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What if the child falls and bangs his head? Komarovsky recommends ...

It is almost impossible to find a child who would not fall. As soon as the baby begins to try to walk, his body, though not completely, but still covered with bruises, abrasions, scratches ... Nature took care of the child's body and ensured maximum head protection from injuries. Most of the falls do not cause significant harm to the health of non-sitting. But there are traumas that are dangerous for the life of the baby and have serious consequences.

Why do children often hit their heads

Pediatricians state that the head is the leader in the number of injuries received. Parents respond more calmly when a baby injures an arm or leg. But most bruises go to the head.

Such statistics have their own explanations. So, in children under 5, the head is relatively heavy and has large dimensions compared to other parts of the body. This physiological feature of small children affects the coordination of their movements. A small push is enough to make the kid lose his balance and fall head first.

Physiological features of the children's brain

The head of the child has a slightly different structure than the adult. The skull bones of the baby are soft and flexible. This means that when you collide with a solid surface, it is difficult to break the skull. During the impact, the elastic bones shift and return to their original position.

Another important feature of the child's brain is its immaturity and high content of cerebrospinal fluid. The child's head is much easier to bear the blows.

In rare cases, doctors diagnose a brain injury or concussion when the child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky talks a lot about injuries and teaches parents to recognize dangerous symptoms. A well-known pediatrician gives valuable recommendations, tells how to properly provide first aid for various head injuries.

Child Inspection

If the child fell and hit his head, Komarovsky advises not to panic and watch the baby within the next 24 hours. Parents should provide the child with peace and not allow active games. If the first hours after the fall of the karapuz does not complain about anything and feels well, the reasons are worried and there is no need to consult the doctors.

The reaction of the baby to the received blow testifies to many things. In complex head injuries, which are accompanied by bleeding or concussion, the child may become very ill, or he may behave differently than usual. If after the fall the baby calmly gets up and smiles, injuries to the head and internal organs are unlikely.

In any case, if the child fell and hit his head, Komarovsky recommends identifying the presence of dangerous symptoms. All parents should know them, so that they can turn to the doctor in time and prevent the development of complications and pathologies.

Disturbing symptoms

Doctors identify a number of serious signs that can occur if a child falls and hits his head. Komarovsky compiled a list of such symptoms:

  1. Violation of consciousness of any intensity and duration.
  2. Inadequate behavior.
  3. Violation of speech.
  4. Increased drowsiness.
  5. Strong headaches that manifested itself in the first hours after the fall and persist for a long time.
  6. Convulsions.
  7. Repeated attacks of vomiting.
  8. Violation of balance.
  9. Dizziness.
  10. Different sizes of pupils.
  11. Weakness of arms and legs, inability to move them.
  12. Dark circles under the eyes.
  13. Bleeding or discharge of fluid with veins of blood from the ears or nose.
  14. Impaired sense organs.

These symptoms can occur in children of different ages. The presence of at least one indicates the need for immediate medical assistance.

Fall from the couch

Young parents often underestimate the possibilities of babies. They allow themselves to leave the baby on the couch unattended. Since 4 months the child is actively moving and trying to turn over. At the same time, the baby begins to creep slowly. At this age, a crumb needs an eye and an eye, if the parents want to protect the child from injuries and bruises.

Probably, in each family there was a case that at the age of, say, 6 months the child fell off the couch and hit his head. Komarovsky believes that such an event is almost inevitable. All children under 1 year of age often fall out of bed. Kids can not yet assess the danger of their actions and fall for a split second to the floor. Even a very attentive mother can not see out for a babe, turning around for a bottle.

The children of the first year of life actively develops the brain and the central nervous system, and the bones of the skull are still not strong enough and loosely connected. This increases the risk of injury from falling, which results in a traumatic brain injury. Therefore, it is important not to let a child fall and hit his head in 6 months . Komarovsky warns of the sad consequences. The kid can get a concussion and even an open CTB.

What to do if the baby falls off the couch

If the child fell off the couch and hit his head, Komarovsky recommends immediately taking the baby in his arms to calm him. According to the doctor, in most cases there is no cause for concern. The height of the sofas is about 50 cm and even less. A fall from this height can not significantly damage the brain. Usually a child can only get scared and therefore cry.

As soon as the baby has calmed down, you should examine it for abrasions, cones and wounds on the head. It is important to observe his reactions and behavior.

If a child falls off the couch and bangs his head, Komarovsky recommends, of course, if there are suspicious signs, to contact the doctor immediately. What are these signs?

Symptoms of severe trauma to infants

The following symptoms testify to the fact that the infant has received a dangerous trauma:

  1. Loss of consciousness for a short and long time immediately after the fall or after a while.
  2. Formation of edema at the site of impact, which intensively increases.
  3. The presence of bloody discharge from the nose and ears.
  4. Abnormal behavior of the baby, which can signal a headache.
  5. Vomiting.
  6. Constant crying.
  7. Violations of coordination of movements.

A well-known physician who described in detail the manifestations when the child fell and hit his head - Komarovsky. The dangerous consequences of such a blow with untimely medical intervention threaten the health of the baby.

The tactics of treating TBI in infants

At the slightest suspicion of craniocerebral trauma, the infants should be hospitalized in a hospital for examination by neurosurgeons and neuropathologists. To confirm the diagnosis, the following tests and studies are carried out:

  1. Ultrasound of the brain.
  2. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Electroencephalogram.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the baby is prescribed appropriate medicines, physiotherapy procedures and a special regimen. Correctly formulated therapy contributes to the cure of trauma with minimal consequences.

First aid before the arrival of doctors

The most frequent question that all young parents ask: "What to do? The child fell and hit his head." Komarovsky recommends that you inspect the baby and perform the following actions:

  1. If there is a minor bruise, it is sufficient to apply ice or a cold object to the place of edema. This will reduce swelling.
  2. Regardless of the strength of the blow, the baby needs to be at peace. If the injury is expressed, it is important not to let the baby sleep until the ambulance arrives. Compliance with this recommendation will also help prevent other symptoms.
  3. Put the child on the bed in such a position that the spine and head were at the same level.
  4. If there is vomiting, the baby should be laid on its side so that the discharge easily leaves and does not interfere with the patient's normal breathing.

These are the main recommendations that help you navigate the situation and tell you what to do if the child falls and bumped his head. Komarovsky as a pediatrician forbids taking other actions. During the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the severity of the stroke and conclude that hospitalization is necessary.

Possible consequences

The most common and easiest trauma is a bruise of soft tissues. In this case, the brain is not damaged. After the impact, a lump or an abrasion may form on the scalp.

In case of craniocerebral trauma, the consequences may be different. In mild cases, the child completely recovers. If the injury is severe, important brain functions may be disrupted.

With severe brain lesions, the prognosis of the development of disturbances is unpredictable. Completeness of recovery depends on the tactics of treatment, the medicines used, the observance of the doctor's recommendations, the severity of the injury, the sex and age of the baby, and the state of his health.

One of the most famous pediatricians, who urges parents to react quickly when a child falls and hit his head, is Komarovsky. The consequences of such injuries are life-threatening. Timely provision of medical care helps prevent complications.

How to protect your child from falling

If at 3 months the child fell and hit his head, Komarovsky then blames his parents. Many injuries could be avoided if the baby is fully safe. Most infants fall from the changing tables. Therefore, it is better to swaddle the crumbs and carry out hygienic procedures on the couch or use a table with high sides. At the same time near the child must be someone from adults.

In addition, near the surface on which the baby will lie, you can lay a carpet. He mitigate the possible fall. Some parents put even pillows or blankets on the floor.

Other simple recommendations:

  1. Do not leave the baby alone on a changing table or on the couch. If there is a need for a few seconds to leave the room, it is better to put the child in his crib or in a stroller.
  2. While near the baby, you should hold it by hand. Often babies fall to the floor in the presence of mother.
  3. Try not to leave a baby alone in the room for a long time. A half-year old child can already try to sit down and try to get out of the crib.

Increased attention from parents is required during walks. A small and curious fidget can easily fall out of the cradle. The desire of the baby to sit is a signal that it's time to transplant it into a stroller. Seat belts allow you to securely fasten the active child and thus protect it from falling to the ground.

To protect the baby from head injuries while moving around the apartment, special modern devices can be used - pads on sharp corners, rubberized mats. It is very important that the crumb shoes have a non-slip sole. For children up to the year are produced socks with "brakes", which reduce slip.

If the baby fell off the swing

Another dangerous place where children are often traumatized is the playground. On the hill a lot of children accumulate, which not only can fall, but also push each other. Even in kindergarten, it happens that the child fell from the swing and hit his head. Komarovsky considers children's playgrounds a place of increased danger, requiring constant monitoring of children.

To prevent serious injuries, pediatricians advise parents of preschool children to always be near the child on the site and support the baby's hands when he scrambles on high structures. When a child has already learned how to ride alone, one of the adults should still watch him and be a few meters away. This will quickly respond to the child's desire to make a dangerous move, the results of which can be deplorable.

Head injuries from falls on playgrounds are more dangerous. All swings and slides are made of metal, which has an increased trauma hazard. And if you take into account the concrete covering of the site, it is not surprising that the risk of severely damaging the head is quite high.

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