HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dupuytren's Contracture: Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

In modern medicine, Dupuytren's contracture is considered quite a common problem. This disease is associated with the proliferation of connective tissue and the gradual scarring of the palmar fascia, which in turn leads to the restriction of the movement of the fingers. At a young age, the disease is extremely rare, but the risk of its development increases with age. In any case, the disease requires medical treatment.

Dupuytren's Contracture: Causes of Disease

In fact, the exact sources are not yet established. And to date, active research of the disease is under way. Now doctors can only point out the main risk groups.

For a long time it was believed that the constant physical overload of the brush leads to the development of contracture. But statistics show that not always the reason lies precisely in this.

Of course, the inflammation in the tissues of the hand or some infectious disease can lead to the growth of connective tissue. Sometimes Dupuytren's contracture develops as a result of a pinched nerve or after a hand injury. Infringement of an exchange and a feed of tendons can lead to the same result.

The risk group can also include diabetes. It is proved that contracture is much more common among people with endocrine system diseases, including pancreas and thyroid gland.

There is confirmation that the disease can be transmitted by inheritance.

Of course, smoking, alcohol abuse, use of drugs and other bad habits only aggravate the situation.

Dupuytren's contracture: symptoms and course of the disease

The first manifestation of an ailment is the development of a small subcutaneous bump on the inside of the palm. As a rule, the disease affects the ring finger or little finger. First, the presence of a tubercle does not cause discomfort. But as the disease develops, connective tissue grows, palmar fascia gradually contracts. As a result of this process, the affected finger slowly stretches forward. At later stages, it is almost impossible to unbend a finger (or fingers) - the hand partially loses its functions. Quite often contracture is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. In some cases, the disease affects both hands at once.

As for the period of development of the disease, the time frame can be very different. In some people, the disease can persist for years at an early stage and can only be expressed by a slight wrinkling of the skin. In others, on the contrary, the disease is rapidly progressing.

Dupuytren's contracture: treatment

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. After the examination, several tests and some studies, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment.

In the early stages, conservative treatment is used, the methods of which depend on the cause of the disease. For example, if inflammatory processes are not found in the tissues of the brush, then the patient is prescribed special massages and physiotherapy. If the cause is a violation of tissue nutrition, then the use of chondroprotectors is advisable. Sometimes direct injections are prescribed, during which special anti-inflammatory and nutrients are introduced into the tendon. This same technique is used for relief of pain - in this case, anesthetics and glucocorticoids are injected into the tissue.

And, of course, you need therapeutic gymnastics, exercises for which will be selected by the attending physician. "Fizkultura for fingers" greatly speeds up treatment and increases the amplitude of movements.

Unfortunately, conservative methods are not always effective. In some cases, surgical treatment of Dupuytren's contracture is simply necessary. The expediency of surgical intervention is determined by the doctor - a lot depends on the stage of the disease, the rate of its progression and the patient's age. The essence of the operation consists in partial or complete excision of the palmar fascia. In most cases, after the procedure, the mobility of the fingers returns to the patients.

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