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Aspects of the culture of speech

Before you understand what are the aspects of the culture of speech, you should understand what this culture is. The culture of speech is the ability to use the means of the language effectively for the most accurate and efficient transmission of one's thoughts, provided that the norms of communication are observed.

Speaking simpler, the culture of speech (KR) is nothing less than the ability to speak concisely and accurately, brightly and colorfully, depending on the situation.

Imagine that a person enters, for example, into a hall where a court session takes place, and, turning to the jury, says: "Hello everyone!". The situation, of course, is absurd.

The culture of speech exists precisely so that a person can correctly select words in the right situation. After all, any neglected word can create a talking reputation that lacks the good education of an ignoramus, a tactless, stupid individual.

K.R. Helps to form speech competence, educate an exemplary person highly educated in the linguistic sense.

The concept of "culture of speech" includes three main aspects: communicative, normative, ethical. The listed aspects of the culture of speech allow us to consider it from the point of view of its quality, which ensures the success of communication, correctness, use, etc. The speech of any educated person should be meaningful, relevant, intelligible.

The normative aspect of the culture of speech is based on the definition of the concept of "norm" as the leading concept of speech and language culture.

Normally called a set of the most convenient for everyday maintenance of a particular society of language facilities. This complex has developed as a result of the selection of lexical, syntactic, morphological, and other elements.

At the heart of the literary Russian language is the literary norm: a set of linguistic phenomena not simply reflected in the speech of its carriers and allowed to be used, but fixed in the form of rules.

Considering aspects of the culture of speech, it should be mentioned that the normative aspect is the only one that is subject to codification.

Codification is a reflection of the norm of a language that exists objectively, and is therefore fixed in the form of prescriptions and rules, reflected in dictionaries, textbooks, reference books.

Only such use of linguistic means, which is codified and fixed in the rules, is considered correct.

The ethical aspect of the culture of speech implies the ability to correctly select words in a specific situation. This requires knowledge of etiquette, norms of culture of behavior, because they are the basis for the right choice of words. The ethical aspect, unlike the normative, is subject to situationality. For example, verbal formulas (farewell, greeting, invitation, etc.), treatment, some other components of speech depend on the participants of communication, their age, nationality, relationships and other factors.

Unfortunately, the ethical component of speech today is far from perfect. The ethical aspect prohibits swearing, talking in a heightened tone. The speech of our compatriots is getting poorer, the non-literary vocabulary is replaced by figurative expressions. Even teenagers, women are scolded. Mass violation of speech etiquette is a sign of a decline in the culture of society.

Communicative aspect of K.R. Implies the possession of all functional varieties of language.

An educated person, depending on the situation, should have an expressive spoken language, communicate in a scientific or businesslike manner, be able to communicate his thoughts in an officially-business language, know and be able to use competently in his speech expressive means of fiction .

Aspects of the culture of speech change with time, because society and the language that serves it change.

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