Health, Medicine
The pathologist - who is this? Pathologist - a profession
"Of all the doctors, only the pathologist feels completely comfortable - no one complains about him." This expression is familiar to many. Today, this profession is dying out. The autopsy, which is considered the main work of a specialist, gradually fades into the past. But is this profession no longer needed? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what it is.
The pathologist - who is this?
Pathologist is called a specialist who is engaged in the detection of various pathologies, based on the normal organization of the structure of the human body. The specialist works with biopsy material, so in many cases the patient's life depends on his conclusion, and he also performs autopsies to identify the cause of death and the mortality rate from various ailments. Moreover, such a physician is able to establish the causes of the errors of diagnosis, which makes it possible, based on the results of the conclusion, to conduct training for practitioners. Now autopsies spend little, only about seventy percent of the dead are uncovered.
Now the doctor-pathologist is most often a person older than sixty years (36%). There are among them those who are 40-50 years old (20%), and young people under thirty (2%). Young people are reluctant to work in this profession, because they believe that wages are very small.
The work of the pathologist is a bit like that of a forensic expert. He finds out the diagnosis, which caused death, reveals the fact whether the mistake in the diagnosis was the cause of the death, and whether other inaccuracies were admitted by the doctors. If there is a suspicion of an infectious disease, an autopsy is mandatory.
Diagnosis of the doctor puts only when all the tissues will undergo a laboratory study. A doctor can send an analysis to another laboratory to identify the presence of certain chemicals in the body.
Now few of the young people choose such a profession as a pathologist. The salary now is not as high as we would like. For example, in the West, the pathologist is the second most profitable medical specialty, because they understand that most doctors can not be placed without this doctor. Our salary is very small, people have to work for three or four rates, and this is a huge load. So, for one rate a physician is required to look up to four thousand biopsies in one year or three hundred and forty per month. One hospital only conducts forty thousand studies, so it is likely that when the older generation retires, there will simply be no one to work.
And if doctors of other specialties, besides salary, have additional earnings, since patients often pay with cash, the pathologist (who is described above) does not communicate with patients, and their treatment has nothing to do with them. Therefore, people rarely choose this profession.
Previously, the pathologist had to conduct an autopsy always. Today, after the law on funeral business was issued, this procedure is carried out only with the permission of relatives or in case of natural death of a person whose reasons are not clear.
The amount of autopsy depends on the diagnosis that was made to the deceased. In some cases, to determine the cause of death, an autopsy of all cavities that are in the human body, including the skull, is performed.
In medicine, there are certain rules on which it is necessary to perform an autopsy. They describe how to properly cut and take material for research. Before starting these procedures, you need to carefully study the medical history of the deceased person. This takes about an hour and a half of time.
An autopsy should be performed only in the presence of a clinician. Only then the pathologist is made and a death certificate is issued.
The specialist is constantly in contact with chemicals, which negatively affects health. All drugs must first be registered, and then, after the study, sent to the archive, which is stored for a very long time. This is done so that in the event of a mistake or as needed, you could either confirm or deny the diagnosis made earlier.
Types of autopsies
There are several types of autopsies:
- According to Vikhrov. In this case, each organ is taken separately and carefully inspected by the autopsy participants.
- According to Abrikosov. Here the organs are removed by systems, for example, the stomach together with all the intestines and liver.
- According to Shore. In this case, everything is extracted at once, thereby achieving 100% efficiency.
- Marginal standing. The method is applied when the deceased person was ill during life tuberculosis, hepatitis, or HIV. Here the nurse makes a cut of the abdominal wall, and the doctor takes small fragments of tissues everywhere and immediately sutures. Long stay with sick bodies entails negative consequences.
- Topographical anatomy. The method allows to study the variants of the arrangement of organs relative to each other.
Now many people ask about the pathologist - who it is, what qualities it should have. Firstly, for the correct diagnosis it is necessary to know the anatomy and physiology of a person, a variety of diseases, syndromes, and also how they manifest themselves.
The pathologist should possess scrupulousness, professional erudition, have a good memory, developed thinking, and also patience.
According to the doctors themselves, they have some inner psychological defense. When there is an autopsy, an internal switching takes place, the thought starts to work only in one direction. The pathologist tries to understand what lies at the heart of the pathology, whether the conclusion with the clinic of the disease is the same as what the pathoanatomical diagnosis will be.
In fact, the pathologist is not so cynical as a doctor of any other specialty. This is explained by the fact that he does not see the suffering of a sick person, he does not hear his groans, unlike other doctors. He works as a pathologist in a quiet environment, so he does not become less sensitive.
Features of work
A pathologist will not under any circumstances perform an autopsy of a patient he knew during his lifetime. When such a procedure is planned with a person suffering from tuberculosis, one must eat without fail. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting infected. Answering the question about who the pathologist is - who it is, the experts themselves say that only those medical students become real doctors, who do not joke about who can dine next to the corpse.
To become a pathologist, you need to have a medical education. The workplace of this specialist is a morgue. There he conducts research. Sometimes a doctor sends materials to other laboratories for study.
The pathologist's activity, first of all, is aimed at preserving the life and health of a person. In addition to diagnosis, this doctor is engaged in autopsies of deceased people. In the first place this specialist has an in-vivo study of surgical material, as well as a biopsy. Based on the conclusions, a conclusion is made about the correctness of the diagnosis. This is especially important for cancer patients, because life depends on this.
Thus, the distinguishing feature in the profession of the pathologist is universality in medicine. This specialist receives materials from all areas: neurosurgery, cardiology, urology, gynecology and so on. Therefore, the pathologist is a difficult profession. He should be able to understand everything that happens in the body, know all the pathologies and be able to correctly diagnose. After all, for every direction in diagnosis to this doctor is the fate of man. From the diagnosis depends not only the treatment of the patient, but also the scope of the operation, as well as the indications for it. But in modern times, few people want to acquire a specialty pathologist, but in fact without such a specialist can not do in medicine.
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