Education, Colleges and Universities
The record book and the basic rules of its filling
The record book accompanies students throughout the entire educational process. This is a real student document, which records the progress of the training program.
- Each record book must have a registration number. The personnel department of the educational institution assigns an identification code to the student, which exactly coincides with the registration code.
- The first sheet of such a document is filled with a black or blue pen. This page contains individual information: name, patronymic and surname of the student, date of issue, faculty and specialty, number of the book. By the way, the name, patronymic and surname should also be written on all sheets.
- The record books should contain the signature of the rector in a specially designated column for this purpose.
- The next person who must also sign the document is the head of the department.
- Under the photograph of the owner must be present his signature.
- Each of the above signatures requires the printing of an educational institution.
- The field "Translated" is obligatory for filling in case of enrollment of a student from another educational institution. If a young man is just starting to study at a university, then the "Entered" field is filled in, indicating the year of enrollment and the enrollment rate.
- If an erroneous entry occurs, you need to make corrections with a pen, and cross out the incorrect information. After correction, new data must be certified by the signature of the head of the department for organizing the learning process.
- As a rule, the student's record book is not issued to the student. For its safety, the department responsible for organizing the learning process is responsible. Upon request, the student may be provided with a copy within five working days.
- If the same document is still kept by the student, it will not be superfluous to have a cover on the student's record book.
Student's record-keeping:
- The record book is filled by one of the staff of the training unit.
- After the end of the first and third semesters, information is provided on the completion of the training courses by the student.
- Authenticity and authenticity of information on the delivery of the final test or examination is certified by the signature of the teacher who accepted it or the head of the department.
In the student's record book in accordance with the curriculum - administrative and licensed - are entered:
- Notes on the results of passing the exams and information on the courses of lectures listened to in the "Theoretical Course" section of the required semester;
- Notes on the results of the transfer of credits and information on the relevant course in the section "Practical classes" of the required semester;
- Information on the passage of production practice and the results of the protection of the report on this process in the section "Training and Production Practice";
- Marks on the outcome of the protection of coursework / projects in the section "Term papers / projects";
- Notes on the results of the final certification examinations in the section "Final Certification Exams";
- Marks of the results of the delivery of the final qualifying work / project in the specialty / direction being studied in the section "Graduation qualification work / project".
These are the basic rules for keeping the first document of each student. We hope that your record book is filled correctly, and we would like to hear the phrase "Let's have a student's record book!" More often.
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