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The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" (an essay by the writer IS Turgenev)

One of the most famous novels IS. Turgenev was written in the period 1860-1861, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In Russia at that time there was a turning point, a junction of conservative and innovative thinking, a struggle of ideologies. It was this conflict that was demonstrated on the example of the Kirsanov family, as well as the most important problem - the opposition of generations: fathers and children, which was incorporated into the meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons." A brief description of the plot, as well as a subsequent analysis of the work, is provided below. However, first of all it is necessary to refer to the name.

The meaning of the title

Undoubtedly, the most important question regarding the work is the sense of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons". The writing of Turgenev should not be interpreted too literally. The work depicts two families, two fathers and two sons. But the body of the novel is not a description of their life activity, but global differences in the world outlook. The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is that between two generations there will always be some kind of contradiction, parents and children are opposed to each other, divided by the union And on the letter. In fact, they are separated by a whole abyss - a quarter of a century or more. For such a period, the political, economic, cultural situation in the country and, of course, the views of the public can completely change. One generation retains its worldview, the other - acquires its own, and so it happens regularly, the views on the life of fathers and children seldom coincide. With this, the meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is connected. Composition IS Turgenev teaches that in such an antagonism there is nothing prejudicial, it is important only respect for each other on both sides, respect for parents, acceptance of their advice, parting words and good wishes.

Ideologies in the novel

The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev is also related to the belonging of sons and fathers to different ideologies, to modern generations. The novel presents two families - the Kirsanovs and Bazarovs - and several ideological outlooks: conservative, liberal, revolutionary-democratic. The latter belongs to one of the key figures of the novel - a nihilist, a follower of German materialists and a future doctor - Eugene Bazarov. Bazarov creates the main resonance in the work. He argues with the Kirsanov brothers, instructs Arkady, openly despises the pseudonigilists Sitnikov and Kukshin, and afterwards, contrary to his views, unaccountably falls in love with the rich widow Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov.

Characteristics and analysis of heroes

Conservators in the work are the parents of Bazarov. An army doctor and a devout landowner lead a measured life in their village. They do not worship the soul in their son, but the mother is concerned about the lack of faith in him. Nevertheless, the Bazarovs are proud of Evgeny and his successes, they are sure that a great bright future awaits him. Vasily Bazarov reports that in his entire life Eugene did not take from them a penny, that the son of all prefers to seek for himself. These traits characterize him as a strong man, self-sufficient, advanced. This image is also relevant for the modern era.

The pseudonymism of Arkady Kirsanov

Bazarov's close friend Arkady Kirsanov struggles to match Eugene in his confession of nihilism. However, in his case it looks unnatural, far-fetched. Arkady himself does not fully believe in the denial of spiritual values. He is flattered by the awareness of his own progressive views, he secretly takes pride in his condescension for his beloved father, the servant of the Kirsanovs' house, and frankly admires Bazarov. At the same time, Arkady is sometimes forgotten, the mask falls from his face, and he talks about his true feelings. Even being a convinced nihilist, Arkady is also in love with Odintsov, but later gives preference to her sister Catherine.

The world view of "fathers"

The Kirsanov brothers - Nikolai and Pavel - are supporters of liberalism. Nikolai Petrovich is a man of subtle spiritual organization, he loves poetry and literature, and also feeds trembling feelings for his servant Fenechka, a commoner girl, who nevertheless is the mother of his youngest son. Nikolai Petrovich is embarrassed by his love for the peasant girl, although he tries to pretend that he is far from prejudice, he has advanced views on everything, including agriculture.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - Bazarov's main opponent in the disputes. Between men at first sight there is dislike, they are the complete opposite of each other both externally and internally. Well-groomed Pavel Petrovich disgustingly frowns at the sight of Bazarov's long hair and untidy clothes. Eugene also laughs at the mannerisms and jealousy of Kirsanov, not hesitating to use sarcasm and hurt the enemy more painfully. Various words are also said for the key word "principle". Bazarov pronounces it sharply and abruptly - "prinzip", while Kirsanov slowly stretches and puts stress on the last syllable in the French manner - "prince". The mutual relations between the enemies reached that peak, that the disputants even fired at a duel. The reason for this was an insult to Bazarov's honor Fenechka, who he kissed hard on the lips. Pavel Petrovich himself felt for the girl unambiguous sympathy, and therefore decided to protect her name, calling Bazarov to a duel. Fortunately, the outcome of her was not fatal, Kirsanov was only injured in the leg, and Eugene was unharmed.

Such examples illustrate the completely opposite attitude of representatives of different generations and different ideological views to typical life situations and also reflect the meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons". The composition of IS Turgenev is much more profound than it might seem at first glance.

Summing up, one can say that the interest of literary critics today and earlier evokes not only the meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons", the composition of IS. Turgenev is also significant for his heroes - multifaceted and ambiguous, complex, but memorable. Each of them demonstrates the writer's talent, his understanding of human essence and subtle psychology.

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