Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

An interesting fairy tale about a kitten

A fairy tale about a kitten is a work that has a special place among all children's literature. Maybe that's why the kids especially like these touching stories about furry animals, that they necessarily teach to be kind, sympathetic and receptive. Some adults specially create such small works for their children to please them, to teach them something beautiful. This article is devoted to children's fairy tales with the participation of these lovely pets. There is a large number of works for kids, in which feature fluffy and affectionate animals.

Feature of fairy tales about kittens

The tale of a small kitten is usually a text adapted specifically for a child from two to six years old. It is a short, instructive story in which there are several actors. As a rule, the kitten gets to some unknown place or himself devises a variety of adventures.

A sad kitten is a separate topic, worthy of attention. Often in children's stories, the cat's baby is in trouble, and he needs some help from others. The piercingly sad eyes of the kitten underscore the hopelessness of his position, evoke sympathetic emotions in the child who is read a fairy tale. In fact, this is a psychological device that promotes the development of the cognitive and emotional sphere. A fairy tale about a kitten forms a child's love for the world around him, an attentive attitude to everything living.

"Kitten and the sun"

Have you noticed that children are able to be surprised by the most common things that we, adults, sometimes do not notice? In this tale we are talking about the fact that one little kitten dreamed of meeting the sun. Especially for this purpose he got up early in the morning and went in search of. The sun was still out, because the dawn was not yet here. The kitten was ready to wait any number, so he stayed where he was. Several hours passed, and the first ray of the sun appeared. The kitten decided that he had achieved his goal and, delighted, went home to his mother.

This tale about a kitten teaches attentive attitude to nature. To begin to notice all of its sacraments, sometimes it's early enough to wake up. How often do we confine ourselves to the close world of familiar things and do not allow anything new to enter our life and become a significant part of it.

"Sad kitten"

This text is absolutely stunning: it teaches a deep understanding that each of us needs very much attention and support. A sad kitten is a specially created image that promotes awakening of deep feelings and development of greater emotionality.

This story is known for the fact that it started since the little kitten - a toy - the boy brought home. He gave him the name Pushush. The child looked into the kid's eyes for a long time and found that his eyes were filled with some unspeakable sadness. The boy began to fantasize, why he could load Puschok. The answer was suggested by his own imagination: the baby did not have a mother. Then the boy began to pick up the kitten a caring parent among other toys. The drama was aggravated by the fact that no significant figure fit a kitten as a mother. Pushok eventually chose his parents: a powerful leopard and a panther who could protect him from all misfortunes in the world. This story teaches that every child needs the patronage of adults and should never remain alone in a difficult situation.

"Kuzya and a beautiful flower"

It's quite a touching and entertaining tale. One day a kitten named Kuzya saw a beautiful flower that attracted his attention. The kid immediately wanted to break it, and he did it. When Kuzya came home to show his mother a flower, she explained to him that he had vomited him out of the ground in vain. After all, the plant could bloom for a long time and please everyone around with its exquisite beauty. Kuzya was sad for several days and walked gloomy. You could guess that he deeply regretted what he had done. After some time, the kitten had a chance to correct his mistake: he again found a flower that interested him. Only this time the baby did not tear the thin stalk, but just went to admire him and told everyone around him about his existence.

This tale about the kitten Kuzyu has a deep psychological implication: she teaches patience, develops the sensitivity of the heart, teaches to respect nature and take care of it. On the example of a small kitten here, each child will discover his own meaning, amazing and remarkable. It is very important that adults correctly explain to the children the meaning of the fairy tale, then they can better understand the moral inherent in it.

"Kitten named Woof"

This story will not leave anyone indifferent. Especially it is loved by young children. A fairy tale about a kitten Gava tells how the kid learned to live in an uneasy and interesting world. Soon he became friends with the puppy and found out why it was not so terrible for the two of them to wait out a thunderstorm.

With a friend you can share a delicious sausage and tell him your secrets. Little Gav dreams of finding a master, so they go with a friend in search of a good man.

Instead of concluding

The tale of the kitten in all cases looks enlightening and informative. As a rule, children are happy to listen to exciting stories in which cat children are figured out, because these animals are so cute and funny. Give your child a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the world of amazing adventures and joyful discoveries!

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