Health, Diseases and Conditions
How to treat snacks in the corners of the lips in folk ways and with the help of medications
Many of us have encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as eating at the corners of the lips. Angulitis is a fungal disease that can be obtained if you do not follow the standard rules of hygiene: because of poorly washed dishes or when using insufficiently clean things of a general purpose.
How to treat snacks in the corners of the lips? There are folk and medicines. To get acquainted with the latter, it is best to contact a doctor. A dermatologist or therapist after a diagnosis will tell you which ointment is best used. The treatment includes vitamins, which will relieve you of this fungal disease and improve the tone of the body as a whole. Usually doctors advise such ointments as "D-Panthenol", "Levomikol", etc.
If you have thermal water, then it is necessary to treat it affected areas. Repeat this procedure throughout the day.
How to treat snacks in the corners of the lips with tea tree oil? The healing properties of this fragrant gold discovered in 1923, and even then scientists considered it a very strong antiseptic drug. In order to cure seizures, lubricate them with this oil. But you need to remember that you need to do this carefully, as it can leave a burn. The main thing is to notice the appearance of seizures in time and not to allow their development, as this can transform into a chronic form.
Another popular method is garlic. Clean it, and wipe the corners of the mouth with a denticle.
It should be noted that by means such as a solution of vitamins A and E, linseed and olive oil, it is necessary to use it already at the healing stage of angulitis.
If you know how to treat snacks in the corners of your lips, this will not be a real problem for you. Be healthy!
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