mistakes in relationships and personal crises. Psychologist Marina Komissarova periodically responds to letters addressed to her clients on issues relating to their psychological problems and love addiction.

Psychologist Marina Komissarova and her family

Since Marina has become quite popular in the Internet environment, as a result, readers of the blog are interested in her personality. Recall that the theme of building love and marital relations - this is the main thing that affects in their articles Marina Komissarova (psychologist). Her biography is quite rich. She was born in 1971, she lives in the city of Moscow. Marina graduated from the scenic faculty of VGIK in 1993. In 1999 she mastered the Faculty of Psychology and received a second higher education. Practice started in 1997, in parallel engaged in research work.

Marina is married, has two children, is fond of fishing with her husband. The main hobby and occupation in her life is a passion for psychology. She constantly publishes psychological articles, which enjoy constant success.

Find in the web photo psychologist Marina Komissarova - the task is not easy, but not hopeless. Our readers can get to know it personally.

Our Beliefs

Psychologist Marina Komissarova, like every experienced specialist, believes that it is our beliefs and attitudes that determine the events that take place in the life of the individual. Beliefs are thoughts that we perceived as truth, truth for ourselves. And then there is one important point, scientifically proven: if something is repeated a person repeatedly, then he begins to perceive this as true for himself. This becomes the conviction of the individual, who programs his actions and states, and therefore, his whole life. That is, if you repeat many times, that you are stupid - you will believe. And if you repeat as many times that you are capable, then you will also believe. And your faith will reflect on your successes.

Known psychological experiment

In the US in the 80 years of the last century, such an experiment was conducted: the students were divided into two groups, allegedly as a result of testing. In fact, they were divided just arbitrarily. One was told that they are capable and will be trained in a group for the gifted. The second said that they have a weak intellect and they will be trained according to the program for the laggards. The training program was the same for all. As a result, many years later, the successes of graduates from two groups were assessed. Those who considered themselves gifted, really achieved success in their careers and studies. Those in whom the beliefs about their incapacity were placed, demonstrated the same low rates in their subsequent activities. All this had nothing to do with real abilities.

People always act in accordance with their beliefs. And persuasion is thoughts that have been repeated to us many times and have been accepted by us on faith. Therefore, they need to be reprogrammed. Negative thoughts will come from time to time, because it is a habit. Marina Komissarova, a psychologist with many years of experience, believes that only a competent correction of self-esteem helps to form a mature personality.

Low self-esteem as a relation of close people

As a child, we begin to understand our role and place in life, relying on how they are defined by people close to us. It begins still long before the moment of conception. Each of us has a father and mother. Before our birth they already have their own opinion about whether they want to have children from each other, what gender, and whether they want to do it at all. Their relationship is filled with love and respect or with hostility and a spirit of rivalry. All this influences the formation of awareness of your value, because your parents' thoughts are transformed in relation to you.

If the child is long-awaited, desired, then from the moment of conception it experiences its special value. He feels loved and, having absorbed this state in childhood, in adult life feels quite deserving of approval. Absolutely different emotional perception is formed in a child who was conceived as a result of violence or "accidentally". Such children have a high chance of growing up with a complex of inexplicable guilt. Inexplicable, because they themselves can not really explain what they did wrong, but they bear this feeling through a lifetime. Until they send their conscious efforts to release from the complex of guilt.

Consequences of complexes

People struggle with this complex in different ways. Some people feel it, and these people can be seen - they seem to feel uninvited guests in this world, justifying themselves for each of their actions. Such people prefer that they should be seen as little as possible and heard by others, by their behavior it is evident that they try not to stand out from the general mass.

But there is another strategy of behavior. Some unconsciously displace this sense of inferiority from their consciousness and suppress it. That is, the feeling itself is there, but just a person puts the block on to feel at least something, and outwardly it results in the behavior of the narcissus and the egocentric. Looking at such people, they are often told that they do not like anyone but themselves, but the truth is that such people generally can not feel, and just focus on meeting their physical needs. In fact, in both cases, it is the lack of unconditional love in childhood that is to blame.

Narcissism and its causes

And, by the way, to all of us the well-known Greek history about the proud handsome Nartsisse perfectly illustrates this strategy of behavior. Let us remind you that according to the generally accepted interpretation of the myth, Narcissus was unusually beautiful and could not reciprocate any person who fell in love with him. But let's ask ourselves the question: why was Narcissus so cold and incapable of loving other people? Here it is worth returning to the scene of his conception. Narcissus was the son of the god of the river Kefisa and the nymph of Lioriopa. God Kefis had mastered the nymph by force, that is, in fact, Narcissus was born as a result of violence. Could her mother's dislike for his father be reflected on him? Of course. And then there is nothing surprising that Narcissus could not love other people, he just did not learn this in childhood, did not absorb this lesson with the mother's milk in the literal sense.

People with so-called highly inflated self-esteem, in fact, suffer from the same as people with low self-esteem, only choose different ways to overcome internal conflict.

Parent influence and programming

It also happens that parents want a boy, and a girl is born. In this case, a small creature feels that something has not lived up to the expectations of the parents, but what it can not understand. From this feeling follows the child's assimilation of the fact that for some reason he is not good enough. If parents do not have love for each other, and most importantly, respect, they begin to eradicate in the child what they do not like in the partner. Constantly convincing him that there is something in him that requires correction or destruction. Parents do this without realizing that each of us has innate traits that can not be got rid of. And the consequence of this behavior is only that, along with the phrase "you are such (same) as your father", the child acquires an internal conflict.

Blog "Evolution"

One of the most widely read authors on the Web on the subject of psychology has long been the psychologist Marina Komissarova. Readers' comments are full of gratitude for the fact that her articles help to understand themselves and understand the essence of their problems, explain how to become self-confident and overcome uncertainty and lack of consistency. It all starts with awareness and understanding of their ineffective patterns of behavior. Difficulties in partnerships, conflicts in communication are problems that affect the blog "Evolution".

Marina Komissarova (psychologist) gives concrete advice and psychotechnics on getting rid of complexes and fears. People who visit her page in "Learn" write that her articles help to understand the issues of building relations between the sexes, finding the right way of life and increasing self-esteem. After all, a person begins to fight with himself, not knowing that this fight is knowingly losing. And each time, inevitably losing in this war, he begins to experience chronic shame. Shame to be yourself.

Marina Komissarova (a psychologist who has repeatedly faced similar problems in her practice) believes that several of these factors are usually intertwined.


If it happened that we were not given love in childhood due to various reasons, do not despair. Our parents gave us only what they could, and as much as they could. And if in our lives there was little love, this does not mean that the situation is irreparable. We can give ourselves as much this feeling as we need. Moreover, having learned to love ourselves, we learn to love the whole world and in due course we fill the lack of love not only with our own. We give it to our loved ones to such an extent that they also accept themselves and begin to feel a feeling of love for us.

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