Home and family, Children
The child has a cough without fever and a cold: causes
So, if a child does not cough for a few minutes, then it's time to sound the alarm. The reasons for this behavior of the body can be several. The first is an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, slowly spreading deeper and deeper to the lungs. The causes of inflammation can be several, it is advisable to discuss them with your doctor. Doing self-medication is dangerous for the child's life.
If a child has a cough without fever and a cold, and it does not go on for a long time, then this can be a signal of an allergic reaction or an indicator that a foreign object has stuck in the child's throat. Depending on the reason, it is necessary and to act.
For example, an allergy is not easy to determine, even a doctor will not diagnose an eye. In any case, you need to undergo an examination and take a number of tests.
If the child has a cough without fever and a cold, and it turned out that the cause is a stuck object (fish bone, small toy, etc.), immediately consult a doctor. The sooner you take action, the better!
Do not pass cough in the child for a long time and because of the defeat of the body by helminth invasions. The thing is that these parasitizing organisms can freely move around our bodies at a time when their size is negligible. Thus, they can be found anywhere (in the nose, ear, lungs). To identify this ailment, it is necessary to donate blood, after which the doctor will prescribe the treatment, and the problem will come to naught.
Another reason why a child has a cough without fever and a cold does not last a long time is the dryness of the air. In this case, the cough reflex is caused by the banal drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Give the child a drink and install a humidifier in the room.
To the reasons for which the cough for a child does not pass for a long time, the doctors refer problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely, reflux disease and dyskinesia of the bile ducts, as a result of which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and then into the respiratory tract. Examination and subsequent long-term treatment will help your baby. Nowadays, doctors can cope with this disease easily, especially at the initial stage.
As well as all the above reasons, the emergence of causeless cough may be affected by residual manifestations of previously transmitted diseases, such as pertussis or ARI. No less likely are primary manifestations of tuberculosis or nasopharyngeal diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoids).
Children from cough (feedback from specialists insist on this) should not prescribe treatment. All drugs should be appropriate and recommended by a doctor. It is important not to miss the moment when a serious illness is in the initial stage, having written off everything for a banal allergy and drowning out symptoms with cough and pills.
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