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Beer restaurants in Nizhny Novgorod: addresses, description

For fans of beer and big noisy companies in Nizhny Novgorod there are a number of establishments where you can have a great time. They are distinguished by a cozy bar atmosphere, quality service and convenient work schedule. In the center of our attention - beer restaurants in Nizhny Novgorod. You will find out where they are, what the menu offers to visitors, and also a lot of other useful information. Choose the best places!

Beer restaurants in Nizhny Novgorod

Many readers are likely to be interested in the question of what criteria were selected for those or other institutions. First of all, the atmosphere reigning in restaurants was assessed, as well as the variety of dishes that are offered in the menu of beer restaurants in Nizhny Novgorod. We offer you a list of establishments that are most popular with residents of the city.


Here you can mark an important event or just drink a glass of beer in the company of friends and acquaintances. In the walls of the restaurant you will find a good rest, delicious food and real beer. In "Bavaria" all conditions are created to celebrate a grand banquet or a modest dinner for two. Translation of sports matches, delicious food and quality service attracts a large number of people here. It remains to find out where this institution is located. Memorize the address: Politboysov street, 8. The menu has a large number of various snacks for beer. We list only a few of them: chips from hard cheese; Fragrant sausages; Roasted cheese; Fish assortment and much more.

The restaurant "Red Sara"

On Sergievskaya street, 13 there is a beer restaurant, in which there is always a large number of visitors. The interior of the institution is made in the form of a hunting lodge. Everywhere there are stuffed animals, and the walls are made of stone. Large windows and bright tiled floors contribute to creating a joyful mood.

"Druzhkov's circle"

The interior of the establishment creates an atmosphere of Prague streets with nice details. Here you can try the most popular varieties of Czech beer, as well as goulash with cracklings in baked bread. The institution is located at: Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, 35. The average check in the restaurant is from 700 rubles.


In the menu of the restaurant on the street of the Comintern, 260 a wide variety of beers: light, dark, honey, dark. And what dishes are offered here? Uzbek shurpa, beef tenderloin in cherry sauce, fried eggplants and much more. Also, visitors celebrate pleasant interiors and quality service of waiters.


Many visitors choose this restaurant for low prices and the most delicious beer. There are two rooms, which can accommodate up to a hundred people. There are TVs that broadcast sports programs. The prices are quite affordable, the most expensive hot dish costs only 250 rubles. Among the most frequently ordered dishes: pikeperch with jasmine rice, beef with eggplant, hodgepodge, etc. Beer restaurant "Penalties" is located at: Marshal Golovanov street, 23 A.


This is one of the biggest restaurants in the city. Here stars of the Russian and foreign stage perform, and besides, you can see the process of making beer with your own eyes. Address of the institution: Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street, 82.


What do the best places of the city offer?

Beer restaurant "Bavaria" (Nizhny Novgorod) offers you:

  • Pork ears;
  • Squid rings;
  • Shrimp fried;
  • Croutons to beer;
  • Eggplant rolls;
  • Marinated oil;
  • Kidney stew with cheese;
  • Salad of fresh carrots and apples;
  • Medallions of pork and much more.

Beer restaurant "Maximilian" in Nizhny Novgorod offers its visitors the following dishes:

  • "The Bavarian great assortment." This dish is in great demand among beer lovers, despite its high price, - 2950 rubles. What does it include? All that can be needed for beer. Including: smoked pork ribs, Viennese sausages, meat loaf, pork shank and much more.

Beer restaurant "Schnitzel" (Nizhny Novgorod) offers:

  • Sausages from pork;
  • chicken wings;
  • Cheese sticks with cranberry sauce;
  • Roast from tiger shrimps;
  • Pork loin on the grill;
  • Baked eggplants with feta cheese.


Beer restaurants in Nizhny Novgorod always hospitably open the doors to all visitors. Here you will always find fresh beer, a sea of snacks to it and an atmosphere that will allow you to relax and relax after a hard day.

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