Food and drink, Recipes
Thousand and one recipes of sea kale
Algae kelp, which is also called sea kale, is very useful for health. It contains iodine and phosphorus, vitamins and minerals. And the plant has a beneficial effect on the normalization of weight, so the algae are included in many diets. In the kitchen of Asian peoples kelp takes a particularly honorable place. Korean, Japanese, Chinese recipes with sea kale, photos of fancy dishes from this alga have long been popular in Europe. Let's take this gift of the ocean for ourselves.
In Asian countries, kelp is consumed fresh, canned, dried, salted. Still it is frozen and dried. It is noteworthy that long-term storage does not affect the usefulness of the plant. In frozen or dried form all vitamins are preserved. Russian seafood is also sold in Korean markets. Its recipe is pretty simple. The dried laminaria is washed and, filling the water, leave it swollen. Then we cook it until it is ready, we throw it back to the colander. Carrot and three onions shredded straws. On a large frying pan (ideally - wok) we pour the vegetable oil, we calcine it and quickly fry the chopped pod of hot pepper. Next we send a shchepot of sesame to a frying pan. Also fry it in a matter of seconds. Now the turn of onions has come: we bring it to a semi-transparency. Further, the Korean prescription for sea kale prescribes the use of carrots, it should only soften. Finally, we add kelp, stir, fry, turn off the fire. Three cloves of garlic pressed, add to the still hot frying pan, sprinkle with soy sauce and acetic essence, let's brew for an hour.
Algae is the main "actor" and in the preparation of hot dishes. The famous Japanese "Tory no Mitsutaki" is nothing but chicken legs with tofu and kelp. But another recipe for sea cabbage, adapted to the Slavic taste, is mushroom roe. Seawater should be soaked, boiled, chopped finely. Mushrooms, if they are dried, pre-soak. Then with them you need to do the same as with cabbage: boil, cut. Shred the onion, chop the parsley. Salted cucumbers cut into circles. All ingredients fry in vegetable oil, season with spices.
This recipe for sea cabbage will allow us to make delicious and original pancakes. Boil 200 g of short vermicelli. Two carrots are allowed in the mushroom broth until soft. We scroll them together with 100 g of boiled kelp through a meat grinder. We mix the resulting mass with vermicelli, two yolks, rubbed with a spoonful of sugar, whipped with whites. Solim, gently stir. Fry on vegetable oil from two sides to a ruddy color. Serve with sour cream and herbs.
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