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Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet: Readers' Comments

The play "Romeo and Juliet", reviews of which are the subject of this review, is one of the most famous works of the famous English playwright and poet W. Shakespeare. Written around 1595, it still does not come off the stage, pleasing not only the fans of the author, but also ordinary viewers. Famous filmmakers and nowadays turn to the most sad and touching love story of all times and peoples, which indicates the preservation of the interest of modern readers to this work.

Positive opinions about the main character

Very credible and convincing characters of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Feedback on the actors of the work as a whole are similar to each other. But, strangely enough, the views on the image of the main character turned out to be different. Some readers say about him very positively, noting the spontaneity of his character, sincere and pure love, loyalty in friendship, natural courage, intelligence and enterprise. This part of the audience was to the liking of subtle humor and elegant, even a somewhat courtly speech of the young man. They pay attention to the fact that he behaves very naturally, but at the same time respectful and polite. Readers of this opinion unanimously affirm that the young man is devoted and selfless, as it should be to a true lover.

Negative opinions about him

The work "Romeo and Juliet", reviews of which are interesting in that they show how much the play of more than four hundred years ago is of interest to readers of the beginning of the twenty-first century, has turned out to be so convincing and reliable that there are still disputes around it both among critics and And among readers. This refers to the image of Romeo. Another part of the readers note that his character against the background of his ardent girlfriend looks a little pale. They note that he expresses himself in pompous phrases that can not be heard in ordinary speech, and behaves theatrically, uttering an overly complex monologue under the balcony of the girl. In addition, they indicate that his image is not as positive as it might seem at first glance. Some readers note his sudden fury, which led to the brutal murder of a cousin of the girl Tybalt. However, such ambiguous opinions mean that the author was able to fully interest the readers with an interesting hero, who for all its apparent positivity turned out to be ambiguous.

Readers about the main heroine

The spirit of the era in the play "Romeo and Juliet" is very believable. Feedback from users suggests that they fully appreciated how skillfully the playwright transmitted the characters of his heroes who lived in the distant 16th century. The last remark is best applied to the image of Juliet. In her person, the author embodied the representative of the highest Italian estate of the Renaissance. Readers in one voice argue that in this love duet the main role belongs to Juliette, who, in fact, makes the first decisive step toward rapprochement, offering her lover a secret marriage. Readers note that her speech is more lively and direct than the monologues of her admirer. They indicate that the girl thinks more concretely and in detail, and in order to achieve her goal, she immediately decides to take such a serious step as a wedding with the son of a hostile host family.

About her character

Feedback on the play "Romeo and Juliet" allows you to better understand the motivation and behavior of the characters. Many readers rightly argue that the dynamism and sense of continuity of action is achieved largely due to the behavior of the main character, which throughout the narrative is very active and resolute. Her monologue is very expressive before taking a sleeping pill, in which she talks about her fears and horror before the prospect of being alive in a family crypt. Nevertheless, the girl suppresses her doubts and drinks a drink. And only in one scene readers note a contradiction in her character. It's about the episode in which the author describes the reaction of the heroine to the news of Tybalt's death. As if forgetting about her love for her husband, she showered him with accusations, reproaches and complaints, which give out in her a passionate, strong and rather impulsive nature.

Readers' opinions about the hostility of families

A review of the book "Romeo and Juliet" reads that history has not lost its relevance to this day. This is evidenced by the fact that especially stormily on the forums among users, the issue of the struggle between Montague and Capulets is being discussed. In assessing this storyline, all readers are unanimous, arguing that the feud described by the playwright is ridiculous and stupid, and could look ridiculous if it did not lead to so many victims. The users unanimously assert that the opposition of families is completely groundless, their conflicts, clashes look caricatured, and as if they are only needed to explain to the reader why the main characters can not be together.

Historical Context

A review of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" can be taken into account when reading it in order to pay attention to the key moments of the work. Concerning the raised topic of quarrels between families of heroes, some readers rightly see in this plot line the reflection of the political situation in Italy, in which in the Middle Ages there was a constant struggle of parties for power and influence in the city, and that in his tragedy Shakespeare very accurately conveyed the spirit of the feudal era, Kind of conflicts were commonplace. Others object that in the play itself the motives of the struggle are not spelled out properly, which gives it some artificiality. Be that as it may, despite some inconsistency, the confrontation between the two clans served as a good background for the description of duels, brawls and exchange of witticisms.

Users about Mercutio

This is probably the most beloved character of all readers. Cheerful, cheerful friend Romeo, it seems, has become a universal favorite. Thanks to his inexhaustible fun, wit, cheerfulness, he immediately won the love and respect of even the most picky admirers of the great English playwright. According to the majority of the audience, his enchanting, full of subtle humor and sparkling jokes, the monologue about Queen Mab is a real masterpiece of the literary language. And the tragic and sadder described his death Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet" (an essay, a review of this play can be offered to students in foreign literature lessons) is a tragedy that plays on contrasts. It is very well traced on the fate of Mercutio.

About his death

Most readers are unanimous in the opinion that the ridiculous death of this merry, full life, strength and energy of a young man is one of the most tragic moments in the work in many respects because of the circumstances of the duel between him and Tybalt. Mercutio as a true friend of Romeo stood up for him when Juliet's brother began to insult him, and accidentally died in part through the fault of his friend, who, in an attempt to separate the duelists, accidentally framed his hand so that the enemy could strike a death blow. Many users note that attempts by Mercutio even before his death to remain true to himself look especially heartbreaking, especially in the scene, when he half-jokingly, yet throws his last death curse at both houses.

About the wet nurse

The play "Romeo and Juliet", a brief review of which can not be imagined without describing the image of the nurse of the heroine, is striking in the variety of characters of the characters. In this respect Shakespeare showed himself to be a real master of psychological portrait. One of the most famous characters in the work is the nurse. She is not the direct engine of the plot, and her immediate role in the whole story is limited to the fact that she transmits a note from Romeo to Juliet. However, her character turned out to be so colorful that almost all users mention it in their comments somehow, noting her devoted, touching love for the girl, worldly wisdom, devoid of any bookishness, but based on simple common sense that was inherent in people of the common people . Many readers pay attention that the nurse plays a greater role in the life of the heroine than her own mother.

Opinions about other heroes

A whole gallery of characters created in his work Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet" (a review of the play can help students understand this simple at first glance simple story) - a play in which many other minor characters that create the background of the narrative are involved. One of them is the brother of the heroine Tybalt. According to the majority of users, this image worked especially well for the author, since he managed only in a few scenes and with the help of short phrases to show the energy and impulsiveness of this young man. Many point to the importance of the image of the Duke, who with all his might tried to stop the conflict. The controversy was aroused by the figure of the monk Lorenzo. Readers point out that he is presented as a wise and judicious person who hoped for reconciliation of families after the marriage of their children. Others draw attention to the fact that he could not envisage such a terrible development of events, since he did not expect that lovers would act so quickly and impulsively.

About the plot

Feedback on the book "Romeo and Juliet" allows you to better understand the meaning of the story told by the playwright. Most readers believe that the story turned out to be exciting, interesting and dynamic. They note that the rapid development of the action does not leave attention for a minute. At the same time, readers write that the author very logically and consistently wrote all the scenes into the overall composition of the play.

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