
To distinguish the accusative from the nominee? It's simple

In school, a few sessions are always devoted to the accusative case, which causes the most serious difficulties for students. No wonder that adults often make mistakes, using the accusative case. So it is necessary to deal with this topic.

The accusative case is one of the 6 basic cases of the Russian language and, as a rule, is used in the pair "transitive verb + noun". What does this mean? This means that the noun in the accusative is experiencing some kind of action directed at it from the side of the noun or pronoun that performs the function of the subject. A simple and understandable example - "I love my mother (dad, cat, sausage, porridge, music, flowers, etc.)" The subject, that is, the acting person, in this case is the pronoun "I". A direct addition, expressed by a noun following a verb, experiences the action of the subject on the part of the subject - love. And this direct addition will always be used in the accusative case.

Check it is quite easy: first, you can recall the questions of cases, Accusative answers "who? What?", Secondly, follow the endings, substituting for the additions in ambiguous cases nouns 1 declension - mom, dad, fox, etc. All of them will give the ending "y".

The accusative case in Russian is often a source of error, especially in colloquial speech, it is replaced by the genitive, dative, nominative and even prepositional. Very often verbs require the use of a nominal direct addition, but the errors still slip, so the study of the topic of how to use the accusative case must be combined with the theme of the construction of word combinations and the features of the "verb + noun" pair.

There is still a chance to meet the accusative case in sentences that indicate temporary concepts, for example "work all week", "get up every hour", "rewrite an abstract all night long". In the latter case, both nouns are used in the accusative case, so care must be taken when analyzing such sentences.

If the form of the noun is very similar to the nominative, but this noun is not a subject, one can make a grammatical analysis of the sentence to make sure that the noun is used in the accusative case.

If there are doubts about the correctness of the declension of the noun after
Some verb, you should look in the dictionary and check what case is required to use. For example, verbs such as "braking", "suggesting", "communicating", "sending", "wearing" and so on.

There are still some differences in the declension of animate and inanimate nouns. For example, "wait for the letter" and "wait for the father." In the first case, the case will be genitive, and in the second case, the accusative case. This can be easily verified by asking questions from the verb to the complement. So substituting nouns related to the first declension is still not a panacea. There are several ways to check yourself.

And the best way to become a literate person and practically do not make mistakes is to read a lot of good literature.

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