Food and drink, Recipes
Tkemali recipe: Russian version
Under the name "tkemali" is hidden the most delicious traditional Georgian sauce, which is made from plums ("tkemali"), garlic and various aromatic and spicy herbs (including the obligatory component - spice ombalo, in the absence of which the sauce will not turn out to be real). Tkemali can supplement any dish - meat, fish and various side dishes. In today's world, only Georgia owns the "exclusive right" to produce this sauce - the Tkemali recipe along with the imported plum now has got other countries, and first of all to Bulgaria, Russia and Germany.
In our country, this dish is prepared in a way slightly different from the classical Georgian, but the finished product is no less delicious, fragrant and complementing any other dish. To make it, take plums - tkemali or other sort (700 g), garlic (5 teeth), coriander (200 grams), coriander (5 grams), hot red pepper (5 grams), and salt And vegetable oil. In addition, if in this recipe tkemali from plums are added not the same fruits, and plums of some other sort, you need to take lemon juice (130 ml.).
First you need to rinse and place the plums in enameled dishes, pour them with water so that it covers the fruit completely. The water should then be brought to a boil and leave the plums to boil in it on low intensity fire for about half an hour. After the appointed time, the water can be drained, the soft boiled fruits can be removed from the bones, wiped through a sieve, then the mass is returned back to the pan and boiled again, this time with garlic and spicy aromatic herbs. Shortly before the sauce boils, it can be poured in lemon juice, bring the mixture to a boil, and after 2 minutes turn it off. Tkemali recipe suggests pouring the ready, slightly cooled sauce in sterilized jars, top with a small amount of oil and tightly closed with a sealed lid. You can eat tkemali after its final cooling - after 5-6 hours.
If it is planned to make a classic sauce, you will need to take cherry plum (700 grams), garlic (120 grams), coriander (200 grams), bitter pepper (150 grams), dill greens (200 grams) and salt. Alychu, which should be sorted out for the purpose of screening out overripe, damaged or simply "substandard" fruits, it is necessary to fill with water so that it covers them. Next, the tkemali sauce from the cherry plum suggests to cook until the fruits are soft, after which they can be gently wiped through a sieve to get rid of the peel and bones, and returned to the pan. After a few minutes to the mass of plum, it will be possible to add chopped bell peppers (bitter), squeezed garlic, crushed cilantro and dill, and salt. When the mixture boils, the prepared sauce can be cooled slightly and optionally or canned for the winter, or immediately sent to the table.
The fantasy of our compatriots is so boundless and limitless that it has already improved many traditional dishes of various traditional cuisines, and Tkemali recipe could not be an exception. This flavorful sauce very many Russian culinary specialists are prepared as follows. Take a plum (900 gr.), Dill - fresh or dry (30 g.), Coriander (15 g.). You will also need red pepper (10 gr.), Garlic (3 teeth), mint (10 gr.), Coriander (15 gr.) And traditional salt and pepper. Unlike the previous recipes, this one offers to get rid of the cherry plum immediately, before putting it into the water and boiling it on low intensity fire. After a while, soft fruits can be removed, carefully (using a wooden spoon) to wipe through a sieve and boil again, adding intensity to the fire. As the sauce thickens into the pan with tkemali, the recipe suggests adding spices and condiments.
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