
How to win a male Capricorn?

If the man who attracted you was born under the sign of Capricorn, then you are probably already interested in how you can evoke reciprocal sympathy. But before you ask yourself how to win a male Capricorn, you first need to know him better.

Capricorn - who is he? At the first acquaintance with such men in women, as a rule, one gets the impression that they are completely indifferent and stale. In fact, this is not so. Capricorns are secretive, uncommunicative and will not be revealed at the first conversation. But as soon as you win the trust of this sign, you will understand that such men can be gentle, gentle and caring.

The problem is that the Capricorns, even in their childhood, come up with the image of an ideal girl. All their lives they are looking for just such a girl, letting every familiar woman through a lot of "filters". Unfortunately, the demands of Capricorn are so high that they can hardly be satisfied by the same person. Over time, they begin to pay attention to "less ideal" women. In the search for the second half, the representatives of this sign are very calculating. If you want to know how to conquer a male Capricorn, then first read his requirements for a woman.

What girls like Capricorns? As already mentioned, the Capricorns are very exacting to their future companion. And although the appearance of a woman is not the main thing in a relationship, yet she must have a pretty pretty appearance. Such a man would prefer an elegant woman who is not a blind follower of fashion.

Capricorns attract quiet girls with an even temper. Passionate confessions of love and reckless acts simply frighten such a man. In addition, a man must feel the confidence of his companion. It should be fair and fairly compliant. Eternal disputes and violent passions are not for a Capricorn.

How to win a male Capricorn? You have already analyzed all the facts, saw the main features of your man's character and even attracted his attention. So how to win a male Capricorn? It's not that simple. First, remember that for these men it is important that his companion was active and knew exactly what he wanted. Hint to him that you are a valuable employee and a wonderful hostess, and your home is a cozy corner where it always smells delicious. But do not bend the stick, praising yourself - you after all then have to match the created image.

Secondly, support and understanding are very important for Capricorn. Show him your understanding and attention. Never interrupt him, especially if he talks about his plans and achievements. Show him how much you admire his perseverance and perseverance in the achievements of the goal.

And do not expect fervent confessions from him - it is very difficult for a capricorn to talk about his own feelings and this simply needs to be reconciled.

How to keep a male Capricorn? If you want more serious and lasting relationships from a capricorn, then you need to learn some things. The ideal woman in the understanding of such a man should work all day at work, seeking a social status. In the evening, you must turn into a caring hostess and wife and feed your husband a delicious dinner. But at night, in bed, you must be a passionate lover. Remember that you must look like that, too - such men do not like slovenliness and negligence in appearance.

In addition, the wife for Capricorn is a reliable rear, the foundation of family happiness. You must be always ready to comfort your husband, listen to his problems, support him in a difficult situation, give useful advice. In you, he must find peace and tranquility after a hard day's work. If you really want to create a family with Capricorn, it means that you are ready for a serious and even relationship for life.    

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