HealthDiseases and Conditions

What and how to treat blood vessels?

Vessels are a kind of transport network. Thanks to this system, the blood moves through the human body. This biological fluid has a very important purpose - it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the organs.

If all the vessels composing this network are laid out in one straight line, then the length of such a line will be about ninety-five kilometers. For a day, the system pumped through the human body about seven thousand liters of blood. Since the load on the transport network is very large, eventually the vessels wear out. Therefore, the circulatory system is a rather weak place in the human body. Many diseases associated with it lead to disability or death. This article will tell you how to treat blood vessels.

What causes disruption of the circulatory system?

Any disease has a basis: the causes, as a rule, become a lifestyle or hereditary predisposition. Before treating the vessels, determine the cause of this problem. To diseases with similar consequences can result:

  1. Neurocircular dystonia. This is a complex of disorders, characteristic of the cardiovascular system. It provokes functional disorders, that is chaotic contraction of blood vessels. This is due to violations of neuroendocrine regulation.
  2. Neurosis of higher centers, which are responsible for the control and regulation of blood pressure. This is a neglected stage of hypertension.
  3. The formation of cholesterol plaques. They appear not only due to improper diet, but also because of frequent stressful situations. After all, the body needs to restore steroid hormones after stress. And in order to produce them, the liver should produce cholesterol in large quantities.
  4. Harmful habits, in particular, addiction to cigarettes. The surface of the walls of the vessels is very susceptible to the influence of smoke. Only blood cells can bring it back to normal. But they get to the right place not in pure form, but along with cholesterol, thrombin and fibrinogen. These substances, accumulating, clog the passages, and the outflow of blood ceases.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Blood clots. If the body is healthy, then it will be enough for him to dissolve the thrombus. Otherwise, it prevents normal circulation of blood.

What are the symptoms of vascular problems?

Which doctor treats the blood vessels depends on the nature of the disease. Since the circulatory system is located throughout the body of a person, problems with it can affect different parts of the body. However, it is possible to clearly identify violations related to blood vessels in the following ways:

  • Age (in people over forty, the risk of diseases of a similar nature increases dramatically);
  • Frequent dizziness, which occur due to the fact that too little oxygen is supplied to the brain;
  • Pain in the head;
  • Sudden loss of consciousness;
  • Intolerance to high temperatures;
  • Icy limbs;
  • The rapid rhythm of heartbeat;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Impairment of sexual function;
  • Dependence of the state of health on weather conditions;
  • Blood pressure jumps;
  • Problems with hearing (frequent noises, reduced severity of hearing);
  • Memory and speech impairment;
  • Lack of coordination;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Cramps, swelling in the legs (also with vascular disease, the skin changes its color unjustifiably, the sensitivity of the lower extremities decreases).

How to get rid of problems with the vessels of the brain?

Any diseases that somehow affect the work of the brain, lead to quite serious consequences. Started hypertension or atherosclerosis can even lead to death. Lack of blood flow leads to oxygen starvation. As a result, brain cells die.

Which doctor treats the vessels of the brain? All that concerns the problems of their functioning belongs to neurology. The work of a neurologist in this situation will be aimed at normalizing blood circulation and restoring the body after a disease.

The problems associated with impaired blood circulation in the head are very difficult to diagnose. For a long time, the only symptom of the disease is only a headache. In this connection, the question arises not only about how to treat the vessels of the brain, but also how to prevent this. In any case, the main prevention can only be attentive to the state of their own health. The negligence of this problem can be eliminated only with the help of the corresponding operation.

What are the methods of treatment of cerebral vessels?

How to treat cerebral vessels at an early stage? There are many methods to get rid of diseases of this nature. To them it is possible to carry:

  • Drug course, the action of which is aimed at diluting blood and preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • Diet (the doctor should choose the optimal diet, which will eliminate the consumption of fatty foods and salt);
  • Vitaminization, which includes the use of special complexes with vitamins A and B3;
  • physical exercises;
  • Psychotherapeutic consultations.

What are the diseases of the vessels of the eyes?

Before the doctor determines what to treat the vessels of the eyes, he will establish the degree of danger. Vascular diseases, depending on their stage, can cause irreparable damage to vision. Thrombosis of various kinds causes blindness. This is due to the fact that the central artery itself and its processes are affected. Treatment of occlusion is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Intervention should be conducted as early as possible. It is better not to hesitate and not try to cope with the disease with the help of folk remedies, but go to a specialist.

How to treat the vessels of the eyes?

Treatment of this problem begins with the admission of a course of specialized drugs. The action of such drugs is aimed at expanding the walls of blood vessels and diluting the blood itself. Exposure at once in two directions contributes to the fact that the main cause of the disease, that is, a thrombus, disappears. Further, how the vessels are treated depends on the state of the retina of the eye, more precisely, on the degree of its damage. The next stage is hardware treatment in the form of a pressure chamber, a laser and other physical effects. In addition, it is required to drink a vitamin complex, which includes riboflavin, ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

What are the diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities?

Thrombosis and varicose veins are diseases of the vessels located in the lower limbs. They are the most common in their category, because problems of this nature affect people of all ages and both sexes.

Thrombosis is the obstruction of the ducts. Due to the formation of thrombi, the movement of blood through the system worsens. This disease in the late stages can lead to a complete lack of patency. The development of a technique regarding what and how to treat the vessels of the legs depends not only on the disease itself, but also on the location of the problem. Depending on the location of the thrombus, the doctor selects the treatment methods. More often than not, these are complex actions that complement each other and together exert an enhanced positive influence.

The second disease of this category is varicose veins. The problem is characterized by stagnation of venous blood, which contributes to the expansion and deformation of the walls of the conducting pathways. The way the vessels are treated for this disease depends on the degree of neglect of the problem.

How is thrombosis treated?

The medication course includes anticoagulants. These are drugs that prevent blood clotting. If the disease is already neglected, the medication is supplemented by procedures and therapy. Procedures should help to normalize the blood circulation and the condition of the vessels themselves. At the very last stage, only surgical intervention can save. More often than not, it involves the administration of drugs that dilute a thrombus.

What are the ways to treat varicose veins?

The best method is the procedural treatment of this disease. A vivid example of physical impact is sclerotherapy. The essence of this method is the introduction of a special drug that blocks an inadequate valve. Due to this, further spread of the disease is inhibited.

Cauterization of the surface of the vessel with a laser can be an alternative method.

How to treat blood vessels with folk remedies, knew for a long time. Today, one of the methods has become traditional medicine. This is hirudotherapy, that is, treatment with leeches. They produce a special substance - hirudin. This substance helps normalize blood circulation and delays the development of blood clots.

With a more severe form, you can not do without surgical intervention. The veins need to be removed with punctures.

But it is best to prevent this disease at an early stage. To do this, it is worthwhile to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise moderately and take good care of your feet. Then it will be possible to suspend the development of the disease and alleviate the general condition.

How to treat the vessels of the heart?

Before treating the vessels of the brain, it is worth checking out the work of another organ - the heart. It is the motor of the organism, which pumps blood into the system. And if the network itself is faulty, then the work of the body will be disrupted. More often problems with the vessels leading to the heart lead to ischemic disease.

When asked how to treat blood vessels in the home, the doctor will answer unequivocally that with the help of a special diet. It should not include dishes that provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques. The diet lasts no less than six months. The second thing you can do is regular exercise.

The doctor will also prescribe medication. This is a complex of those drugs that provide blood thinning. In addition, it is recommended to drink medicines aimed at fighting cholesterol. This, for example, "Enduracin" and "Atypimox." But their use is limited, since they have many side effects.

In particularly severe cases, an operation can be prescribed by a physician. The cardiologist deals with the treatment of the heart vessels.

How to train the vessels with a contrast shower?

In order not to seek information on how to treat the vessels of the brain, you need to train them. But this can be done only when there are no serious diseases and problems with the conducting system. Tempering the vessels should be very gentle and careful.

One of the methods is a contrast shower. Due to a sudden change in temperature, a shock occurs to the vessels, which causes them to contract. Due to this, they become more clean, durable and resilient. To begin with, it is worth making the contrast so that it is as comfortable as possible for the body. Over time, the temperature range should be gradually expanded.

To exclude the possibility of a sharp pressure jump, you need to drink a glass of warm water in front of the shower. It starts with hot water, and ends with a cold one. The normal option is to combine two hot and three cold sessions. This procedure allows you to cheer up in the morning, and in the evening - to fall asleep. After the shower, the body needs to be rubbed with a towel.

How to prevent with turpentine?

Than to treat the bursted vessels? Modern specialists recommend methods that were used in ancient times. One of them are turpentine baths. In this way, wound, bleeding and pain were treated earlier. Turpentine baths help to normalize blood flow, improve vascular function and accelerate metabolic processes in the myocardium. The therapeutic effect of the method is due to the fact that it helps to improve the delivery of the main drugs taken. This allows you to use medicines in a lower dosage.

The action of turpentine is quite aggressive, so you need to use it carefully enough. It is recommended to take a five-minute bath, the water temperature should be up to thirty-seven degrees.

What are the methods of treatment at home?

There is still a mass of alternative ways of treating diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. But before using these methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because with certain factors they can not bring good, but even greater harm to health. To them it is possible to carry:

  • Sokoterapiyu;
  • Tincture of cones;
  • Reception of garlic;
  • The use of foods with elevated levels of lecithin and omega-3;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • Flint water.

However, home therapy is better to prefer a doctor's visit and qualified medical care.

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