
The richness of speech is evidence of culture and education

What is speech? The definition of the concept says that this is a historically established way of communication, which will follow strict rules. On the one hand, speech involves the pronunciation (reproduction) of thoughts by means of certain constructions, and on the other - the perception and understanding of these constructions.

The concept of "speech" can be given another definition. This is a psycholinguistic process, which, in fact, is one of the forms of language, the mode of communication, the main feature that distinguishes man from animals.

The process of thinking is inextricably linked with speech. The more clearly thought out the idea, the more accurately it is expressed, the more logical is the thinking of a person.

Both of these phenomena are characterized by such a property as conceptuality.

This property passes through two stages. The first, pre-conceptual, is formed in children at the very beginning of the development of thinking. Pre-conceptual thinking is egocentric, because the child is not able to perceive someone else's position, he can not connect causes and consequences.

After five years, conceptual thinking and, accordingly, conceptual speech are formed.

One of the most important requirements is the richness of speech, i.e. Diversity and a complete set of all language tools that people use.

Rusoveds distinguish between the variety of linguistic means used by a particular person and the breadth of the semantic content of speech.

The richness of speech in terms of choice of language means implies:

  • Variety of vocabulary used. The wider the vocabulary of a person, the more accurate, brighter, more imaginative and more intelligible his speech will be. Ellochka the ogre possessed a very limited supply. In Pushkin's dictionary there were more than 20,000 words, and Lenin's more than 30,000.
  • Use of artistic means (proverbs, stable expressions, synonyms, polysemantic words, etc.). They make speech a figurative, expressive.
  • Variety of syntactic constructions. Malformed people can not properly build and use complex sentences, participial turns, comparisons, etc. But, using these constructions, it is necessary to remember that there are strict rules that normalize the construction of such turns. Violation of these rules reduces the richness of speech to nothing, emphasizes the illiteracy of the speaker.
  • Correct intonation. A literate, cultured person should have an excellent command of intonation. With its help, you can calm down, provoke, provoke to certain actions. One phrase, pronounced with different intonations, can have very different consequences.
  • The richness of speech means the ability to give speech the exact melody: pause in time, to lower or raise the voice in a timely manner. An excellent example of literate intonation and good melodies are the performances of modern preachers. Then raising his voice, then turning to a whisper, then silent, they are able to enter into the trance a large number of listeners.
  • The intelligibility of speech, which means correct pronunciation, the consistency of phrases, a clear construction of structures. Even a literate phrase from the point of view of construction may be incomprehensible if it is pronounced with "porridge in the mouth".

The richness of speech also implies its relevance. Each style requires the use of "their" vocabulary. In science, these terms, in a business speech - an abundance of cliches, proposals with involved turnovers. Conversational speech allows the use, for example, of incomplete sentences, expressive vocabulary, words with "reduced" meaning.

A cultured person easily chooses words in the right situation.

The richness of speech is, above all, diversity. It is extremely necessary to constantly expand your vocabulary, read a lot, find out the meaning of unfamiliar words and constantly enter them into your vocabulary. It is critical to evaluate your speech, strive to speak on the merits, concisely, but expressively, unmistakably and correctly. The wider the vocabulary the speaker has, the more precise and brighter his intonation, the richer the speech, the easier, more imaginative and more precise it can convey to the thoughts.

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