
"Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics: natural care is not a luxury, but a lifestyle

For five years, "Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics are produced in a place called Medoveevka. Transparent waters of the glacier of Achishkho mountain, fragrant herbs collected from green meadows, sweet honey, bright sun and pure mountain air make this company's products unique and unique.

Shampoos and soaps, handmade

"Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics has in its line of products a variety of types of shampoos. The difference from other brands is that they do not contain aggressive surfactants, that is, natural, and are made from herbal decoctions and essential oils. Since shampoos do not contain synthetic emulsifiers, the product must be thoroughly shaken before use. Krasnopolyanskaya cosmetics Uses only preservatives of natural origin. The period of storage of shampoos varies within 4-5 months.

Each soap is made by hand. "Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics categorically against conveyor production. Each brusochek in its composition does not have soap bases, preservatives, foaming agents and other impurities that harm the skin. Experts from England for the production of products use recipes, according to which soap should mature 4-6 weeks. Amazing softness it gets thanks to glycerin, and a light aroma is attached to essential oils.

Hydrolytes, lip balms and antiperspirants

"Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics - an excellent assistant for delicate care of the body and skin.

What is a hydrolyte? It is a product obtained by steam distillation, where grasses, flower petals and leaves are used as raw materials. For example, melissa water normalizes the greasiness of the skin, and also improves lipid metabolism and increases tone. A unique remedy is suitable for both dry and oily skin.

"Krasnopolyanskaya" natural cosmetics protects the lips from cracking in Winter cold due to balms based on oils and honey. The geranium oil, which is part of the product, is a herbal remedy. Antiseptic action gives us an extract of tea tree, and honey not only softens, but also tones up the skin of the lips.

The salts of zinc and aluminum contained in conventional deodorants block the activity of the sweat glands, thereby damaging the natural work of the body. A antiperspirant from Krasnopolyanskaya contains baking soda, which masks an unpleasant smell. Thanks to cornstarch, excess moisture is absorbed, and beeswax soothes and protects the underarm skin from irritation.

What pleases the skin of the face "Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics. Feedback on application

Creams from this company are created on the basis of lactic acid, aloe vera gel and olive oil. Such a composition not only guarantees the renewal of the epidermis, but also promotes deep hydration, softening and smoothing of the facial skin. The opinions of the customers coincided in one: natural "Krasnopolyanskaya" cosmetics, being 100% organic and effective product, works wonders, and most importantly - during use there are no irritations and unpleasant sensations.

Recently, natural cosmetics is fighting with expensive branded products, and who of them will win - to decide only to buyers.

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