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Chronic superficial gastritis: symptoms, treatment, diet

Chronic superficial gastritis develops due to a number of provoking factors. The disease may seem harmless, but is it really so? It includes a number of stages and, as the development and lack of proper therapy passes from one form to another.

Features of the disease

This ailment, like other lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, is acute or chronic. Chronic superficial gastritis often recurs. With a prolonged course, ultimately, mucosal degeneration begins, which leads to an atrophic form. Its symptoms are clearly manifested in elderly patients. This condition is the most dangerous, since it can provoke the appearance of a cancerous tumor.

The article will consider the initial stage, which in medicine was called superficial gastritis. Elimination of the disease is achieved by drugs in conjunction with dietary nutrition.

Varieties of chronic superficial gastritis

Chronic gastritis has its own variations, depending on which gastric focus has undergone pathological changes.

  • Chronic superficial reflux gastritis belongs to type C. Its development is provoked by a dysfunction of the pylorus. This causes reflux (casting) of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. The patient has nausea, weight loss, heaviness in the stomach, eructation, indigestion or constipation, dyspepsia. Often observed dryness of the skin, a decrease in hemoglobin and asthenia.
  • Chronic surface antral gastritis belongs to type B. The disease is caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the negative effects of bacteria. There is a high level of acidity, which is the basis for diagnosing gastric pH-metry. The disease manifests itself in the pain in the stomach. They can appear both before and after meals. The patient complains of eructations, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, instability of the stool. Without proper therapy, this chronic focal superficial gastritis provokes gross changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The main stages of superficial gastritis

The first stage of the disease is a superficial gastritis. This form does not cause special suffering to the patient. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is not clearly pronounced. With it, tissues located deep in the stomach and duodenum are not affected. The disease does not belong to the category of dangerous states. At this stage, the further development of the disease should be stopped, as it easily flows into the next stage and takes on a chronic course.

Initially, chronic superficial gastritis was not regarded by medicine as an independent disease. This form was observed by doctors, but no special therapy was prescribed.

Superficial gastritis, despite seeming harmlessness, needs timely treatment. Here it is important to understand that the diagnosis involves changes in the stomach, an increased level of mucosal irritation, an inadequate response to certain foods and other factors.


When carrying out the diagnosis, it is important to determine not only the form of the disease (chronic atrophic surface gastritis, hypertrophic form with low acidity level or vice versa increased). This helps to understand the further development of the disease. For example, gastritis with a decreased background of acidity signals a possible development of an oncological tumor.

Symptoms of superficial gastritis

Chronic surface gastritis doctors call simple or catarrhal, because inflammation affects only the upper layer of the mucosa. The younger the patient, the faster the restoration of tissues exposed to irritation.

How is chronic surface gastritis manifested ? Symptoms are different. After a while after a meal irritating the stomach (after about 2-6 hours), the first symptoms of acute gastritis may appear.

The level of exacerbation of superficial gastritis may be mild, moderate and severe. In accordance with the degree of defeat, the symptomatology will be different.

With superficial gastritis in chronic form, inflammation does not affect the gland and does not provoke their atrophy. Most often, this type of disease occurs in men at a young age. Sometimes the pain sensations are pronounced in nature and are very similar to pain in an ulcer. Patients complain of heaviness in the stomach, belching and heartburn.

How is chronic surface gastritis manifested? Exacerbation is characterized by a decrease in appetite, asthenia, dizziness, acidic eructation, stomach upset, an unpleasant taste in the mouth with increased salivation or dryness, a feeling of squeezing the stomach.

The power of pain can be different. The skin becomes pale, the tongue is covered with a white or gray bloom. There may be a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. At the general or common analysis the neutrophilic leucocytosis is revealed.

The main causes of the disease

Undoubtedly, the disease does not appear without a reason. This condition is preceded by a systematic eating disorder with the use of any products that have affected the development of the disease. For example, the pathological condition develops from the use of acute, poor-quality food, coffee on an empty stomach, stress, long breaks in food intake.

In order not to violate one's health, one should pay attention to one's diet and diet, and periodically conduct a gastrointestinal examination.

If there are many provocateurs, even a superficial form can be quite unpleasant. Usually, the duration of catarrhal gastritis is 5 days, since the recovery of the mucous passes quite quickly.

Basic diagnostic methods

Modern medicine involves the use of endoscopy. This procedure began to be carried out painlessly, as technical progress took a long way. Modern diagnostics can provide a complete picture of the state of the gastric mucosa, determine which form of gastritis the body is affected, whether the person has an ulcer or an oncological process, whether the gastritis is atrophic or superficial.

Treatment of mild forms of the disease can be limited to adherence to a sparing diet and refusal to smoke and use alcoholic beverages.


Chronic superficial gastritis can cause complications such as degeneration of the cells of the superficial epithelium, as well as provoke inflammatory infiltration of the plate of the gastric mucosa.

Recently, medicine has found a direct relationship between the surface form and the reproduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is present in the stomach of any person. When it is detected, a special course of treatment should be performed under the strict supervision of the doctor.

The use of a diet with pathogenic bacteria can not be overcome and, if the necessary therapy is not passed, then not only the upper layers of the stomach, but also the epithelium, which lies much deeper, will be destroyed.


How does chronic superficial gastritis stop? Treatment involves the use of drugs in conjunction with a diet. The gastroenterologist appoints antibiotics, which help to lower the level of acidity of the stomach.

Usually in combination, two drugs are prescribed: "Metronidazole" and "Clarithromycin" or "Amoxicillin" and "Clarithromycin". The duration of the course and dose is selected by the doctor. Typically, the duration of treatment is two weeks.

To reduce the level of acidity can be used drugs such as "Omeprazole" and "Ranitidine." These drugs cause not only a decrease in acidity, but also contribute to the protection of the mucosa and the relief of pain. It is also possible to use antacids, which also reduce the acidity of the stomach. To such preparations it is necessary to carry "Almagel", "Maaloks", "Gastal".

With a superficial form of gastritis, gastroprotectors are not used, since such drugs are used in a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle

If the doctors have established that you have a superficial gastritis, then the treatment will be based on a review of the regime, diet and the rejection of bad habits. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that gastritis, which has been transformed into an ulcer, can cause cancer. Today, many young men and women are dying from such a disease.

Correct daily routine, healthy diet, reduction of the stress factor and skillful confrontation with adversity of life is a pledge of a long-term full-fledged work of the body, including the stomach.

Compliance with diet

What is important in the treatment of a condition such as chronic superficial gastritis? Diet is the basis of the component of therapy. The most important is the temperature of food. Very hot dishes (temperature above 60 ° C) and very cold (below 15 ° C) cause acute pains caused by irritation of the walls of the stomach.

The best option is eating food, the temperature of which is approximately 37 ° C.

Consistency of food

The products must be thoroughly crushed. It is advisable to bring them to the state of liquid slurry. The consumption of hard and coarse food should be avoided. The daily diet should be about 3 kg.

When compiling dietary nutrition, it is important to note that for breakfast a person should consume about 30% of the total daily calorie and food volume, for a second breakfast or a snack before dinner, only 15%, lunch should be 40%, and dinner 15%.

If the patient has such concomitant diseases as inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystitis, then it is advisable not to take food 4 times a day, but to break it into 6-8 servings. Dinner is necessary long before going to bed (at least 2 hours). In no case can you overeat, make large breaks between meals and consume dry or sharp foods.

This excludes the use of:

  • Thick meat or chicken broths of high fat content;
  • Food containing pepper and salt;
  • Marinades;
  • Products that contain spices, preservatives, artificial flavoring, flavor enhancers;
  • Vegetables in their raw form.

Recommended use of meat in boiled form, chicken or rabbit. All products are used in a crushed form in the form of mashed potatoes or cutlet steamed. From fish it is recommended to use low-fat cod, pike perch, pink salmon, pike.

Vegetables are consumed only in garbled form. Fruits are recommended in the form of juices, compotes of kissels and mashed potatoes. Porridge from manna, oatmeal, rice cereals should be cooked on water. Dairy products should not be bold.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of superficial gastritis

Chronic gastrointestinal gastritis can be treated with folk methods. Among the methods should be identified a number of the most accessible and effective. First of all, the use of vegetable juices is advised.

The use of potato juice is one of the most effective methods. It can eliminate a small inflammation in the stomach. Chopping the potatoes on a fine grater, the juice should be filtered and drunk immediately after the spin, as it quickly darkens.

Initially, potato juice is used gradually, about 1/8 cup for 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then the volume increases to half a glass at a time. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Cabbage juice also has its beneficial effects. It can be consumed in the mornings and evenings an hour before eating half the glass. Use is contraindicated in the acute form of gastritis or exacerbation of superficial gastritis, which proceeds in a chronic form.

Decoction of flax seeds. The result is a thick drink, like a jelly. The use of such a drug protects the gastric mucosa from the effects of acid, which contributes to the rapid arrest of the inflammatory process. To make such a decoction, you need to boil 70 g of flaxseed in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes and let it brew for 2 hours, then pass through a sieve and take 1 tablespoon each. Decoction before each meal.

The use of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine are taken in the same quantity and poured into two camps of boiling water overnight. The next day, 30 minutes before meals, you should drink 1/4 cup. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day.


Surface gastritis is the first step towards the development of an atrophic process in the stomach, which can lead to the appearance of a cancerous tumor. At the first symptoms of the disease is advised to immediately contact the gastroenterologist. It is very important to suspend the further development of the disease. The disease progresses fairly quickly. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with dietary nutrition.

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