Education, Languages
The word "freedom": antonym, meaning
The ability to act in their own way, lack of restraint, will. Such a definition gave Vladimir Dal the word "freedom". The antonym to him is "bondage". What other words or phrases of the opposite meaning are present in the Russian language?
The concept of
Freedom is the absence of restrictions in anything. This concept is relative. In some cases, the word "freedom" implies the absence of oppression, moral or physical pressure. In others, this word is bounded by the meaning "arbitrariness".
According to philosophical terminology, a certain course of events, in which every actor is not oppressed, is freedom. Antonym to the word in this sense of bondage, oppression, oppression. But in the texts there are concepts that have different semantic nuances. The antonyms to each of them will be different.
There are many definitions of this concept. In legal terminology, "freedom" is understood as a person's specific capabilities. In ethics, this term means having will.
Not one work is devoted to freedom as one of the most important philosophical categories. In each of them, several definitions differ from each other. Let us consider common concepts, that is, they are often encountered. And also give examples of sentences with words that are opposite to them in meaning.
Absence of restraint, submission to another's will is freedom. Antonim in this case - bondage. Also, slavery, captivity, imprisonment, and arrest are the opposite concepts. Examples:
- Serfdom slavery was abolished. The peasants were given personal freedom.
- After ten years in prison, he was released.
- It was not easy to get used to freedom after captivity.
- Captivity is a restriction of the freedom of a person who took part in hostilities.
- The revolutionaries promised the people to ensure freedom, and consequently - to get rid of years of oppression.
Antonyms can also be words such as "prison", "imprisonment", "bondage". Examples:
- He spent so many years in prison that his freedom turned his head.
- For some, loneliness is freedom. For others - imprisonment.
- When she finally freed herself from debt bondage, she felt real freedom.
No restrictions
These terms mean the right to express their thoughts publicly. Part of some stable expressions is the word "freedom". Antonym in such cases should be selected to a certain word combination. For example, the opposite meaning of "freedom of speech" is "censorship". This expression refers to the legal and journalistic vocabulary. Examples:
- Freedom of speech allowed him to publish books, which he wrote for ten years on the table. From now on, he was not afraid of censorship.
- Freedom of thought does not extend to propaganda or agitation. Censorship is imposed on such kinds of public speaking.
What other word can you choose an antonym? "Freedom of choice" is an expression that means the ability to make an independent decision, to act on one's own discretion. Consequently, the antonym to the phrase "freedom of choice" - "no choice." For example: "Because of the lack of choice, he had no choice but to buy the first model he got."
The "freedom" is also an "freedom". For example: "He strove for complete freedom, but material dependence was for him the most terrible form of unfreedom."
How to choose words-antonyms? The dictionary, in which the antonymic series with examples and explanations are presented, allows to choose the opposite concept in meaning. But not always the use of such a guide helps to find a word that is relevant in one or another context. When choosing a lexical unit, you should consider the style of the text.
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