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The nose is stuffy, but there's no rhinitis. Why lays the nose?

To date, more and more people who are monitoring their health are confronted with the question: "Why is the nose stuffed, but there is no rhinitis?" Such a state can not be considered completely normal. It often occurs against the background of some pathological inflammatory process that develops in the body.

Causes of the phenomenon

Almost every person can encounter this condition. Otolaryngologists call a variety of reasons for which the nose is constantly stuffed without a runny nose. Among the main factors can be identified as follows:

  • Response to some medications;
  • Very dry air in the room;
  • Supercooling;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Alcohol and nicotine dependence;
  • A strong effect on the body flu or colds;
  • Polyps in the nose or adenoids.

In the event that the source of the resulting nasal congestion is one of these factors, then there is practically no cause for concern. After the irritant has been removed, breathing should be completely normalized. But if there is nasal congestion, then this may indicate the onset of the development of some pretty serious diseases.

Very often there are cases that otolaryngologists call vasomotor rhinitis. It is characterized by the fact that it first lays only one nostril. Although there is no slime. Then alternately, there is swelling and piling of one or the other nasal passage. This disease is considered quite difficult in terms of treatment. If incorrect therapeutic procedures are performed, rhinitis can cause serious complications. In all patients with vasomotor rhinitis, there is almost always such a clinical situation: instead of the usual circulation of air in the nasal passages, a person often feels a tickle, there is frequent sneezing, a clear liquid that is completely uncharacteristic for the common cold.

Many scientists and physicians are considering the version that vasomotor rhinitis can be just a consequence of the action on the body of various irritating factors, rather than inflammation of the nasopharynx, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: a stuffy nose, and no snot.

It can also characterize developing polyps. As the tissues, expanding, cover the nasal passages.

Main symptoms

The condition, when the nose is stuffy, but no rhinitis, can not be considered an independent disease. Most often it is a direct result of an untreated common cold or common allergic rhinitis.

In most cases, the general symptomatology of this discomforting condition differs little from the stuffy nose with a runny nose. Main features:

  • Frequent sneezing;
  • headache;
  • Lacrimation;
  • Burning and severe itching in the nose;
  • Slight soreness in the face.

The only and most important difference is the absence of nasal secretions. At the same time the patient always has a desire to blow his nose and ease his general condition.

Causes of the problem in children

Why lays the nose? Sources of the problem can be completely different. Often they lie in the features of the structure of each individual organism. That is, there may be curvature of the nasal septum. The development of such a defect takes a long time, therefore, until the appearance of a permanent nasal congestion, it can take several years. In this case, it is necessary to perform an otolaryngological operation, as a result of which the defect of the septum will be permanently eliminated. After such intervention, almost all patients again feel completely free nasal breathing.

However, this is not the only reason why lays the nose. Another important source may be the developing pollinosis of the nasal cavity. To completely eliminate it, surgical intervention is also necessary. This condition usually develops gradually and directly depends on the degree of growth of the polyps. The use of various home remedies can only help to relieve symptoms for a while.

Babies can also have a congenital disease, for example, atresia.

Great attention is required by such a situation (especially if the child is small): a stuffy nose, no snot in the baby. After all, very often children, playing, can stuff various small foreign bodies into their nasal passages. It is then that the nose ceases to participate in the necessary act of breathing. If you are extremely careful, you can pull out the foreign body yourself. And if it is stuck far in the nasal passage, then you should always seek qualified help from a specialist.

What is the danger?

The constant sensation that the stuffy nose, and the snot is not, worried for quite a long time, can cause great harm to human health. The most common and severe complications are:

  • Complete loss of smell, which is not restored in all cases;
  • Pain and pressure in the head;
  • Sinusitis;
  • otitis.

In order to alleviate the condition in which the nose is constantly stuffed without a cold, you need to take appropriate measures to eliminate its original cause. One must always remember that with such phenomena it is impossible to take any medications independently without the doctor's prescription. The choice of this or that means must be completely carried out by a qualified specialist. He can take into account the individual tolerance of the drug to each organism, the presence of allergic reactions.


The only correct solution when the condition arises, when the nose is stuffy, but there is no rhinitis, we can only consider seeking help from a highly qualified specialist. ENT-doctor will always help to identify the root cause of such a pathological condition for the body. And also will appoint the most correct and effective treatment.

If you can not immediately visit a doctor, you can at some time ease your condition by using known medicines or some home healing methods.

Medications Used

In case of a stuffy nose, but there is no rhinitis, it is recommended to use decongestants. Removing swelling and other symptoms will also help the vasoconstrictor drops and various nasal sprays. The most effective are the following known drugs:

  • Nasal drops "Brizolin". Burying adults and children from 6 years to 2-3 drops in a well-cleared nasal passage.
  • Sprays or nasal drops "Vibrocil". Applied in adults and children from one year to 2-3 drops 4 times a day.

Means that have a decongestant effect are often available in the form of tablets or instant powders. They do not immediately bring such relief as sprays and drops, but they last much longer.

The most popular of these are the following drugs:

  • "Cetrin" - take 1 tablet a day. Children under 6 years of age are strictly prohibited from taking this medication.
  • "Loratadin" - adults take 1 tablet a day. Contraindicated in children under 12 years.

Home methods

Do not experiment with self-treatment, if the nose is laid, the temperature is high. Such a symptomatology may indicate the onset of a serious illness.

You can alleviate your condition in the following way. First of all, the nasal passages should be sufficiently moistened. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • It is good to wipe the nose with a slightly warm wet towel;
  • Do wash the nasal sinuses with a solution of sea salt or saline solution;
  • To breathe over the steam.

Such procedures will help to quickly remove mucus. After all, it is the main cause of prolonged nasal congestion. Rhinitis in some cases may not be at all, but mucus still accumulates in the nasal sinuses, which can provoke such a complication as sinusitis.


The most common causes of nasal congestion are various viral and infectious diseases that occur in a latent form. In this case, the treatment is quite simple.

Fully protect yourself from colds will not work, but it is possible to reduce their number.

For this, there are several fairly simple rules:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Avoid large numbers of people during the period of acute respiratory infections;
  • Take complex vitamins;
  • Never forget about the benefits of positive emotions.

These very simple rules will always help you to maintain your body in good tone and protect yourself from various viruses and infections.


If you are confronted with unpleasant symptoms, do not tempt fate - seek medical advice. And even in the event that you think that your nose has been stuffy for the most innocuous reason.

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