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Turks in Germany - a time bomb?

Specialists from the University of Munich recently conducted a series of studies, which led to the conclusion that the Turks in Germany are a time bomb.

At the moment, the number of Islamists in this country exceeds 4 million people. Now in Germany there are about 3 million people from Turkey, and 2.5 million of them already have German citizenship. It is important to note that most of this population does not want to integrate into German society. Migration to Germany began in the 1960s. In those days, there was a special state program to attract labor from abroad to the engineering and coal industries. However, now many of them are so strongly obsessed with their national identity that they simply refuse to accept German society.

The Turks in Germany. Employment

According to experts, only a few immigrants from Turkey today are officially employed (approximately 20%). The rest live solely on funds from the state, that is, on various social benefits. Almost 70% of all migrants do not have the most common school-leaving certificate. It's not that Germany is against migrants, but they are simply looking for an easy life, making money illegally and using benefits.

German social legislation is very practical for the Turks. So, every unemployed citizen receives a special allowance in the amount of as much as 482 euros a month. In addition, if the unemployed have children under the age of 18, then for each child, he will receive another 200 euros. Officially, unemployed Turks in Germany have the right to compensation for various payments, including rent of housing, medical insurance, utility expenses, etc.


Turks in Germany have learned to enjoy their rights with the maximum benefit. For example, women can almost always leave the country to their homeland, but from there they return to their main place of residence already with the child. A birth certificate in the territory of Turkey can be purchased at every step for only $ 10. At the border, the lady will explain that during her stay at home she became a mother. Upon arrival in Germany, she will formalize the child, and later will receive on it monthly about 200 euros, which was discussed above.

At the moment, Muslims in Germany are quite dexterous and at the same time are comfortable settling in, living on social benefits. Many students in the school on the question of who they want to become in the future, answer very simply: "Social dependents!". Indeed, as practice shows, this problem today is very much concerned about the German public. If this continues, then soon the indigenous population in Germany will practically not remain, and the country will turn into a new Turkey.

And from a financial point of view, this state of affairs is simply disastrous for the budget. That is why the authorities are thinking about everything that is happening and are trying to take serious measures.

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